Below is a guide to notable research from the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder that is being presented at the American Geophysical Union 2024 meeting, the world’s largest gathering of Earth and space scientists, from Dec. 9-13 in Washington, D.C. Within each category, presentations are listed in chronological order and all times are EST.
Media contacts:
Terri Cook,, +1 (303) 817-0443
Sara Pratt,, +1 (303) 735-6614
- Mon., Dec. 9
- Tues., Dec. 10
- Thurs., Dec 12
Miniaturized dual aperture relativistic electron telescope for CubeSat platforms (Invited)
Lauren Blum, CU Boulder/LASP
A tiny telescope designed for the upcoming SWAP-E CubeSat constellation will enable researchers to get a fuller picture of energetic particle precipitation, which plays a vital role in Earth’s magnetospheric and atmospheric processes. The Dual Aperture Relativistic Telescope (DART) will for the first time measure electron fluxes in two directions simultaneously—both downgoing particle precipitation and upgoing atmospheric backscatter.
Mon., Dec. 9, 10:22-10:32 | Liberty L (Marriott Marquis) | SA12A-01
High Versatility: Big Science from SmallSat Constellations and Focused Science from One-Offs (Invited)
James Mason, LASP/CU Boulder & JHU/APL
Small satellites can do big science. They can enable innovative and cost-effective scientific missions, support large-scale projects like constellations for simultaneous multipoint measurements, and solve challenges in orbital dynamics, like viewing angles. Additionally, SmallSats excel at addressing focused scientific goals efficiently, often outperforming larger missions in productivity relative to cost, as demonstrated by missions like CSSWE and MinXSS, with more examples on the horizon.
Tues., Dec. 10, 14:25-14:40 | University of DC & Catholic (Marriott Marquis) | SH23G-02
Learn more about the SunCET mission and meet PI James Mason at the NASA booth in the exhibit hall on Mon., Dec. 9, from 16:30-18:00.
DYNAGLO: The DYNamics Atmosphere GLObal-Connection CubeSat Mission
Maggie Zheng, LASP/CU Boulder
The DYNAGLO CubeSat mission will be the first to provide global measurements of thermospheric gravity waves (GWs) and correlate their characteristics with known GW sources, both terrestrial and geomagnetic. Using a pair of CubeSats each equipped with a Far Ultraviolet Imager, DYNAGLO will track emissions in the thermosphere to study GW characteristics, phase speeds, and correlations with auroral activity. Scheduled for launch in 2026, this innovative mission aims to advance understanding of how GWs influence Earth’s upper atmosphere.
Thurs., Dec. 12, 17:00-17:15 | Archives (Marriott Marquis) | SH44A-05
Learn more about the DYNAGLO mission and meet PI Aimee Merkel at the NASA booth in the exhibit hall on Mon., Dec. 9, from 16:30-18:00.
- Mon., Dec. 9
- Wed., Dec. 11
- Thurs., Dec 12
- Fri., Dec. 13
Venus’ aurora: A gateway to understand space weather impact on the atmosphere
Sonal Jain, LASP/CU Boulder
Venus provides a unique environment for studying atmospheric interactions with the solar wind as its thick atmosphere and lack of a global magnetic field leave it fully exposed to space weather phenomena like solar energetic particles (SEPs) and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Observations of luminous emissions on Venus’s nightside, potentially aurora-like, date back to 1643, with ultraviolet and visible auroras later detected by missions such as the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and ground-based telescopes. Comparisons to Mars, another planet without a global magnetic field, reveal intriguing parallels and differences in auroral phenomena, deepening our understanding of how solar wind impacts planetary atmospheres.
Mon., Dec. 9, 14:22-14:25 | eLightning Theater 4 (Convention Center) | SM13E-04
Check out other research being presented in this and another LASP-convened session on the use of Venus as a Heliophysics Laboratory:
Ring rain, go away, Come again another day
Sean Hsu, LASP/CU Boulder
Data from the Cassini mission revealed that material from Saturn’s rings continuously falls into its upper atmosphere as tiny dust particles. The high rate of this mass influx, its composition, and its effects on the atmosphere remain areas of active research. A preliminary model explores how the energy from these falling grains interacts with Saturn’s atmosphere, shedding light on ring-atmosphere interactions and their potential implications for the long-term existence of Saturn’s rings.
