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Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics



Date DOY Time (UT) Event

3-11-96 71 13:03 Initial power on (Pass 1)
3-11-96 71 17:06-17:36 Initial HV turn-on (stopped one step short
of full voltage on detector, no EA turn-on,
left on for bakeout, Pass 1)

STIM and PHA ENA times 11 Mar 96 : useful for comparison with later
STIM ENA: 13:51:51 – 14:18:13 ; stim data obtained in 2001.
PHA ENA: 14:12:05 – 14:15:09

3-12-96 72 15:21-16:20 Went to operational voltage levels in low
energy, did MCP CAL at disc levels 1, 2 and 3,
turned HV off (Pass 2)
3-15-96 75 12:36-13:38 Turn on HV in low energy mode, did MCP CAL
CAL at disc levels 1, 2 and 3, turned HV off (Pass 3)
3-16-96 76 12:09-12:50 Went to reduced energy mode, got event
data, did MCP CAL with stim enabled, went to
science table TIMI0035 (Pass 4). In normal
science mode starting at 1250.
3-16-96 76 ???? Spin Sync Function Activated (Spin Phase Reference Pulse)
3/17/96 76 00:00 Normal Operations at Reduced Energy Mode Begin

4-2-96 93 17:37 Magnetometer X axis corrected on-board
PAD data products valid AFTER this time

Spring 1996 Flip
4-15-96 106 05:30 HV turn-off for spin flip maneuver
4-16-96 107 00:01 Spacecraft switch to MANEUVER telemetry format
4-16-96 107 00:02 Spacecraft disable magnetics
4-16-96 107 00:03 Spacecraft disable SPRP (Spin Phase Reference Pulse)
4-16-96 107 03:20-06:51 Spacecraft maneuver segment 1
4-17-96 108 00:37


Pitch Angle Distribution (PAD) data products are
invalid for this interval. Not correctable by software.

Mass Spectra (MS) data product angular bins are
much broader and overlapping in this interval.
Not correctable by software.

4-17-96 108 00:56-04:30 Spacecraft maneuver segment 2
4-17-96 108 14:35-14:45 Attitude trim, final spin rate = 10.069 rpm
4-17-96 108 14:48:47 Enable SPRP
4-17-96 108 14:50:55 Enable magnetics
4-17-96 108 16:49:09 Switch to SCIENCE telemetry format
4-19-96 110 20:20-20:35 Turn HV on after spin flip maneuvers

4-23-96 114 O9:56-09:58 Unexplained instrument reset; instrument off

4-23-96 114 22:09-22:27 Reloaded binary loads due to instrument reset
4-23-96 114 23:06-23:26 Turn HV on after instrument reset

5-8-96 129 21:13 Went to internal spin synchronization(SPIN_FREE mode)
5-8-96 129 21:31 Return to Sun Sync Mode

5-9-96 130 21:17:26 HV turned off
5-9-96 130 21:19-21:21 Reset instrument by command STIM_RST
5-9-96 130 21:32:55 Powered instrument off
5-9-96 130 21:36 Powered instrument on, telemetry valid at this time
5-9-96 130 21:37-21:48 Reloaded binary loads
5-9-96 130 23:52 Went to internal spin synchronization (SPIN_FREE mode)
5-9-96 130 23:56-00:07 Turned HV on
5-10-96 130 00:31 Return to Sun Sync Mode

5-24-96 145 19:20 Went to internal spin synchronization (SPIN_FREE mode)
6-26-96 178 17:36 Begin use of FULL energy range mode
8-23-96 236 18:20-19:00 INCORRECT magnetic field offsets loaded
and removed. Magnetometer data suspect for this
8-27-96 240 00:55


8-28-96 241 22:00 Loading of new magnetic field offsets. MFE
code needs to know this time.
9-3-96 247 20:22:54 Begin use of modes 5, 6 and 7
(corrected He++ table and
full energy range mass spectra)

