Summary of the EVE Launch Preparation Workshop
LASP and USC held a small workshop during the week of Dec. 7, 2009 to discuss the final preparations in data processing algorithms and the activities and observations for EVE during the 60-day commissioning phase after launch. The SDO launch at KSC is currently scheduled for Feb. 3, 2010, with backup launch dates of Feb. 4 and Feb. 11. Version 2 of the EVE data processing algorithms are anticipated to be released after the completion of the instrument commissioning. In addition to the workshop activities, a new bi-stable filter mechanism for the rocket ESP mechanism was integrated onto the calibration rocket payload. The first calibration sounding rocket flight from WSMR is planned for May 5, being 3 months after the SDO launch.
Wednesday, Dec. 9
Operations, Additional Data Processing / Analysis Discussion |
Title |
Speaker |
files |
Anomaly Response Document
Review anomaly response for ESP specific items |
Karen Bryant |
EVE_Anomaly_Response_C.pdf |
Level 1 Products
Tom Woods |
04_Woods_MEGS-P_Cal_Overview.pdf |
Level 1 Products
Kalman Filtering & Temperature Analysis |
Chris Jeppesen |
document pending |
Workshop Notes
LASP: Tom Woods, Frank Eparvier, Rachel Hock, Don Woodraska, Chris Jeppesen, Karen Bryant
USC: Leonid Didkovsky, Seth Wieman
GSFC: Dean Pesnell, Phil Chamberlin
OLD Action Items
Discussed old Action Items from EVE October 2008 Workshop. Some closed, many need EVE real data (post-launch).
EVE Data System Needs
(Don Woodraska)
Need 60 TB data storage – buy more storage instead of more computers as originally planned for Year 1 in Phase E
EVE Science Data Products Status (Don Woodraska)
Level 0A, 0B, and 0D algorithms are done.
- ENG data product algorithm is completed.
- Level 0C, 0CS are close to being completed.
- Level 1 MEGS-A, MEGS-B, MEGS-P, ESP algorithms are completed, but need some updates for latest calibration results.
- Level SAM 1A and 1B will not be ready for launch.
- Level 2S, 2L, and 3 algorithms are completed.
Data Products Release Plan / Concept
- 6-months for Validation Effort - order for getting validation completed: MEGS-P, ESP, MEGS-B, MEGS-A, SAM
- Plan to release data products when each are ready (versus waiting for all to be ready).
- Level 0CS will likely be first product released (L+60 days possible)
Level 0CS Product
(Chris Jeppesen)
- Space weather product using ESP and MEGS-P diodes using S-Band data. Includes averages over 1 minute (just 6 samples as get S-Band packets every 10 sec).
- Also includes ESP Dark and MEGS-P Dark and ESP Quad Diode results.
- Plots: Coronal (4 ESP), Transition Region (304 & 1216), Dark (particles)
ESP Level 1 and 0C Data Products(Leonid Didkovsky)
- Version Updates for flight calibrations:
- Post-launch shift possible, determined from first cal rocket
- Calibration changes from daily cal experiments (e.g., gain, dark offset, visible)
Degradation determined primarily from rocket cal flights
ESP Long-term Precision
(Leonid Didkovsky)
SOHO SEM has 6% long-term mean difference between the flight (daily averaged) and rocket (apogee) points representing absolute SEM first-order irradiance. A difference for ESP is expected to be even better, within about 3%, as ESP has (but SEM does not have) dark diode, solar energetic particles, and visible filter measurement for more accurate determination of the background signal, improved knowledge of the solar spectrum (from MEGS or advanced solar models), improved knowledge of solar offset pointing, thermal changes of the electronics gain and the background signal, and daily calibrations for gain, dark, visible.
ESP Sensitivity to SEPs
(Leonid Didkovsky)
Expect only about 1 DN uncertainty for the solar flare events created by the solar flares with their class < X5 and by the corresponding CMEs. This uncertainty is related to the different particle stopping power for ESP opto-mechanical channel’s configuration when using the ESP Dark Channel (#3) as a detector of energetic particles.
FOV Maps
- Early ops: determine Sun center relative to optical axis
MEGS: calculates responsivity with given Sun center offset every hour, and possibly more often if offsets change by certain amount (arc-seconds).
MEGS Calibration (Rachel Hock)
- Concerns for MEGS responsivity results (perhaps not all accounted for): SURF Fuzz On & Off differences are about 10% for some SURF beam energies but difference not seen for 380 MeV beam. Calibrations with different beam energies are sometimes as much as 10% different, which contributes to differences for order sorting (OS). Both of these may be related to how SURF beam shifts up and down for different beam energies and also Fuzz on/off modes. We measured the SURF beam height for each SURF beam energy and this helps to improve the SURF measurements / analysis.
