AAA_README.TXT This is the introductory file to the Student Nitric Oxide Explorer (SNOE) Database produced by the SNOE spacecraft. The data set consists of data from the Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS) and the Solar X-ray Photometer (SXP). The following files refer to the UVS: For a description of the processing read the PROCESSING.TXT file. For a tutorial on how to use the files, read either FILE_USAGE_ASCII.TXT if you are using the ASCII files, or FILE_USAGE_NCDF.TXT, if you are using the NetCDF files. APPENDIX_A.TXT defines acronyms used in this documentation set. APPENDIX_B.TXT is a list of known anomalies in the data. APPENDIX_C.TXT describes the SNOE orbit in the southern hemisphere. APPENDIX_D.TXT is a list of hardware and software compatible with this dataset. Read SXP.TXT for information on the SXP data set. For help with the science instruments onboard the spacecraft, and descriptions of the orbit and trajectory, visit the SNOE website. For help with the data products produced by the spacecraft, and the Ultraviolet Spectrometer in particular, visit the SNOE Data website.