Dear Dr.Peterson, find attechment file with time interval of common measurements AP/FAST. We have holliday in IKI up to 12.05. and by this reason I send it to you with a delay, sorry of it. In the list presented time of AP mesurements in two mode: a) monitoring mode - wave measurements were made in limit frequency bande with low time resolution. b) "active" mode 9marked as **) - wave measurements were made with higt time resolution. In both mode particle measurements were made with the same time resolution. To save AP equipment we never works in radiation belts which we determine as L=4.5. We used your precalculation for this. Creteria of its position is very preliminary and in some cases we have made measurement a litle longuer for FAST correlation. Best regards, Mikhail Mogilevsky The time interval of the magnetospheric conjunctions between satellites:AURORAL PROBE (INTERBALL)& FAST for interval December 96 - May 97. Date: Time(MDT): ** N ORBIT(INTERBALL AP) ______________________________________________________ 06.12.96 17.16-17.25 ** 413 07.12.96 10.58-11.02 416 14.12.96 16.10-16.32 446 24.12.96 13.38-14.02 487 26.12.96 12.13-12.26 ** 495 ------------------------------------------------------ 01.01.97 12.38-13.08 520 03.01.97 11.12-11.32 528 11.01.97 10.09-10.27 ** 561 12.01.97 15.03-15.07 566 13.01.97 08.44-08.48 569 20.01.97 14.00-14.10 599 21.01.97 07.41-07.50 602 29.01.97 06.38-06.52 635 ----------------------------------------------------- 05.02.97 11.52-12.14 665 06.02.97 05.32-05.52 668 07.02.97 10.25-10.39 ** 673 13.02.97 10.48-11.17 ** 698 14.02.97 04.29-04.53 701 15.02.97 09.22-09.41 706 16.02.97 03.04-03.09 709 16.02.97 14.17-14.19 711 23.02.97 08.17-08.44 739 24.02.97 02.00-02.10 742 ------------------------------------------------------ 03.03.97 07.11-07.42 772 04.03.97 00.55-01.05 775 04.03.97 12.06-12.17 ** 777 11.03.97 06.05-06.41 805 13.03.97 04.40-05.03 813 14.03.97 09.34-09.42 818 19.03.97 04.58-05.41 838 21.03.97 03.32-04.03 846 22.03.97 08.26-08.42 851 23.03.97 02.07-02.22 854 29.03.97 02.24-03.02 ** 879 30.03.97 07.17-07.43 884 31.03.97 00.59-01.21 887 ---------------------------------------------------- 01.04.97 23.35-23.37 895 09.04.97 04.42-05.06 ** 925 17.04.97 03.32-04.07 ** 958 19.04.97 02.06-02.29 ** 966 20.04.97 06.59-07.06 ** 971 25.04.97 02.21-03.07 ** 991 27.04.97 00.55-01.29 ** 999 NOTE: ** - time intervals, when AP scientific equipments were in hight time resolution mode.