file: TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO]HOW_TO_FIND_DATA_STATUS_LISTS.DOC Documented June 2,98 - kes The post-Jupiter data for the UVS instrument is stored in the GLLUVS2:[GLL_RAW.UVS_P2] directory. Within this directory are both raw EDR (Experimenter Data Records) files as well as RDR (Reduced data Redords) and some process files. * Raw EDR files, and their PDS archive labels, have the form jjjj_URT_observid.DAT and .LBL jjjj_UPB_observid.DAT and .LBL where jjjj is an orbit tag (like G02A) * AACS data files (which are raw geometry fromthe s/c) have the same file name tags with a .AACS extension * The telemetry processing of the EDRs generates several status files containing information on UVS engineering values, especially the wavelehgth monitor, and whether the packets were all received for the observation. The file name format is: UVS_ii_jj_STATUS.LIS files where jj is a 2or 3 or 4 char orbit tag and ii is either PB or RTS for Playback or Realtime Sci. * Torus geometry files for EUV and UVS are created with the "Ian's Parameters" GGGS utility and stored here. They have the file name format: jjjj_EUV_TOR.SL4;1 or (older version) .SL3 jjjj_EUV_JUP.SL4;1 or (older version) .SL3 jjjj_UVS_TOR.SL4;1 or (older version) .SL3 jjjj_UVS_JUP.SL4;1 or (older version) .SL3 where jjjj is the orbit tag There is also a .LOG file documenting the SPICE kernels used to make the above files. These are called jjjj_SL$.LOG where jjjj is the orbit tag. See the file TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO]HOW_TO_WRITE_READ_IANS_SL3_GEOM_FILES.DOC;7 for information on these data sets.