Wed., Dec. 11, 13:40-17:30 EST | Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) | P33F-2930
New Horizons’ Student Dust Counter Measurements: The Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt at 58 AU Heliocentric Distance
Alex Doner, LASP/CU Boulder
NASA’s New Horizons mission, carrying the LASP-built Venetia Burney Student Dust Counter (SDC), is the only instrument measuring interplanetary dust beyond 17 AU, with recent data extending to 58 AU. The SDC has detected higher-than-expected dust fluxes, with unexpected peaks particularly at 55 AU, which diverge from initial models and suggest that variations in dust grain composition from the Kuiper Belt play a key role. These ongoing measurements are crucial for refining our understanding of the Kuiper Belt’s structure and improving models of dust disks around other stars.
Wed., Dec. 11, 13:40-17:30 | Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) | P33F-2928
Laboratory Study of Plasma Charging Inside Lava Tubes on the Lunar Surface
Sean Gopalakrishnan, LASP/CU Boulder
Lunar lava tubes could serve as natural shelters for future human explorers, protecting against radiation and micrometeoroids. To evaluate potential electrostatic hazards, an experiment was performed using the Colorado Solar Wind Experiment device to simulate the solar wind interaction with a physical model of a lunar lava tube. The study shows a positive charging environment inside the tube that varies with the ion beam energy and tube depth, and secondary electrons from the tube’s sidewalls help neutralize the positive charge, creating a moderately charged environment that could be used for lunar habitation.
Wed., Dec. 11, 14:12-14:22 | Independence F-H (Marriott Marquis)| P33I-01
Did Shoemaker-Levy 9 Leave Behind a New Jovian Ring?
Mihaly Horanyi, LASP/CU Boulder
When Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) impacted Jupiter in July 1994, scientists predicted it would generate a faint dust ring around the gas giant consisting of tiny particles 1.5 to 2.5 micrometers in size. This study revisits the 1994 predictions in light of the Galileo mission’s observations and explores the possibility that NASA’s upcoming Europa Clipper mission, which carries the LASP-built SUDA dust analyzer instrument, could detect and confirm the existence of this faint ring.
Thurs., Dec. 12, 13:40-17:30 | Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) | NH43D-2442
Terrestrial Analogues of “Elephant Hide” Texture? Towards a Model of Lunar Patterned Ground Formation
Patrick O’Brien, LASP/CU Boulder
“Elephant hide” texture (EHT) is a distinctive ground pattern found on steep lunar slopes, characterized by hummocky crests and troughs. While typically attributed to processes like gravitational creep or seismic shaking, its origins remain a mystery, as these processes usually create smooth features. By comparing EHT to terrestrial analogues (like the stone stripes found in arid desert environments, in which crests and troughs exhibit size sorting), analyzing its surface properties, and modeling its evolution, researchers aim to understand how the unusual pattern forms and assess its implications for lunar exploration, particularly in areas of interest like the Artemis mission sites.
Fri., Dec. 13, 09:35-09:43 | 146 B (Convention Center) | EP51B-07
- Mon., Dec. 9
- Wed., Dec. 11
- Fri., Dec 13
New Electron and Proton Radiation Belt Discovered After the Magnetic Super Storm of May 10, 2024 (Invited)
Xinlin Li, LASP/CU Boulder
Following the May 10, 2024, magnetic superstorm, NASA’s CIRBE satellite discovered a new electron radiation belt containing 1.3 to 5 MeV electrons and a new proton belt containing 6.8 to 20 MeV protons. These new belts were found in regions typically devoid of such particles, with the electron belt being stable until a subsequent storm in June, while the proton belt remained more stable. The discovery highlights significant changes in radiation belt characteristics after the storm, offering insights into how wave-particle interactions and other factors influence these belts.
