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Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics


Dr. Xinlin Li
Principal Investigator
Aerospace Engineering Sciences
and Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
University of Colorado Boulder

ScottPaloDr. Scott Palo
Co-Principal InvestigatorAssociate ProfessorAerospace Engineering Sciences
University of Colorado Boulder

Rick Kohnert
Chief technical mentor for CSSWE
Professional Research Assistant
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
University of Colorado Boulder

DavidGerhardtDavid Gerhardt
Systems Engineer
PhD, Aerospace Engineering Sciences
University of Colorado Boulder

QuintinSchiller Quintin Schiller
Instrument Lead
PhD candidate
Aerospace Engineering Sciences
and Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
University of Colorado Boulder

LaurenBlum Lauren Blum
Project Manager
PhD candidate
Aerospace Engineering Sciences
and Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
University of Colorado Boulder