;;pro graphit, file='' & more='' ;;a=assoc(1,intarr(1265)) ;;MM files a=assoc(1,fltarr(91)) das=fltarr(9000) & flat=das & flon=das ;loc='glluvs2:[mariner9.sedr]*.*dat*' ;filelist=findfile(loc) !psym=3 ;;use a dot symbol (for x-y type plot) ;;__________________gets file name & opens_________________ ;again: read, 'What is the file name?',file !mtitle=file+'; F-boresight Lat and Long' !ymax=90. & !ymin=-90. !xmin=0. & !xmax=360. set_plot,'ps' device, /landscape ;close,1 & openr,1,loc ;;__________________finds #of records________________ ;read, 'How many records are there?',recd ;;_________________for loop_____________________ for z=0, 145 do begin b=z+1 if z le 0 then z=1 if z eq 13 then z=z+1 if z eq 69 then z=z+1 if z eq 75 then z=z+1 g=string(z) g=strtrim(g,1) ti='uvs' tiia='0' tiib='00' tiv='.dat' if z ge 100 then begin fileit=ti+g+tiv endif else begin if z le 10 then fileit=ti+tiib+g+tiv if z ge 10 then fileit=ti+tiia+g+tiv endelse print, fileit ;read,'ok?',zip close,1 & openr,1,fileit for i=0,9000 do begin if eof(1) then goto,next t=a(i) ; das(i)=t(8)*4096.+t(9) ;;mm version das(i)=t(8) ;;sedr version flat(i)=t(43) & flon(i)=t(53) ;lat/lon: F-FOV boresight endfor Next: zz=float(das(0)) zze=float(das(i-1)) !xtitle='Longitude; DAS begin,end:'+string(zz)+string(zze) !ytitle='Latitude' ;;plot,(das(0:i-1)-das(0)) > 0 ;if z eq 1 then begin plot,flon(0:i-1),flat(0:i-1) ;endif else begin ;oplot,flon(0:i-1),flat(0:i-1) ;endelse device, /close print,'Processed records:',i-1 ;read,'Want to do another? (y=Y)',more ;if strupcase(more) eq 'Y' then goto,again ;close,b endfor ;device, /close end