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Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Level 0C

Level 0C Data Description

Version 3.1.0


This product is the result of time-sorting the Level 0B data. Packets get put into the order they were generated rather than the order they were received on the ground. The final result is another series of per-day IDL savesets and an additional mission-length saveset.

What’s in Level 0c Data

Note: The primary science instrument is called the X123. The secondary science instruments are the SPS and XP. The attitude determination and control system (ADCS) is called XACT.

The Level 0C data consists of several anonymous structures (IDL lingo that is the equivalent of dictionaries in other languages). Each structure is a variable. Within each structure are tag/value pairs (aka key/value pair in other languages).

Level 0C structure definition

Variable Name Tag Name Units Description
hk apid 11-bit Application Process Identifier
seq_flag Sequence flag
seq_count 14-bit Source Sequence Counter – Monotonically incrementing integer with each generated housekeeping packet
data_length Packet Data Length
time GPS seconds Time of housekeeping packet generation according to uncorrected spacecraft clock in GPS time format
cdh_info CDH State and SC Mode Bitfields, decoded in subsequent variables
cdh_state CDH State Bitfield, decoded in subsequent variables
spacecraft_mode Spacecraft Mode Bitfield, 1 = phoenix, 2 = safe, 4 = science
eclipse_state Eclipse State Bitfield, onboard determination of (1) in eclipse or (0) in sun
adcs_info ADCS XACT FSW Bitfields, decoded in subsequent variables
adcs_state ADCS Sun Point State. 2 = search initialization 3 = searching, 4 = waiting 5 = converging, 6 = on sun, 7 = not active
adcs_attitude_valid ADCS attitude solution. 1 if obtained, 0 if not.
adcs_refs_valid ADCS validity of ephemeris. 1 if valid, 0 if not.
adcs_time_valid ADCS Time Valid. 1 if valid, 0 if not.
adcs_recommend_sun ADCS recommend sun (coarse) point. 1 if yes, 0 if no.
adcs_mode ADCS Mode, 0 = sun point, 1 = fine reference point
adcs_highrateruncounter ADCS (XACT) High Rate Run Count
time_offset ms
Time Offset during last RTC sync
cmd_last_opcode Opcode Value of Last Command Received
cmd_accept_count Number of commands accepted since boot
cmd_reject_count Number of Commands Rejected since boot
sd_hk_routing Housekeeping Packet Routing, 1 = SD card only, 2 = real time routing to radio and SD card, 4 = to periodic beacon only, 8 = to ADCS
sd_log_routing Log Message Packet Routing, 1 = SD card only, 2 = real time routing to radio and SD card, 4 = to periodic beacon only, 8 = to ADCS
sd_diag_routing Diagnostic Packet Routing, 1 = SD card only, 2 = real time routing to radio and SD card, 4 = to periodic beacon only, 8 = to ADCS
sd_adcs_routing ADCS Packet Routing, 1 = SD card only, 2 = real time routing to radio and SD card, 4 = to periodic beacon only, 8 = to ADCS
sd_ximg_routing XACT Star Tracker Image Packet Routing, 1 = SD card only, 2 = real time routing to radio and SD card, 4 = to periodic beacon only, 8 = to ADCS
sd_sci_routing Science Packet Routing, 1 = SD card only, 2 = real time routing to radio and SD card, 4 = to periodic beacon only, 8 = to ADCS
sd_hk_write_offset Write Offset of HK Packet Block on SD Card
sd_log_write_offset Write Offset of Log Packet Block on SD Card
sd_diag_write_offset Write Offset of Diagnostic Packet Block on SD Card
sd_adcs_write_offset Write Offset of ADCS Packet Block on SD Card
sd_ximg_write_offset Write Offset of XACT Star Tracker Image Packet Block on SD Card
sd_sci_write_offset Write Offset of Science Packet Block on SD Card
sd_hk_read_offset Read Offset of HK Packet Block on SD Card
sd_log_read_offset Read Offset of Log Message Packet Block on SD Card
sd_diag_read_offset Read Offset of Diagnostic Packet Block on SD Card
sd_adcs_read_offset Read Offset of ADCS Packet Block on SD Card
sd_ximg_read_offset Read Offset of XACT Star Tracker Image Packet Block on SD Card
sd_sci_read_offset Read Offset of Science Packet Block on SD Card
fsw_major_minor Flight Software Major and Minor Version Numbers
fsw_patch_version Flight Software Patch Version Number
flight_model Flight Model, either 1 or 2 corresponding to which MinXSS this is
adcs_gain_detuned ADCS Gain Detuned
adcs_using_sps ADCS Using LASP fine sun sensor (SPS). 1 if yes, 0 if no.
paramsethdrbyte1 Parameter Set Header Byte 1
paramsethdrbyte2 Parameter Set Header Byte 2
sd_writectrlblockaddr SD Write Control Block Address
lockout_timeoutcounter s
Lockout Timeout Countdown after initial deployment
contacttx_timeoutcounter s
Contact Transmit Timeout Countdown
battery_heatersetpoint ºC


