################## How to make .sl4 files ####################### 10 July 1998 J. Adams ################################################################### Step by step instrunctions on how to create Ian's .sl4 files: If I left anything out, please feel free to add or edit. A. For each orbit a listing of observation rim times needs to be created. 1. Load the SPICE logicals [ie. enter: 'SPICE_NEW' or whatever your logicals are set to.] 2. Run idl 3. idl> .run torus1:[gll_raw.software]gen_sysiii.pro This procedure loads the software needed to find the correct rim times for each observations. 4. idl> f=findfile('p2:oooo_urt*.dat') oooo == orbit ie. c10a p2 == GLLUVS2:[GLL_RAW.UVS_P2] Output: f is a listing of all the real-time files for that orbit. 5. idl> gen_files,f,'oooo_rims.lis' This procedure creates the list of the observation rim times for that orbit. It is not necessary to give the output file a specific name. I use: 'oooo_rims.lis'. Note: For example output see #2 at the end of this file. B. Creating the .SL4 files 1. Load the SPICE logical [ie. enter: 'SPICE_NEW' or whatever your logicals are set to.] 2. Run GGGS 3. Begin a plot session. Note: I use the first time from the file created above and one of the last times. I use a long duration. This ensures that a valid FOV will be present. However, the times used to create the plot are not important. 4. Determine if a 'quick-look' C_kernel was used. a. Find one of the FOVs (field of views). b. Under 'Tools' select 'Display FOV Data' c. Select any FOV by clicking on the FOV d. A summary of C-Kernels will come up. e. Look at the kernel under 'Kernel Used' f. If it doesn't end in 'Q' you're ok. Goto step 5. Example of 'quick-look' C-Kernel (you don't want to use these): ex: TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SPICE_KERNELS.PLT]CKE11_971231_PBQ.PLT;1 ^^^^^^ g. If it does end in 'Q' you'll need to manually load the kernels. i. In GGGS under 'C Kernels' change 'CK Autoload' to OFF ii. Create the plot again iii. A list of C-Kernels will appear. iV. Remove the quick look kernels (they end in 'Q' as shown above) ex: *_PBQ.plt etc. v. You can also add 'FINAL' kernels here if they are not present h. Go back to step 'a,' above, and check the FOV again 5. Save the FOV data to a log file a. In the FOV data widget you have opened there is a area to enter a file name to save that data to. b. Enter: oooo_sl4.log ex: c10a_sl4.log Note: This file will need to be copied to: GLLUVS2:[GLL_RAW.UVS_P2] when you are done. 6. Finially, creat the files. a. In gggs under 'Analysis Tools' select 'Io Torus' Now select "Ians Parameters' Analysis Tools ----> Io Torus ----> Ians Parameters b. You are aksed for the EUV setup info. -Staring clock angle -Number of sectors/scans per sector -Scan rate - Don't worry about this -Rotation Rate - Don't worry about htis either Clock angle and scans/sector are listed on the board in the Galileo studet office. If the orbit you're interested in is not listed you can also find them in the Observation Plot notebooks. Check the 'EUVON' evolution for this information. (or ask Jim or Karen) Note: You _must_ hit 'Return' on your keyboard after entering a change for any of the variables. c. It will ask for current plot time. Enter the name of the rim time file created above - Ex: c10a_rims.lis d. It will ask for the name for the binary file. This is just the name of the output .s3 file Enter ONLY the orbit. Ex: c10a GGGS now begins to do its thing. Note: This takes awhile. Depending on the number of people using the system and the number of observations, it takes anywhere from 2 to 20 mins. ***Note: The output files will be '.S3' files.