Please note that there is another WIND perigee pass on 251-252 with an excellant configuration of spacecraft towards the end of 252 with GEOTAIL around the centre of the tail and IMP-8 in the northern lobe - POLAR will be imaging the midnight region for as long as possible so hopefully if there are substorms this will turn into an excellent ISTP period - I will be submitting this as a SPOT. Nicky Day UT Imager 247 0-4 Maximum auroral oval viewing 8-22 midnight - Geotail well positioned in the tail 248 2-6 midnight - SuperDARN(GB/St) conjunction 6-12 Maximum auroral oval viewing 12-16 noon - SuperDARN(GB/St) conjunction 20-0 Maximum auroral oval viewing 249 0-9 Maximum auroral oval viewing 13.30-0 Maximum auroral oval viewing 250 0-3 Maximum auroral oval viewing 7-12 Maximum auroral oval viewing 12-21 noon - SuperDARN(GB/St/K/S) conjunction 251 1-14:30 midnight as long as possible - WIND perigee pass 19-0 midnight as long as possible - WIND perigee pass 252 0-7:30 midnight as long as possible - WIND perigee pass 12-0 midnight as long as possible - WIND perigee pass and GEOTAIL around central tail axis with IMP-8 in the northern lobe 253 0-1:30 midnight as long as possible - WIND perigee pass and GEOTAIL around central tail axis with IMP-8 in the northern lobe 5:30-10 midnight - SuperDARN(K/S) conjunction 10-19:30 whole oval - dayside if only partial possible 254 0-7 whole oval - nightside if only partial possible 7-13 noon - SuperDARN(Cutlass) conjunction 18-0 Maximum auroral oval viewing 255 0-8:30 Maximum auroral oval viewing 11-0 Maximum auroral oval viewing 256 0-0:30 Maximum auroral oval viewing 4:30-12 whole oval- nightside if only partial possible 12-18:30 noon - SuperDARN(GB/St) conjunction 22:30-0 midnight oval 257 0-5 whole oval - nightside if only partial possible 5-12 whole oval - dayside if only partial possible 16-0 midnight - GEOTAIL well positioned in tail 258 0-5 whole oval - dayside if only partial possible 9:30-23 Maximum auroral oval viewing 259 3-12 whole oval - nightside if only partial possible 12-17 noon - SuperDARN(GB/St) conjunction 21:30-0 Maximum auroral oval viewing 260 0-10:30 Maximum auroral oval viewing 15-0 Maximum auroral oval viewing