Fall 1996 Flip
10-17-96 291 02:00 HV turned off for spacecraft flip
instrument to SPIN_FREE mode
10-19-96 293 19:23:21 Retrun to SPIN_LOCK mode
10-19-96 293 19:47:01 HV turned ON

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has sent all the available data from the
Central Data Recorder (CDR). Some data segments were not recoverable. The
summary of the gaps in the POLAR level-zero day groups follows:

10/22/96 96/296 20:11:43 – 23:59:59

10/23/96 96/297 00:00:00 – 01:00:17
96/297 12:14:20 – 12:54:03
96/297 21:09:47 – 23:59:59

10/24/96 96/298 00:00:00 – 00:15:37
96/298 15:09:51 – 15:55:15

10/26/96 96/300 00:27:01 – 01:56:25
96/300 02:03:19 – 02:20:20
96/300 02:22:38 – 03:00:31
96/300 15:35:22 – 17:16:43

10/27/96 96/301 14:09:46 – 14:55:09
96/301 16:55:49 – 21:05:18

11/02/96 96/307 00:00:00 – 00:54:45
05:32:08 – 08:32:00

11/04/96 96/309 15:09:48 – 17:29:39

11-7-96 312 05:34:40 Unexplained instrument reset; instrument remained on, HV off
11-7-96 312 Reloaded binary loads due to instrument reset
Instrument in non-Science Mode, with HV on

from ~7:30 to 08:00. Data not valid for this interval.
11-7-96 312 08:00 First valid science data after reset.

More data gaps for various reasons, tape recorder, JPL, stations etc.

11/08/96 96/313 16:51:35 – 17:21:29
20:02:01 – 20:25:47
22:11:08 – 22:22:01 DR# L00696
11/09/96 96/314 15:09:43 – 17:55:38
18:14:11 – 18:15:24 DR# L00700
11/10/96 96/315 16:06:34 – 20:59:53 Reason:
Unknown, still investigating,

12/15/96 96/350 15:32:16 – 16:25:47 Problem at Madrid (D66)


Date DOY Time (UT) Event

1/16/97 97/016 Data gaps from GS problem no details given by Support

1/17/97 97/017 Lost data report 21.4 min at ?
1/21/97 97/021 Lost data report 16.3 min at ?
2/ 4/97 97/035 Lost@1811(?) 22.6 min Unknown cause
2/12/97 97/043 Lost@0148(?) 9.9 min Unknown cause
4/2/97 97/092 Lost@1817(?) 21.4 min Unknown cause
4/3/97 97/093 0109-0131 Data gaps. Ground station problem.

Eclipse times1996 Days 84-105 (March 25 – April 15)
4/8/97 97/098 Lost@1812(?) 89.8 min Antenna Predict off

Spring 1997 Flip
4/11/97 97/101 20:10 HV turned off

4/11/97 97/101 20:15 Switched to spin free mode
4/14/97 97/104 19:36:44 Switched to sun locked mode
4/14/97 97/104 20:15 HV turned on

4/15/97 97/105 Lost data report 4.7 mins @?
4/16/97 97/106 Lost data report 1.6 mins @?
4/23/97 97/113 10:46-13:59 DATA GAP, not recoverable, ground station problem at MAD
5/2/97 97/122 Lost data report 1.9 mins @?
5/11/97 97/131 Three gaps totaling over 75 minutes
5/18/97 97/138 Lost data gap of 16 minutes
5/19/97 97/139 Lost data gap of 86 minutes
5/21/97 97/141 Lost data gap of 1 minute.

5/27/97 97/147 19:00 to
6/7/97 97/188 11:00 Magnetometer data in spacecraft housekeeping
INVALID. TIMAS 4.0 software does not recognize the problem.

6/1/97 97/152 Lost data gap of 4.5 minutes
6/8/97 97/159 Lost data gap of 4.9 minutes
6/15/97 97/166 Lost data gap of 3.2 minutes
6/21/97 97/172 Lost data gap of 5.8 minutes
6/23/97 97/174 Lost data gap of 3.8 minutes

6/26/97 97/177 20:30 Update of on-board Mass Look Up Tables
(with new mode numbers (83 and 94), not modes)

POLAR: Leap second adjustment to clock

It is necessary to make a leap second adjustment to the POLAR clock.
We propose the following:

Starting at 181:21:50:00 (June 30), the clock will be retarded in ten
100-millisec. increments spaced at 10 minute intervals. The clock
cannot be adjusted in a single step. There is also a limit to the size
of each incremental adjustment. During the adjustments the platform will
be out of lock.

