TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO]UVS_Phase2_RTS_HDR.DOC June 21,1996 - JEREMY GEBBEN Updated February 27, 1997 - WENDY SWEET Updated terms - July 23, 1997 - Simmons In phase 2 Real Time operations, the UVS data is integrated over a period of several RIMs. This data is stored as 2 spectra pairs, giving 1092 16-bit values for each data set. These data sets are stored in IDL associate files formated as lonarr(1132). HEADER: Earth Receipt Time 0 = Year (last 2 digits eg. 96) 1 = day of year 2 = hours 3 = minutes 4 = seconds 5 = milliseconds Spacecraft Event time for start of integration: 6 = Year (last 2 digits eg. 96) 7 = day of year 8 = hours 9 = minutes 10 = seconds 11 = milliseconds SCLK time for start of integration: 12 = start RIM (all realtime data starts on mf 0) Spacecraft Event time for end of integration: 13 = Year (last 2 digits eg. 96) 14 = day of year 15 = hours 16 = minutes 17 = seconds 18 = milliseconds SCLK time for end of integration: 19 = end RIM (all realtime data ends on mf 0) 20 = # of packets that went into this array(max = 8) Data Presensce Indicators 21-28 = dpi flags,1 for each packet Each is a 4 byte field: Top byte: 00 = no data missing FF = entire packet missing 01 = data missing at end of packet 02 = data missing in middle of packet 03 = data missing at end of packet Lower 3 bytes are only used if top byte is 01,02, or 03 In these cases, the three lower bytes are used to report the position of the gap: second byte: # of data words(2 bytes) at start(0 if gap is at start) third byte : # of data words missing bottom byte: # of data words at end of packet (0 if gap is at end) 29 = packet sequence # of the first packet in this set 30,31 = spare (set to -1) 32 = software version number (of IPF_RT_PROC.PRO - both UVS and EUV) 33 = commanded summation period (in RIMS) 34 = commanded number of steps in the miniscan for the first spectrum 35 = commanded number of steps in the miniscan for the second spectrum 36 = commanded initial grating position 37 = commanded number of grating steps to move to the second spectrum 38,39 = spare (set to -1) DATA: 40-123 = data (6 integrations/RIM) 124-141 = first fiducial 142-669 = data (7 integrations/RIM) 670-687 = second fiducial 688-1131 = data (7 integrations/RIM)