pro readplot print,'Reads and plots files from the chapter JUPITER''S INTERIOR' print,'by T. Guillot, D.J. Stevenson, W.B. Hubbard and D. Saumon' print,'in "Jupiter", eds. F. Bagenal et al. 2003' print,'' print,'Uses IDL' print,'Please refer to for instructions, or email' print,'Thanks' print,'' print,'The resulting figures appear as a postscript file ""' print,'All quantities are in cgs units except when explicitely stated otherwise' print,'' set_plot,'ps' device,file='' close,1 depart: print,'Please enter 1 character:' print,' 0 -> to exit' print,' 1 -> to draw plots related to Jupiter''s evolution' print,' A to F -> to draw plots related to Jupiter''s interior (models A to F)' car='r' cc='r' read,car if (car eq '0') then goto,fin if (car eq '1') then begin print,'Reads file "jupiter_evolution.dat"' openr,1,'jupiter_evolution.dat' readf,1,cc readf,1,cc readf,1,n a=fltarr(7,n) readf,1,a close,1 cpar=['AGE','R/RJUP','L/LJUP','T_EFF','T_10bar','S_CENTER','DELTA_S'] print,'Enter 1 to 6, depending on the variable to be plotted as a function of time' for i=1,6 do print,i,'->',cpar(i) read,i plot_oi,a(0,*),a(i,*),xtitle='Age (Myr)',ytitle=cpar(i),thick=3,charsize=1.3,xrange=[0.1,3],xstyle=1 goto,depart endif fic=' ' if (car eq 'A') then fic='jupiter_A' if (car eq 'B') then fic='jupiter_B' if (car eq 'C') then fic='jupiter_C' if (car eq 'D') then fic='jupiter_D' if (car eq 'E') then fic='jupiter_E' if (car eq 'F') then fic='jupiter_F' if (fic eq ' ') then goto,depart ficzel=fic+'.zel' openr,1,ficzel print,'Reading file',ficzel readf,1,cc readf,1,cc a=fltarr(6) b=a c=a d=a readf,1,a readf,1,cc readf,1,b readf,1,cc readf,1,c readf,1,cc readf,1,d print,'Z (molecular region):',b(0) print,'Core mass (Earth masses):',a(2) print,'Mass of heavy elements in molecular region:',d(2) print,'Mass of heavy elements in metallic region: ',d(3) print,'Total mass of heavy elements: ',d(5) close,1 ficdes=fic+'.des' openr,1,ficdes print,'Reading file',ficdes for i=1,12 do readf,1,cc readf,1,n a=fltarr(9,n) readf,1,a close,1 ; Test on the temperatures (not calculated in the core) for i=0,n-1 do if (a(3,i) lt 0.) then a(3,i)=max(a(3,*)) cvar=['M/Mtot','R/Rtot','logP','logT','logRho','logKappa','logGradc','logGrada','logGradr'] print,'Choose two quantities to plot a profile' for i=0,8 do print,i,' -> ',cvar(i) read,i,j plot,a(i,*),a(j,*),xtitle=cvar(i),ytitle=cvar(j),thick=3,charsize=1.3 goto,depart fin: device,/close end