C3 EUROPA 68 DEGREE PHASE GEOMETRY RECORD 1: 11/6/96 ARH start time 3681989:0 end time 3682012:0 23 RIM observation, during 6 of which Europa was in the FOV time------------%FOV----phase---mu------mu0-- 3681998:0 1.192 68.14 .8473 .2563 3681998:45 2.683 68.14 .7934 .3784 3681999:0 4.173 68.13 .7442 .4692 3681999:45 4.173 68.12 .7605 .4678 3682000:0 4.322 68.11 .7505 .4784 3682000:45 4.322 68.10 .7399 .4984 3682001:0 4.620 68.09 .7133 .4905 3682001:45 4.471 68.08 .7205 .5000 3682002:0 4.471 68.07 .7020 .5243 3682002:45 4.322 68.06 .7048 .5413 3682003:0 2.981 68.05 .6496 .6870 3682003:45 1.490 68.05 .5672 .8487