Space Weather Journal App Released

You will be pleased to know that the Space Weather Journal, published by AGU, is now available through an iPad App.  Joining the other AGU journals we all enjoy, you will now be able to access your Space Weather Journal subscription via compatible mobile devices.  Those without a subscription will enjoy the open access articles.  Download the free app via .  Note that the app will appear in the device's Newstand and is mobile-anywhere enabled.  If you or your institution has a subscription, you only need to synch it through that account or address once every 3 months; you can then access the content anywhere.

Space Weather: The International Journal of Research and Applications is an online publication devoted to the field of space weather and its impact on the design and operations of technical and engineered systems, including telecommunications, electric power, and satellite navigation. The journal's readers include engineers, system operators, systems designers, space weather forecasters, space weather modelers, as well as the solar and space physics research community.  

Louis Lanzerotti is the founding editor of the journal and its digest edition the Space Weather Quarterly, which began publication in 2003.  Lou as Editor-in-Chief and Howard Singer as Editor, have firmly established what is considered by many in our community to be the premier policy magazine for the space weather-related research disciplines.   With this tenth year anniversary, please join the AGU SPA community in congratulating Lou and Howard on this success as the journal moves forward with new, modernized access methods.  If this journal is not on your list of AGU Journal Content Alerts, you may want to correct that at

Submitted 2 Dec 2013 to SPA News, Solar News, PEN