Written by Wendy Sweet Last updated June 30, 1998 How to get instrument packet files (ipf) There are to ways to get ipf. The first method can be used on vt machines, while the second is for x-windows only. The first method is only for retrieving packets, while the second can be used for listening to test broadcasts. Checking Received Packets on AQQC --------------------------------- address: http://roland.jpl.nasa.gov/ id: aqqc password: glL96cQQa Go to the orbit, then select uvs1 is real time or uvs2/uvs3 is playback Getting Packets on ansa ----------------------- Normally, the Ansa script sets the JPL query node as glsdt1. If this node is down, you can edit the following UNIX script file: /ansa2/gll_raw/socket/ipf_socket.qpkt The line to edit is: /ansa2/gll_raw/socket/qpkt $1 $2 glsdt1.jpl.nasa.gov $3 300 where "glsdt1.jpl.nasa.gov" is the connecting machine at JPL. 1) Telnet to ansa. DCL> telnet ansa You will be asked for a login name and password to ansa. 2) The first time logging in, type the following commands at the ansa prompt. ansa> cp ~gebben/.login . ansa> cp ~gebben/.tcshrc . This copies Jeremy's files to your directory to set up the idl environment. ansa> source .login ansa> source .tcshrc This runs the files, so you don't have to log back in to get the file information. Note: This does not have to be done every time you log in, just the first time. 3) Set the needed directory (needed to do ftp) ansa> cd /ansa2/gll_raw/lrsp/(uvs or euv or aacs) 4) Next, run idl. ansa> idl 5) Next, compile the widget query program. idl> .run /ansa2/gll_raw/socket/query_wid/query_wid.pro There is also a non-widget version that can be used if there are problems with xwindows. idl> .run /ansa2/gll_raw/socket/do_query.pro idl> do_query 6) Now, run the program. idl> query_wid 7) The program will first ask about the query machine. RT will get the more recent packets, while opansa3 will do a more thorough job on older packets. For the widget program there are 2 ways to query for packets, either SCE or by observation. For the non-widget program there are 4 ways to query for packets, either SCE, UTC, ERT or by observation. The files will be named automatically, as described at the end of this document, and will be put in the directory of the data type being queried for. 8) Check the .*_lis file to see which packets have been received. This is useful if checking for missing packets, since the data file does not need to be transfered to a vax machine to see a packet listing. This file is automatically created in the widget program. To create it for the non-widget, do: idl> .run /ansa2/gll_raw/ipf_proc/ipf_list.pro idl> do_list The file is in the lrsp directory. 9) Next, ftp to glluvs. idl> $ftp glluvs You will be asked for a name and password to the Picses cluster. 10)Now type the following commansds in fpt. ftp> cd diskk:[gll_raw.lrsp.(uvs or euv or aacs)] ftp> bin (Must be entered to transfer a binary file) ftp> put *.*_bin (filename) ftp> bye 11)The file is now on the vax machine, ready to be processed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Getting ipf's from the JPL computers. 1) Note: To get ipf's, you must be on an x-windows machine. 2) At DCL prompt, type >telnet SDTSS10.JPL.NASA.GOV or >telnet GLSDT1.JPL.NASA.GOV or >telnet GLSDT2.JPL.NASA.GOV You will be asked for a login and a password. Karen is the only CU Galileo operations person who has an account on these machines. If TERM = (UNKNOWN) is the next line, type VT100 3) Type the name of the machine you are using (i.e. torus) to set display. Note: all commands on the above machines are case sensitive and should be typed in lower case. At this point, you may need security clearance to run the query program. Go to the session manager and click under options and drag down to security. Enter the following: NODE: *.* USERNAME[A: * TRANSPORT: TCPIP Then push add, apply, ok. Next, go back to options and save session manager. 4) Run the program to get ipf's. >scipkt Main window: ------------ This will bring up the "OEL shell for gll science packets display" window. At this main window, you have the choice of getting packets by a query, by a testbed broadcast, or by a flight broadcast. To get encounter packets as they are received by the ground, choose flight broadcast. Use the query to get packet that have already been received. For outputs, you have a choice of binary or ascii. Be sure to choose both if you want packet files, which should be written in binary. The output files should be named (euv or uvs)_(start rim time)_(end rim time).(rt_bin or .rt_rpt). (or .pb_) Example: uvs_345821_3459654.rt_bin. To find out the start and end times, look in the directory diskk:[orbit_design.g1.sef_product] (where g1 is the encounter, use the encounter that you want). Look at the files (uvs or euv)_pkt_times.* to see what the start and end times should be. The bottom section of the window allows you to choose which packet types you want. It is best to only choose one packet type at a time. Choose either euv all or uvs all. Query window: ------------- If you choose a query, a new window will open. Here, you can choose to get packets by their earth receive time or spacecraft time. It is easier to use spacecraft time. The spacecraft ID# = 77. There are two query servers, gll_projv21_queryserver, and gll_rt_queryserver. The rt one is faster, but projv21 has a better chance of getting all the packets. Also, at this screen you choose the day of year and time of the data you are querying about. 5) To exit the main window, press the kill button and then the exit button. 6) The output files are sent to a subdirectory. To be in this subdirectoy, type: >cd ~ksimmons/scilogs/ 7) To transfer the files to another machine, use the ftp command. Type: >ftp glluvs.colorado.edu You will be asked for a login and an password for the Pisces cluster. 8) The retrieved files are sent to the diskk:[gll_raw.lrsp] directory. Type: ftp> cd diskk:[gll_raw.lrsp.(uvs or euv)] 9) The files can either be saved as binary or ascii files. Packet files are binary and should be saved in binary and ascii text files ending in rpt should be saved in ascii. To transfer a binary file, type: ftp> bin ftp> put file_name.rt_bin To transfer an ascii file, type: ftp> ascii ftp> put file_name.rt_rpt The 'put' command takes a file on the local machine and sends it to the machine that was ftp to. The 'get' command takes a file from the connected machine and sends it to the local machine. 10) If you are not using the scipkt program and you want to copy the files from Keith, >cd ~ksimmons/scilogs/ >cp ~knaviaux/scilogs/ (file name) Then follow directions 7-9 11) To exit ftp, type: ftp> quit This will leave you in the first machine you telneted to. 12) Before exiting type ps to see how many processes you have. There should only be two processes going, ps and tcsh. You need to kill any other unwanted processes before exiting. Type kill and the PID#. ============================================================================== Naming Convention: ------------------ The output data files should be named (euv or uvs)_(start rim time)_(end rim time).(rt_bin or pb_bin) Example: uvs_3458221_3459654.rt_bin. The idl program torus1:[gll_raw.software.ipf_proc]ipf_rt_proc.pro takes the binary packet files and extracts UVS and EUV real time data and formats it into readable data files. To run it, type do_rt. The idl program torus1:[gll_raw.software.ipf_proc]ipf_pb_proc.pro does the same for playback data. To run it, type do_ pb. For more information on these and other packet programs, see torus1:[gll_raw.info]how_to_process_ipf.doc.