Chapter 26 - Jupiter's Aurora

John T. Clarke, Denis Grodent, Stan W.H. Cowley, Emma J. Bunce, Philippe Zarka, John E.P. Connerney, Takehiko Satoh

Figure 1, 6, 10 and 16 appear in Plate 14.

  • Fig 26.1 jpg or eps color
  • Fig 26.2 jpg or eps
  • Fig 26.3 jpg or eps color
  • Fig 26.4 jpg or eps
  • Fig 26.5 jpg or eps
  • Fig 26.6 jpg or eps color
  • Fig 26.7 jpg or eps color
  • Fig 26.8 jpg or eps color
  • Fig 26.9a jpg or eps color
  • Fig 26.9b jpg or eps color
  • Fig 26.10a jpg or eps color
  • Fig 26.10b jpg or eps color
  • Fig 26.11 jpg or eps
  • Fig 26.12 jpg or eps
  • Fig 26.13 jpg or eps
  • Fig 26.14 jpg or eps
  • Fig 26.15 jpg or eps
  • Fig 26.16 jpg or eps color
  • Fig 26.17 jpg or eps
  • Fig 26.18 jpg or eps
  • Fig 26.19 jpg or eps

    Supplemental Material

    HST Auroral Movie - This movie (quicktime 15MB) file shows the sum of reduced and projected HST UV images of Jupiter's aurora from all days of the campaign in Dec. 2000 - Jan. 2001. The images shown here are all of the unfiltered accumulated images, which include the Lyman and Werner bands of H2 and H Ly alpha emissions from the disk and the aurora. The sky background has been subtracted from each frame, and dates and times in UT are indicated at the top of each frame.

    Each image has been projected to a view from above 180 deg. system III longitude and +30 deg. planetocentric latitude, so that one may see the relative changes in the auroral distribution and brightness without thedistraction of the planet's rotation. The blue portion of each frame is the projected image from that date and time, the red portion is the sum of all campaign images. On each day, the relative pointing on Jupiter is quite stable, while from day to day there may be small errors which appear as offsets of the auroral emissions. The fact that the overall summed image appears less sharp than the individual days suggests that these offsets may exist. The brightness scale is logarithmic in units of kRayleighs, with a maximum value of 1 MRayleigh.


    The following movie files show the raw data from HST STIS UV images of Jupiter's aurora
    for each day of the campaign in Dec. 2000 - Jan. 2001. These are a combination of filtered and clear images, with the sky background subtracted from each frame and the filtered images shifted and scaled up by a constant value to match the disk brightness in the clear images. North pole images appear with the polar region in the upper right of the frame, south in the lower left. Series of accumulated images are represented here with the first frame in the series, and time-tagged (filtered) images are summed for the whole period, resulting in image smear from the planet rotation of approx. 3 degrees in 300 sec. Clear images are approx. 100 sec exposures. A summary of the observing times and orbital longitudes of the main satellites follows:

    Date UT Jupiter CML Io longitude Europa longitude Ganymede longitude Callisto longitude
    14 Dec. 00 10:46-17:28 162-48 194-250 139-167 23-37 321-327
    16 Dec. 00 11:00-17:41 111-355 243-297 345- 12 124-138 5- 11
    18 Dec. 00 09:27-16:22 356-247 276-335 179-209 222-236 47- 53
    28 Dec. 00 05:34-12:31 281-175 120-179 98-127 358- 12 259-265
    13 Jan. 01 16:50-23:45 219-109 244-290 336-359 111-122 256-261
    20 Jan. 01 12:41-19:44 42-297 181-241 302-332 91-106 44- 50
    21 Jan. 01 16:00-23:02 313-207 53-112 57- 86 148-163 68- 74