Galileo Geometry and Graphics Software version 2.6 Data computed on Tue Mar 13 21:23:29 2001 SP Kernel(s) used: TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SPICE_KERNELS.SPK]SPK_PLANETS_DE202.BSP_1;1 TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SPICE_KERNELS.SPK]SPK_S971125A.BSP_1;1 C-Kernel(s) loaded: TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SPICE_KERNELS.PLT]CKC03_961217_RTQ.PLT;1 TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SPICE_KERNELS.PLT]CKC03_970418_FINAL.PLT;1 C-Kernel that was read : TORUS1:[GLL_RAW.SPICE_KERNELS.PLT]CKC03_970418_FINAL.PLT;1 Evaluation time : UTC : 1996-346 // 23:56:21.002 SCLK : 1/03736482:89:0:0 ET : -96379357. Event Title: Events files: MISSION_SPEC_EVENTS.DAT;7 29-SEP-1997 21:02:44.93 Total of 1 file. Z Axis files: Z-AXIS.DAT;19 2-FEB-2001 18:34:29.84 Z-AXIS.DAT;18 22-JAN-2001 18:08:08.71 Z-AXIS.DAT;17 29-FEB-2000 22:31:57.41 Z-AXIS.DAT;16 4-FEB-2000 22:36:30.19 Z-AXIS.DAT;15 4-FEB-2000 22:34:04.94 Z-AXIS.DAT;14 10-SEP-1999 22:33:53.93 Z-AXIS.DAT;13 8-JUL-1999 20:25:05.46 Total of 7 files. Target body is : JUPITER Longitude format - LONGITUDE WEST Body radius values used: JUPITER = 71492.0 Km Spacecraft distance to body center: 59.758 Rj Body center Ra : 192.148 Deg Body center Dec : -6.830 Deg Sub-S/C Latitude (Planetodetic) : 0.161 Deg Sub-S/C Longitude (Planetodetic) : 103.986 Deg Sub-solar Latitude (Planetodetic): -1.118 Deg Sub-solar Longitude (Planetodetic): 2.254 Deg Field of View data for the F Channel: Plot Field of View Number: 1 Boresight: Ra : 196.880 Deg Dec : -8.591 Deg Clock : 89.495 Deg Cone : 91.544 Deg No intercept with the target body. Altitude above body : 302070.0 Km FOV corner 1: Ra : 196.752 Deg Dec : -8.754 Deg Clock : 89.295 Deg Cone : 91.492 Deg No intercept with the target body. Altitude above body : 297829.0 Km FOV corner 2: Ra : 196.916 Deg Dec : -8.388 Deg Clock : 89.695 Deg Cone : 91.496 Deg No intercept with the target body. Altitude above body : 299501.7 Km FOV corner 3: Ra : 197.009 Deg Dec : -8.429 Deg Clock : 89.694 Deg Cone : 91.596 Deg No intercept with the target body. Altitude above body : 306894.4 Km FOV corner 4: Ra : 196.845 Deg Dec : -8.794 Deg Clock : 89.294 Deg Cone : 91.592 Deg No intercept with the target body. Altitude above body : 305255.3 Km