- Flight MEGS versus Rocket MEGS: Flight A appears to have wavelength shift (can be fixed with real solar spectrum). Flight B has lower responsivity at longest wavelengths but higher at shortest wavelengths.
Presented several key SURF calibration settings for future rocket MEGS calibrations (slide 24).
Order sorting for solar data is not implemented yet in flight processing. Flight MEGS OS calibrations did not work as well as rocket MEGS.
- Have not done detailed examination of SURF +45° and -45° orientation checks for polarization effects. Don’t expect to see much difference based on initial checks.
EVE Level 2 Data Product
(Chris Jeppesen)
- Level 2S: Merged MEGS spectra, 10-sec cadence, 1-hour files
- Level 2L: Lines & Bands (instrument-related bands such as from AIA or GOES), 10-sec cadence, 1-hour files
- Level 3: Daily-averaged results for Level 2S and 2L spectra and lines/bands. Also have varieties of Level 3 at 0.02 nm, 0.1 nm, and 1.0 nm resolution. The 1-nm resolution result is merged into single mission file, the other files are merged into 1-year files.
- Fill Value is -1.0 for missing data.
MEGS-P Calibrations (Tom Woods)
- Main issue is that the rocket MEGS-P Lyman-alpha measurement is 30% less than SORCE SOLSTICE. Concern with difference being related to either bandpass difference between SURF and solar measurements and/or scattered light for SURF calibrations. Plan to adopt SORCE SOLSTICE as reference for flight MEGS-P and track relative changes using rocket MEGS-P and with any other Lyman-alpha measurements (e.g. SORCE SOLSTICE, GOES EUVS, etc.)
- Future SURF calibration options for rocket MEGS-P:
- FOV edge scans
- Fuzz On / Off checks
- Two Lyman-alpha filters in Beam Line to check on scattered light.
Kalman Filtering for ESP and MEGS-P Time Series(Chris Jeppesen)
- EMI/EMC noise sensitivity for MEGS-P and ESP. Filtering of data being considered for data processing.
Kalman filters need to be tuned for “process noise”. This tuning would need to be done for each photometer channel uniquely.
- Recommend putting Kalman filter result and raw measurement in Level 1 and 2 products for ESP
and MEGS-P.
This is also useful for detector temperature-related dark function that includes a polynomial fit with temperature but also a linear fit with temperature rate (time lag effect).
Mission OPS Training / Discussions (Karen Bryant)
- Anomaly Response Anomaly Response Document lists flow on how to respond to anomaly and specific instructions for each type anomaly.
- Example: ESP detector temperature has high yellow limit at 25 C and red limit at 35 C. If reach yellow limit, then USC-LASP to examine trend and discuss option to turn off. If reaches red limit, then response is to turn off ESP, even if USC-LASP not able to have discussion first.
Early Orbit Commissioning Plans (Karen Bryant)
- EVE has contamination heaters on after launch.
- EVE first turn on is L+6 days to prep ops heaters.
- EVE EEB is tested L+10.
- Instrument tests start on L+25 with HSB test first.
- EVE Door opens on L+33. Decontamination heaters are off on L+31.
- Instrument testing and calibrations through L+60. EVE gets 2-hours per day for commanding.
- Solar pointing starts on L+24 but not fine pointing until L+44 (after guide telescope has its calibration).
Early Orbit Calibration Plan
- Temperature Calibration includes CCD at -90 C, -95 C, -85 C, -90 C and then EOP at 10, 5, 15, 10.
- Each done at same time of orbit (same time of day) and includes dark, flatfield lamp for CCDs and cal voltage for ESP & MEGS-P, solar, and dark during transition in temperature.
EVE Data Access Demo
(Don Woodraska)
- Computer:
- Directories:
/production Released data products
/local_data Test data products
/eve_analysis Place for analysis (but not processing code)
- Terminal commands:
> ssh –Y evesci2.lasp.colorado.edu
> source /local_data/eve_setup_eve_test.csh -or- /local_data/eve_setup_eve.csh
- IDL commands:
> data = read_latest_eve(type, level, yd, status)
> data = read_latest_eve(‘esp’, L0b”, 2008061, status, filefound=file,
FITS GSFC Library:
- mrdfits.pro can be used to read EVE data products (FITS files)
- mwrfits.pro can be used to write FITS files
- read_latest_eve.pro uses mrdfits.pro but allows for finding EVE data products better.
- Unix FITS-File browse (and edit) tool: fv (Fits View)