Battery Heater Setpoint
instrument_heatersetpoint ºC


Instrument Heater Setpoint, disabled when set to 255
cdh_batt_v V


CDH measured battery voltage monitor
cdh_batt_v2 V


CDH measured battery voltage monitor #2
cdh_5v V


CDH 5.0V Monitor
cdh_3v V


CDH 3.5V Monitor
cdh_temp ºC


CDH Temperature Monitor
cdh_enables CDH Bit Flags for Power Switch Enables, decoded in subsequent variables
enable_comm Enable Communications board. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable_adcs Enable attitude determination and control system. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable_sps_xps Enable SPS and XP. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable_x123 Enable X123 primary science instrument. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable_batt_heater Enable Battery Heater. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable_ant_deploy Enable Antenna Deploy. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable_sa_deploy Enable solar arrays Deploy. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable_inst_heater Enable instrument Heater. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable_spare Enable Spare. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable_sdcard Enable SD Card. 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled. Notice the logic here is actually reversed. Tag name really should be disable_sdcard.
cdh_i2c_err CDH I2C Bus Error Code
cdh_rtc_err CDH RTC Bus Error Code
cdh_spi_sd_err CDH SPI SD Bus Error Code
cdh_uart1_err CDH UART1 Bus Error Code
cdh_uart2_err CDH UART2 Bus Error Code
cdh_uart3_err CDH UART3 Bus Error Code
cdh_uart4_err CDH UART4 Bus Error Code
radio_counter Li-1 radio telemetry packet counter
radio_temp ºC


Temperature of AstroDev Li-1 Internal MSP430 Microcontroller
radio_time s


Radio Time
radio_rssi dB


Radio Received Signal Strength Indication
radio_received B
Number of Bytes Received by Radio
radio_transmitted B
Number of Bytes Transmitted by Radio
comm_last_cmd COMM Last Command Number
comm_last_status COMM Status for Last Command. 2 = Acknowledged. 102 = Not acknowledged.
comm_temp ºC


COMM Board Temperature Monitor
mb_temp1 ºC


MotherBoard Temperature Monitor (top)
mb_temp2 ºC


MotherBoard Temperature Monitor (bottom)
eps_temp1 ºC


Electric Power System Board Temperature Monitor (top)
eps_temp2 ºC


Electric Power System Board Temperature Monitor (bottom)
eps_fg_volt V


Electric Power System Fuel Gauge Battery Voltage
eps_fg_soc %


Electric Power System Fuel Gauge State of Charge (0-100%)
eps_sa1_cur mA
EPS Solar Array -Y Regulator Current
eps_sa1_volt V


EPS Solar Array -Y Regulator Voltage
eps_sa2_cur mA
EPS Solar Array +X Regulator Current
eps_sa2_volt V


EPS Solar Array +X Regulator Voltage
eps_sa3_cur mA
EPS Solar Array +Y Regulator Current
eps_sa3_volt V


EPS Solar Array +Y Regulator Voltage
eps_batt_cur mA
EPS Battery Load Current
eps_batt_volt V


