pro plot_uvs_data,infil openr,1,infil tc_temp = 0 day = 0 a = '' on_ioerror,done while (1) do begin readf,1,a if strpos(a,'E-1790') ge 0 then begin tc_temp = [tc_temp,long(strmid(a,32,3))] day = [day,long(strmid(a,51,3))] endif endwhile done: close,1 on_ioerror,null tc_temp = tc_temp(1:*) day = day(1:*) plot,day,tc_temp,YRANGE=[130,180],xrange=[min(day)-1,max(day)+1],$ psym=1,xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle = 'Day of Year (1996)',ytitle='UVS TC Temp (DN)', $ title = 'UVS TC Temp from Start of In-Flight Load (DOY 142)' end pro plot_euv_data,infil openr,1,infil tc_temp = 0 day = 0 a = '' on_ioerror,done while (1) do begin readf,1,a if strpos(a,'E-1681') ge 0 then begin tc_temp = [tc_temp,long(strmid(a,32,3))] day = [day,long(strmid(a,51,3))] endif endwhile done: close,1 on_ioerror,null tc_temp = tc_temp(1:*) day = day(1:*) plot,day,tc_temp,YRANGE=[130,180],xrange=[min(day)-1,max(day)+1],$ psym=1,xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xtitle = 'Day of Year (1996)',ytitle='EUV TC Temp (DN)', $ title = 'EUV TC Temp from Start of In-Flight Load (DOY 142)' end