;From: GLLUVS::GEBBEN "Jeremy Gebben LASP/LSTR 250, 492-5877" 17-SEP-1997 20:03:18.35 ;To: SIMMONS ; a quick program to display the EUV Phase 2 IDLSAVE file images @diskk:[gll_raw.jeremy.euv_tv]euv_tv.pro pro image,file=file,range=range,min=min,max=max,sqrt=sqrt if not(keyword_set(file)) then begin stop endif if not(keyword_set(range)) then begin if not(keyword_set(min)) then min = 0 if not(keyword_set(max)) then max = 127 range = indgen(max - min) + min endif get_euv_dat,file,range,outarr scale_dat,outarr,1,image_dat,dum if (keyword_set(sqrt)) then image = sqrt(image) tvscl,congrid(image_dat,!d.x_size,!d.y_size) stop end