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Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics


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CUTE data pipeline paper is published in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific!

November 9, 2022

CUTE science team member A. G. Sreejith started working on a data reduction pipeline for CUTE data during CUTE’s integration and testing period. The details of this pipeline are now published and can be read on the arXiv and on IOPScience. For more CUTE publications, check out our publications page:

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CUTE mission overview and lessons learned presented at the 2022 Small Satellite Conference

August 8, 2022

CUTE science graduate student Arika Egan presented CUTE’s integration and testing summary on August 6th to the Small Satellite Conference in Logan UT. She also presented some of the mission’s lessons learned. The conference proceeding and presentation slides can be found on this Utah State University Digital Commons page. For more CUTE science, engineering, and […]

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CUTE featured in CU Boulder Today

September 23, 2021

In anticipation of the CUTE launch near the end of September, CU Boulder featured an article detailing the CUTE mission. Head to the article to learn more:

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CUTE delivered to NASA for mid-September launch!

August 16, 2021

CUTE was successfully delivered to Vandenberg Air Force base in late July and is currently being integrated into NASA’s LandSat 9 mission for launch in mid-September 2021. The CUTE engineering team worked extremely hard to get CUTE launch-ready and are excited to see the mission move forward. Stay tuned for updates about the launch and […]

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Funding renewed for post-launch operations

May 19, 2021

NASA funded CUTE for science and operations between launch and 2023. As the CUTE mission is expected to last no more than 3 years in space before deorbiting into the Earth’s atmosphere, this funding will provide support to produce excellent science with CUTE data.

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CUTE Published in Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems

February 22, 2018
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Devner Post Features CUTE

November 12, 2017
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CU Boulder Today Press Release

October 31, 2017
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CUTE selected by NASA for funding!

August 8, 2017
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