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Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Poster Session

Thursday, Nov. 12, 4:45 – 6:30 pm

(as of November 4, 2015)

Download Agenda  (updated on October 29)


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1.   Serena Criscuoli, National Solar Observatory, Boulder, Colorado
Relation between Intensity Contrast and Magnetic Field for Active and Quiet Regions Observed on the Solar Photosphere

2.   Sarah Blunt, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Intensity Contrasts of Bright Solar Surface Features in Continuum and Absorption Bands at Disk Center
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3.   Angela Cookson, San Fernando Observatory, California State University, Northridge
Sunspots: SFO Areas vs. SILSO’s Revised Sunspot Numbers

4.   Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo, Georgia State University, Atlanta
Vitalizing Four Solar Cycles of Kitt Peak Synoptic Magnetograms
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5.   Jenny Marcela Rodriguez Gómez, INPE, San Jose dos Campos, Brazil
Modeling Electron Density, Temperature Distribution in the Solar Corona Based on Solar Surface Magnetic Field Observations
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6.   Brice Orange, Orange Wave Innovative Science, LLC; and University of the Virgin Islands
Magnetic Energy Coupling Across Broad Solar Atmospheric Plasma Conditions and Temperature Scales
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7.  Thierry Dudok de Wit, LPC2E, CNRS University of Orléans, France
Forecasting Solar Forcing Up to 2300: Why, and How?

8.   Claus Frӧhlich, Davos, Switzerland
Photometric Sunspot Index 1875 to Present, an Update

9.   Physikalisch-Metorologisches Observatorium / WRC, Davos, Switzerland
The Calibration of the CLARA Radiometer

10.  Physikalisch-Metorologisches Observatorium / WRC, Davos, Switzerland
Terrestrial Solar Irradiance Measurements with a Cryogenic Solar Absolut Radiometer

11.  Greg Kopp, LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder
The Four Flight Total Irradiance Monitors

12. Mustapha Meftah, Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS), France
Evolution of the TSI during the Rising Phase of SC 24

13.  Jae Lee, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; and NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, Maryland
Comparison of OLR Datasets from AIRS, CERES, and MERRA2
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14.  Tom Woods, LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder
Technology Advances Enable Science-Oriented CubeSat Missions
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15.  Alexander Shapiro (presented by Kok Leng Yeo), Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Gӧttingen, Germany
Connecting Solar and Stellar Brightness Variations
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16.  Stéphane Beland, LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder
The Latest SORCE SIM Degradation Model and the Resulting SSI Measurements from 2003 to 2015
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17.  Martin Snow, LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder
SORCE Undergraduate Researchers
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18.  Janet Machol (presented by Martin Snow), Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado, Boulder; and NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), Boulder, CO
Exospheric Hydrogren Density Determined from Lyman-α Irradiance
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19.  Linda A. Hunt, Science Systems and Applications Inc. (SSAI), Hampton, Virginia
A Combined Solar and Geomagnetic Index for Thermospheric Climate
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20.  Leif Svalgaard, Stanford University, Stanford, California
The New Sunspot Group Number and TSI
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