*** They will look something like this: C10A_EUV_JUP.S3;1 255 10-JUL-1998 18:33:06.23 C10A_EUV_TOR.S3;1 255 10-JUL-1998 18:33:13.90 C10A_UVS_JUP.S3;1 18 10-JUL-1998 18:33:24.99 C10A_UVS_TOR.S3;1 18 10-JUL-1998 18:33:31.06 7. Rename the *.S3 files to *.SL4 files Ex: C10A_EUV_JUP.S3 -----> C10A_EUV_JUP.SL4 8. Copy the .SL4 files AND the log file (ex: c10a_sl4.log) to the P2 directory (GLLUVS2:[GLL_RAW.UVS_P2]) 9. You're done. Once the .SL4 files start accumulating in your directory (NOT the P2 directory), you may want to delete them as they take up a lot of disk sapce. ****** NOTES OF THE FILES CREATED ****** 1. The files give the following paramters: UVS files are fltarr(20): 0 = spacecraft clock 1 = utc year (last 2 digits) 2 = utc doy 3 = utc hour 4 = utc minute 5 = utc seconds 6 = utc milliseconds 7 = distance from S/C to Jupiter in Rj point 1 = near side of torus 8 = point 1 z (rj above Jupiter's orbital plane) 9 = point 1 rj (of torus intersection point from juptier) 10 = point 1 system iii longitude 11 = point 1 torus local time (seconds since midnight, i think) point 2 = middle of torus 12 = point 2 z (same as pt. 1 if outside ansa) 13 = point 2 rj (same as pt. 1 if outside ansa) 14 = point 2 system iii longitude (same as pt. 1 if outside ansa) 15 = point 2 torus local time point 3 = far side of torus 16 = point 3 z (same as pt. 1 if outside ansa) 17 = point 3 rj (same as pt. 1 if outside ansa) 18 = point 3 system iii longitude (same as pt. 1 if outside ansa) 19 = point 3 torus local time EUV files are fltarr(297) 0 = spacecraft clock 1 = utc year (last 2 digits) 2 = utc doy 3 = utc hour 4 = utc minute 5 = utc seconds 6 = utc milliseconds 7 = distance from S/C to Jupiter in Rj 8-31 = point 1 z sectors(1-24) 32-55 = point 1 rj sectors(1-24) 56-79 = point 1 system iii longitude sectors(1-24) 80-103 = point 1 torus local time sectors(1-24) 104-127 = point 2 z sectors(1-24) 128-151 = point 2 rj sectors(1-24) 152-175 = point 2 system iii longitude sectors(1-24) 176-199 = point 2 torus local time sectors(1-24) 200-223 = point 3 z sectors(1-24) 224-247 = point 3 rj sectors(1-24) 248-271 = point 3 system iii longitude sectors(1-24) 272-295 = point 3 torus local time sectors(1-24) 2. Output example for the rim-time generating procedures: ----------- BEGIN EXAMPLE --------------- GLLUVS2:[GLL_RAW.UVS_P2]C10A_URT_10AURA01.DAT;1 4134269 to 4134328 delta = 59 4134298 loading the spice kernel buffer, please wait... % Compiled module: STR_SEP. 4134329 to 4134388 delta = 59 4134358 4134391 to 4134450 delta = 59 4134420 GLLUVS2:[GLL_RAW.UVS_P2]C10A_URT_10FANS01.DAT;1 4132565 to 4132624 delta = 59 etc,etc through all the files defined in the "f" parameter... ending like this: GLLUVS2:[GLL_RAW.UVS_P2]C10A_URT_NTRLCL01.DAT;2 4135191 to 4135220 delta = 29 4135205 4135221 to 4135280 delta = 59 4135250 4135281 to 4135310 delta = 29 4135295 4135311 to 4135340 delta = 29 4135325 4135341 to 4135370 delta = 29 -------------- END EXAMPLE ---------------- THE finished 'oooo_rims.lis' FILE WILL LOOK SOMETHING LIKE THIS: 1997-257//08:36:17.115 1997-257//09:36:57.113 1997-257//10:37:37.111 1997-257//11:38:17.109 1997-257//12:38:57.107 1997-257//13:39:37.105 1997-257//14:40:17.102 1997-257//15:40:57.100 1997-257//16:41:37.098 1997-257//17:42:17.096 ... ... ... ...etc... 3. For more information see: TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.INFO]HOW_TO_WRITE_READ_IANS_SL3_GEOM_FILES.DOC;7 It's dated, but gives some good infor on correct file size.