;;TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.ENG]PLOT_ENG_DATA.PRO ;; June 5, 1996 GDR pro plot_eng_data,infile openr,infil,infile,/get_lun E1681 = lonarr(1,2) & E1790 = lonarr(1,2) E3429 = lonarr(1,2) & E3430 = lonarr(1,2) E3431 = lonarr(1,2) & E3432 = lonarr(1,2) a = '' cur_sclk = 0 & prev_sclk = 0 sclk = 0 & dif = 0 readf,infil,a & readf,infil,a sclk = long(strmid(a,6,7)) prev_sclk = long(strmid(a,10,3)) cur_sclk = prev_sclk temp_arr = lonarr(1,2) on_ioerror,done while 1 do begin readf,infil,a if strmid(a,3,1) eq ':' then begin cur_sclk = long(strmid(a,0,3)) dif = cur_sclk - prev_sclk if dif lt 0 then dif = (cur_sclk+1000)-prev_sclk sclk = sclk + dif temp_arr(0,0) = sclk if strmid(a,38,1) ne ' ' then begin value = long(strmid(a,38,3)) temp_arr(0,1) = value last_2_bits = cur_sclk MOD 4 case last_2_bits of 0 : E3429 = [E3429,temp_arr] 1 : E3430 = [E3430,temp_arr] 2 : E3431 = [E3431,temp_arr] 3 : E3432 = [E3432,temp_arr] endcase endif if strmid(a,52,1) ne ' ' then begin value = long(strmid(a,52,3)) temp_arr(0,1) = value E1681 = [E1681,temp_arr] endif if strmid(a,66,1) ne ' ' then begin value = long(strmid(a,66,3)) temp_arr(0,1) = value print,temp_arr E1790 = [E1790,temp_arr] endif prev_sclk = cur_sclk endif endwhile done: free_lun,infil ;;Clean up arrays E1681=E1681(1:*,*) & E1790=E1790(1:*,*) E3429=E3429(1:*,*) & E3430=E3430(1:*,*) E3431=E3431(1:*,*) & E3432=E3432(1:*,*) plot,E1790(*,0),E1790(*,1),PSYM=1,XTICKFORMAT='(I7)',$ XRANGE=[E1790(0,0),E1790(n_elements(E1790)/2-1,0)],$ ;; XRANGE=[min([E1681(0,0),E1790(0,0),E3429(0,0),E3430(0,0),$ ;; E3431(0,0),E3432(0,0)]),$ ;; max([E1681(n_elements(E1681)/2-1,0),E1790(n_elements(E1790)/2-1,0),$ ;; E3429(n_elements(E3429)/2-1,0),E3430(n_elements(E3430)/2-1,0),$ ;; E3431(n_elements(E3431)/2-1,0),E3432(n_elements(E3432)/2-1,0)])],$ YRANGE=[140,180], XTITLE='SCLK (rims)',YTITLE='UVS TC Temperature (DN)',$ TITLE='UVS TC Temperature during UVS data anomaly (DOY 150 - 180)' ;; oplot,E1790(*,0),E1790(*,1),PSYM=2 ;; oplot,E3429(*,0),E3429(*,1),PSYM=4 ;; oplot,E3430(*,0),E3430(*,1),PSYM=5 ;; oplot,E3431(*,0),E3431(*,1),PSYM=6 ;; oplot,E3432(*,0),E3432(*,1),PSYM=7 x = '' read,'Would you like to print the plot?(y/n) --> ',x if strupcase(x) eq 'Y' then begin old_plot = !d.name set_plot,'ps' device,/cl,/LANDSCAPE plot,E1681(*,0),E1681(*,1),PSYM=1,XTICKFORMAT='(I7)',$ XRANGE=[min([E1681(0,0),E1790(0,0),E3429(0,0),E3430(0,0),$ E3431(0,0),E3432(0,0)]),$ max([E1681(n_elements(E1681)/2-1,0),E1790(n_elements(E1790)/2-1,0),$ E3429(n_elements(E3429)/2-1,0),E3430(n_elements(E3430)/2-1,0),$ E3431(n_elements(E3431)/2-1,0),E3432(n_elements(E3432)/2-1,0)])],$ YRANGE=[100,225], XTITLE='+ = 1681 / * = 1790 / Diamond = 3429 / Triangle = 3430 / Square = 3431 / X = 3432' oplot,E1790(*,0),E1790(*,1),PSYM=2 oplot,E3429(*,0),E3429(*,1),PSYM=4 oplot,E3430(*,0),E3430(*,1),PSYM=5 oplot,E3431(*,0),E3431(*,1),PSYM=6 oplot,E3432(*,0),E3432(*,1),PSYM=7 device,/close set_plot,old_plot spawn,'lwb idl.ps' endif end