SEMDATAFOLDER contains three sub-directories: \long \zip_daily \zip_15sec The \long contains two subdirectories which are maintened about one time per week: \15_sec_avg \daily_avg and two subdirectories with some old 10-min and 5-min integrated data: \10_min_avg \5_min_avg ; The files in the 15_sec_avg are separated for each year of SOHO/CELIAS/SEM mission. Yearly files in the 15_sec_avg subdirectory are organized as separate YY_MM_DD_v3.15 files ; Daily files in the daily_avg subdirectory are organized as ; Both 15-sec and daily averaged files are combined in the ZIP-directories ; Space Sciences Center, SHS 274 MC-1341University of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA 90089 ----------------------------------------------- Phone: (213) 740-6339 E-mail: Contact: Leonid Didkovsky, leonid 'at' Website: