{builder-show:group=bessig_users}*Welcome, {user-info:fullname|user=@self}!*


{color:#000000}The Boulder Earth and Space Science Informatics Group (BESSIG) aims to galvanize and support networking and collaboration among Earth and Space Science data users, data providers, data managers, and middleware providers, especially those in the Boulder, Colorado area. Topical areas include issues of scientific data representation, management, discovery, access, analysis, visualization, citation, transparency, and the infrastructure to support those efforts. The end goal is to improve the usage and thus the value of scientific data, thereby improving our understanding of our Earth and its systems.{color}

{color:#000000}Our next monthly meeting is{color} {color:#000000}{*}Wednesday{*}{color}{color:#000000}*, March 21, 2012{*}{color}{color:#000000}.  See this{color} [March news item|http://lasp.colorado.edu/galaxy/display/BESSIG/2012/03/10/BESSIG+Meeting+Wed%2C+March+21|March news item] {color:#000000}for more information. {color}

We continually seek topics and speakers of interest.  If you have an idea for a relevant topic you would like to see presented, please contact bessig dot info at lasp dot colorado dot edu to discuss setting up a presentation.  See our [news page|http://lasp.colorado.edu/galaxy/display/BESSIG/News|news page] for past meeting agendas and other news that might spur ideas. 

*To access member-only content and post to this site, you must first [register|BESSIG:Registration Form] to obtain a username and password.*{builder-hide}