EPS Battery Load Voltage
eps_3v_cur mA
EPS 3.5V Load Current
eps_3v_volt V


EPS 3.5V Load Voltage
eps_5v_cur mA
EPS 5.0V Load Current
eps_5v_volt V


EPS 5.0V Load Voltage
eps_sa1_temp ºC


EPS Solar Array -Y Temperature Monitor
eps_sa2_temp ºC


EPS Solar Array +X Temperature Monitor
eps_sa3_temp ºC


EPS Solar Array +Y Temperature Monitor
eps_batt_volt2 V


EPS Battery Voltage #2 Monitor
eps_batt_charge mA
EPS Battery Charge Current Monitor
eps_batt_temp1 ºC


EPS Battery Temperature #1 Monitor (top)
eps_batt_discharge mA
EPS Battery Discharge Current Monitor
eps_batt_temp2 ºC


EPS Battery Temperature #2 Monitor (bottom)
sps_xps_pwr_3v V


SPS-XPS Power Board I2C 3.5V Monitor
sps_xps_pwr_temp ºC


SPS and XP Power Board Temperature
sps_xps_pwr_d5v V


SPS and XP Power Board Digital 5V Monitor
sps_xps_pwr_a5v V


SPS and XP Power Board Analog 5V Monitor
sps_xps_temp ºC


SPS Temperature Monitor
xps_xps_temp ºC


XP Temperature Monitor
x123_brd_temp ºC


X123 Electronics Board Temperature
xact_commandrejectstatus XACT Command Reject Status. 0=OK, 1=BAD_APID, 2=BAD_OPCODE, 3=BAD_DATA, 4=ERROR4, 5=ERROR5, 6=ERROR6, 7=ERROR7, 8=CMD_SRVC_OVERRUN, 9=CMD_APID_OVERRU
sps_xps_dac1 V


xps_data DN
(data numbers)
Raw Data for XP Diode
dark_data DN
(data numbers)
Raw Data for Dark Diode
sps_sum fC


SPS Sum after dark corrected and gain applied
sps_x DN

(data numbers)

SPS X Position (Body Y; multiply by 3 and divide by 1e4 to get degrees)
sps_y DN

(data numbers)

SPS Y Position (Body Z; multiply by 3 and divide by 1e4 to get degrees)
x123_fast_count counts X123 Fast Shaper Counts Normalized
x123_slow_count counts X123 Slow Shaper Counts Normalized
x123_det_temp K


X123 Detector Temperature
xact_p5vtrackervoltage V


Tracker (all electronics) +5 Volt Monitor
xact_p12vbusvoltage V


Bus +12 Volt Monitor
xact_trackerdetectortemp ºC


XACT Tracker Detector Temperature
xact_wheel2temp ºC


Reaction Wheel 2 (X) Temperature
xact_meassunbodyvectorx Measured Sun-Body Unit Vector X
xact_meassunbodyvectory Measured Sun-Body Unit Vector Y
xact_meassunbodyvectorz Measured Sun-Body Unit Vector Z
xact_commandstatus XACT ADCS Command Status. 0=OK, 1=BAD_APID, 2=BAD_OPCODE, 3=BAD_DATA, 4=ERROR4, 5=ERROR5, 6=ERROR6, 7=ERROR7, 8=CMD_SRVC_OVERRUN, 9=CMD_APID_OVERRUN
xact_commandacceptcount XACT Command Accept Count
xact_commandacceptapid XACT Command Accept APID (byte 1)
xact_commandacceptopcode XACT Command Accept OpCode (byte 2)
xact_commandrejectcount Command Reject Count
xact_commandrejectapid Command Reject APID (byte 1)
xact_commandrejectopcode Command Reject OpCode (byte 2)
xact_wheel1estdrag rad/s/s

(radians per second squared)

Wheel 1 (-Y) Estimated Drag Due To Internal Friction
xact_wheel2estdrag rad/s/s

(radians per second squared)

Wheel 2 (+X) Estimated Drag Due To Internal Friction
xact_wheel3estdrag rad/s/s

(radians per second squared)

