
Hotels close to LASP

Personally I like the Best Western Golden Buff it is reasonably close to LASP and certainly an easy walk if the weather is nice.
The Harvest Millennium is slightly closer but more expensive.
The Boulder Outlook is also close

The LASP website has some other suggestions and more information for visitors.

I have just found out the the weekend before the workshop is University of Colorado "Homecoming". Unfortunately that means that hotel rooms in Boulder might be a bit difficult to find, and/or expensive. There are several small towns outside Boulder that have easy access to Boulder, and probably have more rooms available. Towns such as Longmont,  Louisville and Broomfield are all quite close and might be a better alternative to Boulder if you have problems finding a room. If you are having problems finding a room please let me know (mailto: andrew.jones@lasp.colorado.edu). (ARJ 3 Oct. 2011)

Meeting Location

The workshop will take place in the LASP/LSTB building at 1234 Innovation Drive, Boulder, CO 80303 USA. We will be in room A200. Please come to the main entrance of the building and sign in at the front desk. If you have let me or Frank know that you are attending (and please do) there will be a name badge for you.

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