Clean up the whole mess with __plt__ and __errplot__ Octave ------ (needs work) axis (done) bar (done) plot (done) polar (done) semilogx (done) semilogxerr (done) semilogy (done) semilogyerr (done, unmodified) stairs (done) subplot (done) subwindow (done) subtitle (done) title (done) xlabel (done) ylabel (done) mplot (done) oneplot top_title.m bottom_title.m plot_border.m (???) Don't need replacing: contour mesh sombrero shg grid zlabel Octave-forge ------------ (done) clf fill(???) legend orient(???) pie (done) print quiver stem text tics Don't need replacing: countourf drawnow dhbar fill3 fplot gget ginput meshc patch pcolor peaks plot3 surf surfc view Teemu Ikonen 21.8.2003