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Author Name | Paper title (or topic, if title is TBD) | Status |
Kevin Genestreti | Energy conversion in magnetopause vs magnetotail electron diffusion regions | in prog |
Julia Stawarz | Turbulence-Driven Magnetic Reconnection and the Correlation Length of Magnetosheath Turbulence | in prog |
Matthew Argall | Observations and Simulations of Kinetic Entropy in a Magnetotail Electron Diffusion Region | in prog |
Matthew Argall | Information Loss Associated with the Kinetic Picture of Plasmas and Implications for Dissipation Studies | in prog |
Shan Wang | Lower-hybrid drift waves and their interaction with plasmas in a 3D reconnection simulation | accepted |
Shan Wang | A statistical study of three-second ULF waves observed by MMS | in prog |
Owen Roberts | The Kinetic Alfven-like nature of turbulent fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosheath: MMS measurement of the electron Alfven ratio | in prog |
Seung Choi | Whistler waves generated by nongyrotropic and gyrotropic electron beams during asymmetric guide field reconnection | in prog |
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