sinclude ../../Makeconf ## Change this to the location of mkoctfile for your version of ## octave linked against pthreads (see README). MKOCTFILE ?= mkoctfile ## Compile and link opts --- set as appropriate for your system TCL_OPTS = -I/usr/include/tcl8.4 -ltcl8.4 -ltk8.4 -lpthread VTK_OPTS = -DHAVE_VTK -lvtkCommon -lvtkGraphics -lvtkImaging -lGL BLT_OPTS = -DHAVE_BLT -lBLT ## The remainder of this file should not need changing OPTS = $(TCL_OPTS) $(BLT_OPTS) $(VTK_OPTS) LINKS = tk_loop.oct tk_end.oct tk_cmd.oct ifdef TCL_OPTS all: tk_interp.oct $(LINKS) else all: ; @echo No Tcl/TK: tk_octave is not being built endif tk_interp.oct: $(MKOCTFILE) -v $^ -o $@ $(OPTS) $(LINKS): -$(RM) $@ $(LN_S) tk_interp.oct $@ clean: ; -$(RM) core octave-core *.o *.oct *~