January 16 1997 - TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO]HOW_TO_DO_BACKUP.DOC ______________________________________________________________________________ PURPOSE: The backup procedure is mainly designed to ensure file safety, should the system or disk crash. It is also used to help create disk space within the directories. There are two main procedures used when dealing with backup. One is backing up a file or groups of files, the other is copying from the tape to the disk. BACKING UP FILES: Information and procedures for the programs used in backing up files can be found in the following directory: DISKK:[GLL_RAW.BACKUP.COM]PROGRAMS.BCK This is a description of what steps need to be taken when backing up all files created since the last backup date. DISKK:[GLL_RAW.BACKUP.COM]8MM.BCK This is a description of what steps need to be taken when backing up files to an 8mm tape. DISKK:[GLL_RAW.BACKUP.COM]9TRACK.BCK This is a description of what steps need to be taken when backing up files to a 9track tape. DISKK:[GLL_RAW.BACKUP.COM]FILEHDRS.BCK This is a description of what steps need to be taken when backing up SEF, ORPRO AND ORPLN files to the appropriate SEQ header files in DISKH:[GLLSEQ.HISTORY]. COPYING FROM TAPES: Information and procedures for the programs used in copying files from tapes can be found in the following directories: TO COPY FROM 8MM TAPES TO DISK: DISKK:[GLL_RAW.BACKUP.COM]COPY8MM.BCK This is a description of what steps need to be taken when copying from 8MM tapes to disks. TO COPY FROM 9TRACK TAPES TO DISK: DISKK:[GLL_RAW.BACKUP.COM]COPY9TRACK.BCK This is a description of what steps need to be taken when copying from 9-track tapes to disks. LISTINGS OF TAPES AND INFORMATION: DISKK:[GLL_RAW.BACKUP.COM]TAPE_LIST.BCK This is a description of the information that can be found on each 8mm and 9-track tape. DISKK:[GLL_RAW.BACKUP.COM]WHERE_TO_PUT_FILES.BCK This is a description of which files are located in the various TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO.ARCHIVES] SAVED_*.TAPE files.