Here are the POLAR plans for Sept 25-30, 1997. Please note that this is only a 6 day plan as the orbit and footprints for Polar are not available for October as yet, so next weeks plans will cover 8 days !! There is another WIND perigee pass (~15 Re downstream) on day 273 and Geotail is also passing through the central tail region at about 10 Re. In addition there is a particularly good period for studying the solar wind orientation and structures in front of the magnetopause with WIND, IMP-8 and GEOTAIL all close to the nose at various Y-values - days 270-272. Nicky Day UT Imager 268 0-9 Midnight - GEOTAIL passing through central tail region (10Re) 9-13 Whole oval - dayside if only partial possible 18-0 Midnight - SuperDARN(Cutlass) conjunction 269 0-6:30 Whole oval - dayside if only partial possible 11-20 Whole oval - nightside if only partial possible 20-0 Whole oval - dayside if only partial possible 270 0-0:30 Dayside oval 4:30-12 Whole oval - nightside if only partial possible 12-18:30 Noon - SuperDARN(GB/St) conjunction 22:30-0 Nightside oval 271 0-12 Whole oval - dayside if only partial possible 16:30-0 Whole oval - nightside if only partial possible 272 0-5 Whole oval - dayside if only partial possible 10-17 Whole oval - nightside if only partial possible 17-23 Whole oval - dayside if only partial possible 273 3-17 Nightside - WIND perigee pass (15Re) with GEOTAIL (~10Re) 21-0 Nightside oval