An annotated list of ALL POLAR/FAST magnetic conjunctions
The conjunction criteria are that the foot of the field lines through POLAR and FAST lie within 10 degrees longitude and 3 degrees latitude

Data from selected Polar Fast Conjunctions

compiled by W.K. Peterson

If you have questions about the format of these lists contact Bill Peterson

If you use either list, please be kind enough to acknowledge the source.

Data contribitions welcomed.

Edited list Last updated 12/28/97.... check the full list for conjunctions after this time or not listed above.

An annoted list of ALL POLAR/FAST magnetic conjunctions
The conjunction criteria are that the foot of the field lines through POLAR and FAST lie within 10 degrees longitude and 3 degrees latitude

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24 hour TIMAS spectrograms
Prepared by Bill Peterson

Last updated 09/20/2005 by Daryl Carr