Wheel 3 (+Z) Estimated Drag Due To Internal Friction
xact_wheel1measspeed rad/s
(radians per second)
Wheel 1 (-Y) Measured Speed
xact_wheel2measspeed rad/s
(radians per second)
Wheel 2 (+X) Measured Speed
xact_wheel3measspeed rad/s
(radians per second)
Wheel 3 (+Z) Measured Speed
xact_bodyframeratex rad/s
(radians per second)
Body Frame Rate X
xact_bodyframeratey rad/s
(radians per second)
Body Frame Rate Y
xact_bodyframeratez rad/s
(radians per second)
Body Frame Rate Z
xact_lvl0_bitflags Level 0 Bitflags
xact_lvl0_counter Level 0 Counter
xact_lvl0_cmdrejectcount Level 0 Command Reject Count
xact_lvl0_cmdacceptcount Level 0 Command Accept Count
checkbytes Housekeeping Packet Checkbytes
syncword Packet Sync Word (0xA5A5)
checkbytes_calculated Checkbytes Calculated
checkbytes_valid Checkbytes Valid
time_jd Calendar date and time Julian date
time_iso Calendar date and time International standards organization time format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
time_human Calendar date and time Same as time_iso but with the T and Z removed
sci apid 11-bit Application Process Identifier
seq_flag Sequence Flag
seq_count 14-bit Source Sequence Counter
data_length Packet Data Length
time GPS seconds Time of science packet generation according to uncorrected spacecraft clock in GPS time format
cdh_info CDH State and SC Mode Bitfield Decoded in Subsequent Variables
cdh_state CDH State Bitfield Decoded in Subsequent Variables
spacecraft_mode Spacecraft Mode Bitfield, 1 = phoenix, 2 = safe, 4 = science
eclipse_state Eclipse State Bitfield, onboard determination of (1) in eclipse or (0) in sun
adcs_info ADCS XACT FSW Bitfields Decoded in Subsequent Variables
adcs_state ADCS Sun Point State. 2 = search initialization 3 = searching, 4 = waiting 5 = converging, 6 = on sun, 7 = not active
adcs_attitude_valid ADCS attitude solution. 1 if obtained, 0 if not.
adcs_refs_valid ADCS validity of ephemeris. 1 if valid, 0 if not.
adcs_time_valid ADCS Time Valid. 1 if valid, 0 if not.
adcs_recommend_sun ADCS recommend sun (coarse) point. 1 if yes, 0 if no.
adcs_mode ADCS Mode, 0 = sun point, 1 = fine reference point
xps_data DN
(data numbers)
Raw Data for XP Diode
dark_data DN

(data numbers)

Raw Data for Dark Diode
sps_data DN

(data numbers)

SPS Quad Diode Data (4 x 32-bits/diode)
sps_xp_integration_time s


Number of 1-sec integrations in SPS and XP totals
x123_fast_count counts X123 Fast Shaper Counts Normalized
x123_slow_count counts X123 Slow Shaper Counts Normalized
x123_gp_count counts X123 General Purpose Counter
x123_accum_time ms


X123 Accumulation Time
x123_live_time ms


X123 Live Time
x123_real_time ms


X123 Real Time
x123_hv V


X123 High Voltage Monitor
x123_det_temp K


X123 Detector Temperature
x123_brd_temp ºC


X123 Electronics Board Temperature
x123_flags X123 Flags
x123_read_errors Number of UART2 Errors while Reading X123
x123_radio_flag Number of transmissions during X123 integration
x123_write_errors Number of UART1 Errors while Writing X123
x123_cmp_info B


X123 Compression Information, 0=no compression
x123_spect_len B


X123 Spectrum Data Length
x123_group_count Count for the X123 Data: 0 = First
x123_spectrum counts X123 Spectrum Data
checkbytes Science Packet Checkbytes
syncword Packet Sync Word (0xA5A5)
checkbytes_calculated Checkbytes Calculated
checkbytes_valid Checkbytes Valid
time_jd Calendar date and time Julian date
time_iso Calendar date and time International standards organization time format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
time_human Calendar date and time Same as time_iso but with the T and Z removed
log apid 11-bit Application Process Identifier
seq_flag Sequence Flag
seq_count 14-bit Source Sequence Counter
data_length Packet Data Length
time GPS seconds Time of science packet generation according to uncorrected spacecraft clock in GPS time format
checkbytes Log Message Packet Checkbytes
syncword Packet Sync Word (0xA5A5)
message 46 characters in message, unused char filled with NULL
time_human Calendar date and time Same as time_iso but with the T and Z removed