pro theory, day, tmin, tmax, ps_or_x ; modified from 4/4/95 ; in ~pete/de/ICRH/theory/ ; ; read wave and particle distribution data scaled from ; 83064, 82047, and 82111 data files for three masses ; use the fw velocity numbers to calculate characteristic energies ; and compare those with the asymptotic value inferred from ; the power spectral density and slope of powerspectral density ; using Crew's asymptiotic formulation..... ; wkp 3/95 ; uses the poly_fit idl routine. yyddd='' title='' mass_name=strarr(3) mass_name=['he','o','h'] mass=fltarr(3) mass=[4,16,1] ;print,mass_name,mass dum=fltarr(9) ; 9 values on a line sec=fltarr(10) ; 10 max time intervals in file hour=fltarr(10) ; time in decimal hours re=fltarr(10) ; geocentric distance in re for each time hz=fltarr(10) ; gyrofreq at each time in hz alpha=fltarr(10) ; alpha parameter for each time psd=fltarr(10) ; psd in v^2/m^2/s for each time at gyrofreq vel=fltarr(4) ; full width at 4 selected fraction of Fmax echar=fltarr(10) ; characteristic energy derived using poly_fit ; ; from the (up to) 4 velocity values etheory=fltarr(10) ; characterictic energy using eqn 13 from Retterer fudge=fltarr(10) ; echar/etheory NDegree=1L ; use a first order poly_fit ff=fltarr(4) ; set fractions of Fmax for which vel are given ff(0)=alog(0.3162278) ff(1)=alog(0.1000000) ff(2)=alog(0.0316228) ff(3)=alog(0.0100000) ;print,'FF: ',ff ; factors for Retter's eqn 13. q=1.0 qp=1.6e-19 mp=1.67e-27 eV=1.6e-19 ReR=6367e3 for Mnum=0,2 do begin ; loop throough masses, but start with just he ; !P.multi=0 file_name=mass_name(Mnum)+string(day,format='(i5)')+'.dat' mass_value=mass(Mnum) print,file_name openr,getlun,file_name,/get_lun lun=getlun END_OF_FILE=0 ; read 9 lines the last is the plot title for ii=0,8 do begin readf,lun,title print,title endfor ii=-1 ; loop through the xx values for each mass ; start with just one value repeat begin ;BEGIN REPEAT if eof(lun) then begin END_OF_FILE=1 print, 'END OF FILE' goto, end_of_mass endif ii=ii+1 readf,lun,dum ;print,dum sec(ii)=dum(0) hour(ii)=dum(0)/3600. re(ii)=dum(1) hz(ii)=dum(2) alpha(ii)=dum(3) psd(ii)=dum(4) for i=0,3 do vel(i)=dum(5+i)/2.0 ; half velocity is relevant!!! ;print, 'HALF vel',vel ;echar=fltarr(10) ; characteristic energy derived using poly_fit ; ; from the (up to) 4 velocity values ;ff=fltarr(10) ; set fractions of Fmax for which vel are given ; some values are 0 .... ignore them for the fit. kk=3 ; max of 4 velocity values if (vel(0) eq 0.0 ) then kk=2 if (vel(1) eq 0.0 ) then kk=1 if (vel(2) eq 0.0 ) then begin print, 'Not enough velocity values ',vel kk=0 endif ; make polyfit print,'sec/number of points/vel',sec(ii),kk+1,vel E=fltarr(kk+1) ; fit 4,3,or 2 points F=fltarr(kk+1) if( kk gt 0 ) then begin k1=-1 for k= 3-kk,3 do begin k1=k1+1 e(k1)=mass(Mnum)*(vel(k)/13.84)^2 f(k1)=ff(k) endfor endif print,'e and f',e,f result=poly_fit(e,f,NDegree) ;print,'RESULT=',result if result(1) eq 0.0 then begin print, 'ECHAR=0 TIME= ',file_name,sec(ii) echar(ii)=0.0 endif else begin echar(ii)=-1.0/result(1) endelse ; calculate the theortical characteristic energy eta=1.0 print, 'You may want to vary eta by mass ' aa=alpha(ii) pp=psd(ii) mm=mass_value ss=re(ii) se=psd(ii) dd=se*0.25*eta*(q*qp/(mm*mp))^2 print, 'Diffusion coeff',dd v0=(ss*ReR*dd)^0.333333 print, 'v0 (km/s) =',v0 af=(3.0*aa+5.5)^0.333333 / (3.*aa+1.0)^0.666667 print, 'af=',af WW=af*mm*mp*v0^2 WW=WW/eV print, 'Theoretical Characteristic Energy (eV)',WW etheory(ii)=WW if echar(ii) ne 0.0 then begin fudge(ii)=etheory(ii)/echar(ii) endif else begin fudge(ii)=0.0 endelse print, 'END of one time interval increment to next' endrep until (END_OF_FILE eq 1) end_of_mass: close,lun print,echar xstyle_num=0 plot,hour(0:ii),echar(0:ii),title=title,ytitle='Characteristic Energy (eV)', $ xtitle='Time in decimal Hours',xrange=[tmin/3600.,tmax/3600.], $ position=[0.15,0.52,0.85,0.72],xstyle=1,/normal plot,hour(0:ii),etheory(0:ii),title=title,ytitle='Theoreitical Energy (eV)', $ xtitle='Time in decimal Hours',xrange=[tmin/3600.,tmax/3600.], $ position=[0.15,0.41,0.85,0.61],xstyle=1,/normal plot,hour(0:ii),fudge(0:ii),title=title,ytitle='Correction factor', $ xtitle='Time in decimal Hours',xrange=[tmin/3600.,tmax/3600.], $ position=[0.15,0.30,0.85,0.50],xstyle=1,/normal plot,hour(0:ii),alpha(0:ii),title=title,ytitle='ALPHA', $ xtitle='Time in decimal Hours',xrange=[tmin/3600.,tmax/3600.], $ position=[0.15,0.30,0.85,0.50],xstyle=1,/normal,yrange=[-1,100] plot,hour(0:ii),psd(0:ii),title=title,ytitle='PSD at Gyrofreq', $ xtitle='Time in decimal Hours',xrange=[tmin/3600.,tmax/3600.], $ position=[0.15,0.30,0.85,0.50],xstyle=1,/normal print, 'HOUR ',hour(0:ii) print, 'END of file_name loop, increment to next mass' endfor return end