TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO]EUV_PHASE2_RTS_HDR.DOC June 10, 1996 - Jeremy Gebben In phase 2 Real Time operations, the EUV instrument stores data in a 24 sector by 45 pixel matrix. Every few RIMs, this matrix and 24 bytes of housekeeping data are read out and cleared. These data sets are stored in IDL associate files formated as lonar(1132). HEADER: Earth Receipt Time 0 = Year (last 2 digits eg. 96) 1 = day of year 2 = hours 3 = minutes 4 = seconds 5 = milliseconds Spacecraft Event time for start of integration: 6 = Year (last 2 digits eg. 96) 7 = day of year 8 = hours 9 = minutes 10 = seconds 11 = milliseconds SCLK time for start of integration: 12 = start RIM (all realtime data starts on mf 0) Spacecraft Event time for end of integration: 13 = Year (last 2 digits eg. 96) 14 = day of year 15 = hours 16 = minutes 17 = seconds 18 = milliseconds SCLK time for end of integration: 19 = end RIM (all realtime data ends on mf 0) 20 = # of packets that went into this array(max = 8) Data Precense Indicators: 21-28 = dpi flags,1 for each packet Each is a 4 byte field: Top byte: 00 = no data missing FF = entire packet missing 01 = data missing at end of packet 02 = data missing in middle of packet 03 = data missing at end of packet Lower 3 bytes are only used if the top byte is 01,02, or 03 In these cases, the three lower bytes are used to report the position of the gap: second byte: # of data words(2 bytes) at start(0 if gap is at start) third byte : # of data words missing bottom byte: # of data words at end of packet (0 if gap is at end) 29 = packet sequence # of the first packet in this set 30,31 = spare (set to -1) 32 = software version number 33-39 = spare (set to -1) DATA: 40-1119 = data matrix(24*45) all pixels from sector 1, then all pixels from sector 2 ... 1120-1131 = housekeeping values(2 bytes each)