This is a collection of m-files to read PDB-files from the Brookhaven protein databank[1] to GNU Octave[2] and display them with Openrasmol[3]. They're not well tested, so use them at your own risk. Copying: -------- You can distribute these files under the terms of the GNU GPL[4]. Installation: ------------- You have to edit the variable RASMOL in file plotpdb.m to point to If rasmol is not in your path, you also need to edit to contain the path to the rasmol binary. Usage: ------ read_pdb.m reads a structure from a pdb-file to an Octave structure. See the function file for more details write_pdb.m tries to write as complete pdb-file as possible given an Octave pdb-structure as an argument write_pdb_quick.m writes a pdb-file containing only the atomic coordinates (the ATOM and HETATM lines) suitable for viewing with Rasmol. plotpdb.m displays a protein structrure with Rasmol. The input can be either a pdb-file or an Octave pdb-structure. References: [1] [2] [3] [4]