File: TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO]HOW_TO_CHECK_CKERNELS.DOC June 15, 1997 This document describes how to check C Kernels for gaps in the data. 1) Switch to the Platform Kernel directory (TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SPICE_KERNELS.PLT]) 2) type: run DISKH:[GLL_RAW.SOFTWARE.CU_SPICE]CKPRT NOTE: You must have the following logicals defined prior to running the CKPRT program: LPSKER must be defined as the current leapseconds table SCLKER must be defined as the current spacecraft clock file 3) Enter the name of the CKernel that you wish to check. 4) The Start and End time of the CKernel is displayed on the screen. You may now choose to check a certain time period by entering a start and end time OR use the displayed start and end times by just hitting return. The CKPRT program creates a data file called CKFILE.DAT. This file contains a textual printout of all the records contained in the kernel 5) Now start up IDL and run this program: DISKH:[GLL_RAW.SOFTWARE.CU_SPICE]CHECK_CK.PRO This program searches thje current directory for a file called CKFILE.DAT and checks the file for gaps larger than 5 Rims. If no gaps are found, you will only see the message 'Finished Processing'. If the program finds gaps, it will print out the time and duration of each gap.