10:02:09 From Ian Cohen (he/him) : https://lasp.colorado.edu/galaxy/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=91980563 10:04:58 From Lynn Wilson : Is there a dueling area? 10:05:07 From Lynn Wilson : This looks like some old school RPG 10:05:08 From Lynn Wilson : HA 10:05:19 From Yi-Hsin Liu : Impressive~ 10:07:37 From Ian Cohen (he/him) : Yep Lynn, it has a very Zelda-esque feel 10:11:04 From Dominic Payne : Maybe next time we can have dungeons with research themed puzzles! Gotta go through the Solar Wind Temple to move on to the Magnetopause Reconnection temple 10:11:38 From Lynn Wilson : HA 10:11:49 From Lynn Wilson : I was thinking Dragon Warrior ;) 10:54:06 From ljchen : Very interesting, Katariina! We indeed see MP reconnection occurring at unexpected places in global hybrid simulations, including that caused by high speed jets. 10:54:47 From ljchen : Jonathan Ng is submitting a paper on that. 10:57:52 From Ian Cohen (he/him) : Katariina, just a note - I see one of your FEEPS electron panels says energies up to 1 MeV, but FEEPS does not measure above 600 keV 10:58:55 From ljchen : Jet-triggered MP reconnection. Katariina, Could you post the link to your latest paper on that unexpected cavity locations? Thanks! 11:01:09 From Brandon Burkholder : Katariina had to leave but here is the link https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2018JA026131 11:01:41 From ljchen : Thank you, Brandon! 11:14:44 From Katariina Nykyri : I have not left, but thanks sharing the link :) 11:16:13 From Katariina Nykyri : Ian, yep, that FEEPS label was directly from SPEDAS version from 2018. Important to keep updating and using the latest bleeding edge! 11:26:15 From Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti : @Marcos Do the sketch field lines (?) on Slide 5 indicate that FTEs are open (not closed flux ropes) structures? 11:34:39 From Marcos Vinicius : If you have any further question, please contact me marcosvdsilveira@gmail.com 11:35:50 From Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti : @Marcos I will need to look at your study again to see whether PADe indicate open (uni-directional) or closed (bi-directional) field lines. Great presentation! 11:37:41 From Marcos Vinicius : @Mojtaba Thank..you can find the paper here https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA027308 11:38:54 From Marcos Vinicius : @Mojtaba, send me an email and can discuss more. Thanks again! 11:55:56 From Ian Cohen (he/him) : Hi all, here’s the link for this afternoon’s poster & social session in Gather: https://gather.town/app/d1SPh85HWcBqWiew/SpringMMSSWT 11:58:26 From Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti : I also have a slide to quickly share for feedback, if possible! Thanks! 12:02:20 From Katariina Nykyri : Tai, did I answer your question?