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A: Submission deadline is Aug 31. Special accommodations can be made easily, upon request to Guest Editors Julia Stawarz and Kevin Genestreti.
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A: Of course, answer varies. Feel free to reach out to Kevin & Julia for a second opinion.
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Author Name | Paper title (or topic, if title is TBD) | Status |
Kevin Genestreti | Energy conversion in magnetopause vs magnetotail electron diffusion regions | in prog |
Julia Stawarz | Turbulence-Driven Magnetic Reconnection and the Correlation Length of Magnetosheath Turbulence | submitted |
Matthew Argall | Observations and Simulations of Kinetic Entropy in a Magnetotail Electron Diffusion Region | submitted |
Shan Wang | Lower-hybrid drift waves and their interaction with plasmas in a 3D reconnection simulation | accepted |
Shan Wang | A statistical study of three-second ULF waves observed by MMS | accepted |
Owen Roberts | The Kinetic Alfven-like nature of turbulent fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosheath: MMS measurement of the electron Alfven ratio | submitted |
Seung Choi | Whistler waves generated by nongyrotropic and gyrotropic electron beams during asymmetric guide field reconnection | submitted |
Dominic Payne | Origin and Structure of Electromagnetic Generator Regions at the Edge of the Electron Diffusion Region | published |
Cecilia Norgren | Observation of nonlinear wave-electron interaction in electron phase space holes | in prog |
Imogen Gingell | Observing the prevalence of thin current sheets downstream of Earth's bow shock | accepted |
Mitsuo Oka | Electron power-law spectra in Earth's magnetotail | in prog |
Jason Shuster | Electron-Scale Temperature Gradients in Kinetic Equilibrium: MMS Observations and Vlasov-Maxwell Solutions | accepted |
Kevin A. Blasl | Multi-scale observations of the magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz waves during southward IMF | accepted |
Takuma Nakamura | Multi-scale evolution of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at the Earth’s magnetopause during southward IMF periods | accepted |
Jim Burch | The EDR inflow region of a reconnecting current sheet in the geomagnetic tail with MMS | in prog |
Marit Oieroset | Spatial evolution of magnetic reconnection diffusion region structures with distance from the X-line | published |
Martin Hosner | Statistical investigation of Electric Field Fluctuations around the Lower-Hybrid frequency range at Dipolarization Fronts in the near-Earth Magnetotail | submitted |
Naoki Bessho | Strong reconnection electric fields in shock-driven turbulence | submitted |
Andy Marshall | Lower Hybrid Drift Wave near a Secondary X-Line | in prog |
Riddhi Bandyopadhyay | Energy Dissipation in Turbulent Reconnection | published |
Jonathan Ng | Bursty magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause triggered by high-speed jets | published |