Mon., Dec. 9, 08:30-08:43 | Independence F-H (Marriott Marquis) | SM11A-01 A
Twist in Origin of Solar Magnetic Helicity: 3D rise of twisted flux tubes
Bhishek Manek, LASP/CU Boulder
Magnetic fields on the Sun, observed as active regions and sunspots, are crucial to understanding solar dynamics and surface activity, with the formation of these fields being central to solar dynamo theory. Recent observations have focused on the fields’ helicity—a measure of how much they twist and writhe. Helicity is vital to our understanding of the solar magnetic fields and plasma dynamics and may provide the energy for extreme space weather events. This research presents 3D simulations of twisted flux tubes rising through a background field, providing insights into the origin of solar hemispheric helicity and showing how it varies between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Mon., Dec. 9, 13:40-17:30 | Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) | SH13A-2914
Plasma wave survey from Parker Solar Probe observations during Venus gravity assists (Invited)
Harriet George, LASP/CU Boulder
The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) uses Venus gravity assists to lower its perihelion while also observing plasma waves in Venus’s induced magnetosphere using its FIELDS instrument. This study analyzes plasma wave activity detected during the first five Venus gravity assists, identifying various wave types and characteristics and comparing PSP’s capabilities with previous missions like Pioneer Venus Orbiter and Venus Express. The findings show how PSP’s advanced instrumentation can detect wave characteristics that earlier missions could not, providing valuable insights into the dynamics of Venus’s magnetosphere. The results also highlight the value of a plasma wave instrument on a new Venus mission.
Mon., Dec. 9, 14:19-14:22; Session: 14:10 – 15:40 | eLightning Theater 4 (Convention Center) | SM13E-03
A Search for Anomalous Dust Populations in the Inner Heliosphere
Avery Mazurkiewicz, LASP/CU Boulder
The densest and most dynamic portion of the zodiacal dust cloud—a cloud of tiny dust particles derived from asteroids and comets—lies within 1 AU of the Sun. As the Parker Solar Probe flies through this region, it uses its FIELDS instrument to detect and measure voltage signals from dust impacts on the spacecraft and determine the direction the dust was traveling. This study refines the current technique for determining dust directionality, and explores whether anomalies in dust streams linked to the Geminid meteors, observed during a previous PSP orbit, are isolated or recurring. The research improves the method for analyzing dust directionality across all the spacecraft’s orbits, potentially challenging existing models of zodiacal dust and enhancing our understanding of the inner solar system.
Wed., Dec. 11, 08:30-12:20 | Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) | SH31F-2681
IDEX’s Contributions to Understanding the Interstellar Medium
Ethan Ayari, LASP/CU Boulder
The LASP-built Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) instrument is a time-of-flight ion mass spectrometer aboard NASA’s IMAP mission, launching in 2025. IDEX is designed to analyze the composition of interplanetary and interstellar dust particles. Over the past three years, IDEX has undergone extensive calibration at the CU/LASP IMPACT dust accelerator facility using relevant materials to simulate impact velocities, confirming its ability to measure the isotopic composition and mass of dust particles. The results of this calibration will enhance IDEX’s contribution to IMAP’s science objectives, improving our understanding of the interstellar medium.
Wed., Dec. 11, 14:50-15:00 | Liberty I-K (Marriott Marquis) | SH33F-05
Unprecedented Nightside Ionospheric Dynamics Observed by GOLD During the 10-11 May 2024 Super Geomagnetic Storm
Deepak Karan, LASP/CU Boulder
During the super geomagnetic storm on May 10-11, 2024, NASA’s GOLD imager observed significant changes in the nightside ionosphere, including the poleward movement of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) crests. The southern EIA crest expanded rapidly and formed a ‘V’ shape, with enhanced plasma drifts observed in ionosonde data from key locations. This event marked the first observation of the EIA crest merging with the aurora, providing valuable insights into the ionospheric response to extreme space weather.
Fri., Dec. 13, 08:30-12:20 | Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) | SA51C-2705
- Mon., Dec. 9
- Tues., Dec. 10
- Fri., Dec 13
Visualizing Space Weather: SWx TREC Space Weather Applications Bring Data to Life
Jenny Knuth, LASP/CU Boulder
Presenting Author, Thomas Berger, CU Boulder Space Weather TREC
The largest solar storm in 20 years occurred in May 2024, allowing many people to view the aurora at unusually low latitudes. To make space weather data more accessible and understandable, a suite of applications has been developed, including the SWx TREC Space Weather Data Portal, H3lioViz, and LiveWire, which help visualize and interpret complex space weather data for researchers and the public. These tools provide real-time, interactive visualizations and are designed to maximize the value of space weather missions and data systems.
