;Sept 22, 1990--KES ; Three files of data are ready for re-formatting for PDS ; The first is the Orig merge data file: m236 ; The second is the c_smithed new footprint merged data ; The third is the new s/w non-smithed footprint ; Wayne modeled the data for each geom set. PDS wants all ; three as separate tables. ; close,1 read,'choose orig(=0), CS (=1) or new-non (=2)',choose if choose eq 0 then openr,1,'diskg:[merges]m236_orig.wayne' if choose eq 1 then openr,1,'diskg:[merges]m236_new_cs.wayne' if choose eq 2 then openr,1,'diskg:[merges]m236_non_cs.wayne' a=assoc(1,fltarr(650)) f1beg=43952. & f2beg=36 f1end=43965. & f2end=29 fbeg=f1beg+(f2beg/60.) & fend=f1end+(f2end/60.) close,3 if choose eq 0 then openw,3,'sat_orig_ns.pds' if choose eq 1 then openw,3,'sat_new_cs_ns.pds' if choose eq 2 then openw,3,'sat_non_cs_ns.pds' f1=fltarr(5000) & f2=f1 & lat=f1 & lon=f1 ;estab arrays phas=f1 & mu=f1 & muo=f1 & sclat=f1 & sclon=f1 & rang=f1 f4=fltarr(5000) & f6=f4 & p4=f4 & p6=f6 s4=f4 & s6=f4 cc=3.1415926/180. ;convert deg to rad for Cosine m=0 loop: for i=0,4999 do begin t=a(i) tim=t(8)+(t(9)/60.) if (tim ge fbeg) and (tim le fend) then begin f1(m)=t(8) & f2(m)=t(9) & lat(m)=t(517) & lon(m)=t(518) rang(m)=t(516) & sclat(m)=t(512) & sclon(m)=t(513) mu(m)=cos(t(520)*cc) & muo(m)=cos(t(519)*cc) phas(m)=(180.-t(514)) f4(m)=t(621) & f6(m)=t(622) & p4(m)=t(623) & p6(m)=t(624) s4(m)=t(625) & s6(m)=t(626) & m=m+1 end end print,'completed at m=',m-1 for i=0,m-1 do begin ;write it out to table printf,3,'$(f7.0,f3.0,5f9.1,e15.7,8f7.4)',f1(i),f2(i),lat(i),$ lon(i),sclat(i),sclon(i),phas(i),rang(i),mu(i),muo(i),$ f4(i),p4(i),s4(i),f6(i),p6(i),s6(i) end close,3,1 stop & end