NaN-Tb: A statistics toolbox ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Alois Schloegl FEATURES of the NaN-tb: ----------------------- - implements statistical tools - NaN's are treated as missing values - less but more powerful functions (no nan-FUN needed) - fixes known bugs - compatible to Matlab and Octave - easy to use - supports DIM argument - supports unbiased estimation; - The toolbox was tested with Matlab 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.5 and Octave 2.0.14,, 2.1.35-40, 2.1.50 Currently are implemented: -------------------------- SUMSKIPNAN SUM is a built-in function and cannot not be replaced, For this reason, a different name (than SUM) had to be chosen. SUMSKIPNAN is central, it implements skipping NaN's, the DIM-argument and returns the number of valid elements, too. MEAN mean (options: arithmetic, geometric, harmonic) SEM standard error of the mean (does not depend on distribution) VAR variance STD standard deviation MEDIAN median (currently only for 2-dim matrices) MEANSQ mean square RMS root mean square STATISTIC estimates various statistics at once MOMENT moment SKEWNESS skewness KURTOSIS excess MAD mean absolute deviation CENTER removes mean ZSCORE normalizes x with z = (x-mean)/std HARMMEAN harmonic mean GEOMEAN geometric mean NANTEST checks whether all functions have been replaced DETREND detrending of data with missing values and non-equidistant sampled data COVM covariance estimation (several modes) COR correlation matrix CORRCOEF correlation coefficient, inluding rank correlation, significance test and confidence intervals SPEARMAN, RANKCORR spearman's rank correlation coefficient. They might be replaced by CORRCOEF. COV covariance matrix RANKS calculates ranks for non-parametric statistics TRIMEAN trimean QUANTILE q-th quantile PERCENTILE p-th percentile NORMPDF normal probability distribution NORMCDF normal cumulative distribution NORMINV inverse of the normal cumulative distribution TPDF student probability distribution TCDF student cumulative distribution TINV inverse of the student cumulative distribution NANSUM, NANSTD fixes for buggy versions included MOD modulus REM remainder REFERENCE(S): ---------------------------------- [1] [2] What is the difference to previous implementations? =================================================== 1) The default behavior of previous implementations is that NaNs in the input data results in NaNs in the output data. In many applications is this behavior quite borring. In this implementation, NaNs are handled as missing values and are skipped. 2) In previous implementations the workaround was using different functions like NANSUM, NANMEAN etc. In this toolbox, the same routines can be applied to data with and without NaNs. This enables more natural (better read- and understandable) applications. 3) SUMSKIPNAN is central to the other functions. It implements - the DIMENSION-argument, - handles NaNs as missing values or as exception signal (depending on a hidden FLAG), - and returns the number of valid elements (which are not NaNs) in the second output argument. (Note, NANSUM from Matlab does not support the DIM-argument, and NANSUM(NaN) gives NaN instead of 0); 4) Defining the estimation mode (biased or unbiased) This feature is removed. Unbiased estimates are provided. 5) The DIMENSION argument is implemented in most routines. These should work in all Matlab and Octave versions. A workaround for a bug in Octave versions <=2.1.35 is implemented. Also several functions from Matlab have no support for the DIM argument (e.g. SKEWNESS, KURTOSIS, VAR) 6) Compatible to previous Octave implementation MEAN implements also the GEOMETRIC and HARMONIC mean. Handling of some special cases has been removed because its not necessary, anymore. MOMENT implements Mode 'ac' (absolute and/or central) moment as implemented in Octave. 7) Performance increase In most numerical applications, NaN's should be simply skipped. Therefore, it is efficient to skip NaN's in the default case. In case an explicit check for NaN's is necessary, implicit exception handling could be avoided. Eventually the overall performance could increase. 8) More readable code An explicit check for NaN's display the importance of this special case. Therefore, the application program might be more readable. 9) ZSCORE, MAD, HARMMEAN and GEOMEAN DIM-argument and skipping of NaN's implemented. None of these features is implemented in the Matlab versions. 10a) NANMEAN, NANVAR, NANMEDIAN These are not necessary anymore. They are implemented in SUMSKIPNAN, MEAN, VAR, STD and MEDIAN, respectively. 10b) NANSUM, NANSTD These functions are obsolete, too. However, previous implementations do not always provide the expected result. Therefore, a correct version is included for backward compatibility. 11) GPL license Permits to implement useful modifications. 12) NORMPDF, NORMCDF, NORMINV In the Matlab statistics toolbox V 3.0, NORMPDF, NORMCDF and NORMINV give incorrect results for SIGMA=0; A Similar problem was observed in Octave with NORMAL_INV, NORMAL_PDF, and NORMALCDF. The problem is fixed with this version. Furthermore, the check of the input arguments is implemented simpler and easier in this versions. 13) TPDF, TCDF, TINV In the Matlab statistics toolbox V3.0(12.1) and V4.0(13), TCDF and TINV do not handle NaNs correctly. TINV returns 0 instead of NaN, TCDF stops with an error message. In Stats-tb V2.2(R11) TINV has also the same problem. For these reasons, the NaN-tb is a bug fix. Furthermore, the check of the input arguments is implemented simpler. Overall, the code is cleaner and leaner. Q: WHY SKIPPING NaN's?: ------------------------ A: Usually, NaN means that the value is not available. This meaning is most common, even many different reasons might cause NaN's. In statistics, NaN's represent missing values, in biosignal processing such missing values might have been caused by some recording error. Other reasons for NaN's are, indetermined expressions like e.g. 0/0, data not available, unknown value, not a numeric value, etc. If NaN has the meaning of a missing value, it is only consequent to say, the sum of NaN's should be zero. Similar arguments hold for the other functions. The mean of X is undefined if and only if X contains no numbers. The implementation sum(X)/sum(~isnan(X)) gives 0/0=NaN, which is the desired result. The variance of X is undefined if and only if X contains less than 2 numbers. In most numerical applications, NaN's should be simply skipped. Therefore, it is efficient to skip NaN's in the default case. In the other cases, the NaN's can still be checked explicitely. This could eventually result in a more readable code and in improved performance, too. Installing the NaN-tb with Octave: ---------------------------------- a) You need repmat.m (e.g. from P.Kienzle's MATCOMPAT) If you havenot installed it yet, you should do it now. b) extract files from NaNnnn.tar.gz and move them into .../octave/.../m/statistics/base/ c) Alternatively, the files can be moved into any other directory; but you must remove from .../octave/.../m/statistics/base/ mean.m, meansq.m, median.m, moment.m, skewness.m, kurtosis.m, std.m, var.m and from .../source_forge/.../statistics/* zscore.m, mad.m, geomean.m, harmmean.m d) (re-)start Octave and run NANINSTTEST. This checks whether all previous functions have been replaced Installing the NaN-tb for Matlab: ---------------------------------- Ensure that the NaN-directory is first in your path. This should override any alternative function definition (except built-in's) with the same name. (re-)start Matlab or clear functions and run NANINSTTEST. This checks whether all previous functions have been replaced $Revision: 1.24 $ $Id: README.TXT,v 1.24 2004/01/29 23:23:33 schloegl Exp $ Version 1.53 Date: 31 Oct 2003 Copyright (C) 2000-2004 by Alois Schloegl WWW: LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA