Deep Space Gateway Workshop:

NCTS #: 

Information for Heliophysics portion of Program Committee:


    1. Finalize workshop program
      1. re-arrange presentations as appropriate
      2. ID session chairs
      3. ID overview speakers
        1. External Payloads I (solar): 
        2. External Payloads II (near-Earth):  Paxton is available
        3. Cubesats/Small Sats:
        4. Space Weather for Exploration I:  could be 3147: Berger?
        5. Space Weather for Exploration II: could be 3150: Spence?
    2. Encourage workshop participants to submit actionable summary quad charts to be included in Heliophysics report
    3. Identify topics/prime authors for 2 pagers, which form the basis for the Heliophysics meeting report

Good practices to implement at the workshop (thanks to Ed for starting this discussion):

Special Session at TESS:


    1. Identify three invited speakers, invite to submit abstract
    2. Send email to all Heliophysics DSG Workshop participants informing of TESS special session