LASP director awarded EGU’s Alfvén Medal


LASP director awarded EGU’s Alfvén Medal

Hannes Alfvén was a Swedish electrical engineer, plasma physicist, and winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on magnetohydrodynamics. (Courtesy EGU)
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has named LASP Director Daniel Baker as the recipient of the 2019 Hannes Alfvén Medal. The medal was established in 1997 in recognition of the scientific achievements of Hannes Alfvén and is awarded for outstanding scientific contributions towards the understanding of plasma processes in the solar system and other cosmical plasma environments.

Baker is one of 45 individuals to be recognized this year for their important contributions to and leadership in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. Baker will receive his award during the EGU 2019 General Assembly, which will take place from April 7-12, 2019, in Vienna, Austria.

Hannes Alfvén was a Swedish electrical engineer, plasma physicist, and winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on magnetohydrodynamics. Among his many contributions to plasma physics, he characterized a class of low-frequency, hydromagnetic plasma oscillations that came to be known as Alfvén waves in his honor. Alfvén was awarded the American Geophysical Union’s highest honor, the William Bowie Medal, in 1988, 30 years prior to Baker receiving the same award.

In addition to being LASP director, Baker is a University of Colorado Boulder Distinguished Professor of Planetary and Space Physics, Professor of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, Professor of Aerospace Engineering, and Professor of Physics. He holds the Moog-Broad Reach Endowed Chair of Space Sciences at CU. His primary research interest is the study of plasma physics and energetic particle phenomena in planetary magnetospheres and in the Earth’s vicinity. He conducts research in space instrument design, space physics data analysis, and magnetospheric modeling.


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