Mon., Dec. 9, 09:34-09:44 | Liberty L (Marriott Marquis) | SA11A-07
Science Instrumentation for the DAPHNE DYNAMIC Mission Concept.
William McClintock, LASP/CU Boulder.
The Dynamic Atmosphere-Ionosphere Neutral Explorers (DAPHNE) is a NASA-selected mission for a Phase A concept study in response to the DYNAMIC mission concept that involves two spacecraft flying in formation, each carrying three scientific instruments: FUVI, MIGHTI, and PLATO. These instruments will measure key atmospheric and ionospheric parameters, including wind, temperature, and composition profiles, as well as auroral emissions and neutral radiance, to study the thermosphere and ionosphere in detail.
Tues., Dec. 10, 08:30-12:20 | Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center)| SA21C-2609
The low-risk high-impact DAPHNE mission: A DYNAMIC mission concept.
Aimee Merkel, LASP/CU Boulder.
The Dynamic Atmosphere-Ionosphere Neutral Explorers (DAPHNE) is a NASA-selected mission for a Phase A concept study in response to the DYNAMIC mission concept aimed at understanding how lower-atmosphere processes influence the ionosphere-thermosphere system, with global measurements of winds, temperature, and composition in the critical 90-300 km altitude range. Led by LASP at the University of Colorado in partnership with the Naval Research Laboratory, the mission will use two spacecraft equipped with three optical instrument packages (FUVI, MIGHTI, and PLATO) to provide valuable data for understanding ionosphere-thermosphere variability.
Tues., Dec. 10, 17:18-17:28 | Independence E (Marriott Marquis) | SA24A-07
Adaptive Ultraviolet Integral-Field Spectroscopy with the Ultraviolet Micromirror Imaging Spectrograph (UMIS).
Brian Fleming, LASP/CU Boulder. P53C-3039
Opto-mechanical design of the Ultraviolet Micromirror Imaging Spectrograph (UMIS): Bringing integral field spectroscopy to planetary science.
Alan Ochoa, LASP/CU Boulder. P53C-3040
Two posters on the Ultraviolet Micromirror Imaging Spectrograph (UMIS) instrument will be presented on Fri., Dec. 13. UMIS is a new instrument concept that will bring integral-field spectroscopy to the planetary sciences for the first time. UMIS uses a novel image-slicing architecture with a digital micromirror array to effectively create a two-dimensional image of solar system bodies—including vapor plumes, atmospheres, cometary tails, and planetary surfaces—at every wavelength in the spectral bandpass simultaneously. This offers a significant advancement over traditional long-slit spectrographs. UMIS is led by the Planetary Science Institute, with the University of Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) leading the prototype design and fabrication assisted by BAE Systems Inc.
Fri., Dec. 13, 13:40-17:30 |Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center)
- Tues., Dec. 10
- Wed., Dec 11
The Low Earth Orbit Environment: Space Weather Impacts, Orbital Debris Populations, and Challenges to Space Operations Poster Session | Tues., Dec. 10, 08:30-12:20 | Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) | SA21D
Press Conference: Space Debris: Preventing the Runaway ‘Kessler Syndrome’
While only pieces of space debris larger than 10 centimeters can be reliably tracked, those as small as one centimeter can damage or even destroy a satellite. There are now an estimated 1 million pieces of debris this size, as well as 26,000 softball-sized pieces with a collision energy comparable to a large bomb, in Low Earth Orbit. Because high-altitude debris can remain in orbit for decades, it accumulates over time, increasing the risk of additional collisions, which would create still more debris and hence more collisions. If current trends are extrapolated, the number of catastrophic collisions could rise significantly, leading to a runaway cascade of accumulating space debris, known as the Kessler Syndrome, which could jeopardize the use of Low Earth Orbit and human spaceflight. This media event will highlight the regulatory and scientific aspects of space debris in Low Earth Orbit.
Speakers include: Daniel Baker, LASP/CU Boulder; David Malaspina, LASP/CU Boulder; Tsige Atilaw, University of Michigan; and Thomas Berger, CU Boulder Space Weather TREC.
Press Conference: Wed., Dec. 11, 13:30-14:15 pm | AGU Press Room (Shaw Room, Meeting Level 3, Marriott Marquis)