June 30
181:19:07:00 GMDMNVR F:3.8
181:21:00:00 GMDMNVR F:1.3

181:21:15:00 BOT Station 66

181:21:30:00 Platform to low gain mode
181:21:35:00 Platform to rate mode
181:21:50:00 Start clock adjustment (stored commands)
181:23:30:00 End clock adjustment
181:23:35:00 Platform to normal mode.
Platform will move to last commanded position.
181:23:40:00 Platform to high gain mode
182:00:34:54 APOGEE
182:01:40:00 EOT Station 66
182:01:49:00 GMDMNVR F:-0.3

7/2/97 97/183 Lost data gap of 161.2 minutes
7/3/97 97/184 Lost data gap of 18.2 minutes
8/7/97 97/219 Lost data gap of 63.6 minutes
9/14/97 97/257 Lost data gap of 1.8 minutes
9/22/97 97/265 Lost data 07:52:37 to 10:59:58 misconfiguration at Canberra

9/24/97 97/267 Uplink of new modes 18:30-18:34 TIMI0105, TIMI0116
and TIMI0127. (18:30:34
9/24/97 97/267 18:38:49 Invoked new ICP table TIMI0116
for test. It remains in effect until 20:30.

9/26/97 97/269 Sometime before 19:d0 Magnetometer Glitch
e-mail from Russell/Wainwright dated 9/27. Follow up
e-mail not yet available (10/6/97). Note this glitch
included the interval from 269:20:25:41 to 270:01:54:34
when Magaz/el were not caluculated ==> TIMAS PAD data
products corrupted.
Magnetometer data need special attention from
97/269 sometime before 19:30 until
97/273 00:12
Offesets are messed up.
Contact magnetometer team at UCLA

10/8/97 97/281 19:20:01 TEST of TIMI0105
19:29:41 TEST of TIMI0127
19:39:30 Return to TIMI0094

Fall 1997 Flip
10/13/97 97/286 15:20 HV OFF for spacecraft flip
10/15/97 97/288 17:35:38 SPIN_LOCK
17:41:52-17:53:21 HV ON procudure

10/24/97 97/297 18.4 minutes of TM Lost
10/26/97 97/299 60.7 minutes of TM lost.

10/31/97 97/304 17:10-18:23 Uploaded and ran new ICP tables
TIMI10130 and TIMA10141 Cusp Special and
Auroral Perigee with correct MS Energy Look
Up Table

11/7/97 97/311 Lost data gap of 16 minutes
11/16/97 97/320 Lost data gap of 3 minutes
11/21/97 97/325 Lost data gap of 117 minutes

12/26/97 97/360 Lost data gap of 25 minutes
12/28/97 97/362 Lost data gap of 68 minutes
12/31/97 97/365 Lost data gap of 58 minutes


Date DOY Time (UT) Event

1/4/98 98/004 Lost data gap of 2 minutes
1/15/98 98/015 Lost data gap of 2 minutes
1/15/98 98/015 Second lost data gap 180 minutes
misconfiguration at Canbera
1/21/98 98/021 Lost data gap of 21 minutes
2/6/98 98/037 Lost data gap of 17 minutes
3/14/98 98/073 Lost data gap of 4 minutes

3/24/98 98/083 20:30-21:00 TEST of TIMI0152 (MSCAL MODE)

3/26/98 98/085 Lost data gap of 58 minutes
4/6/98 98/096 Lost data gaps of 8 and 10 minutes

Spring 1998 Flip
4/9/98 98/099 01:30High Voltage OFF
4/12/98 98/102 07:15 Spin lock established and verified
4/12/98 98/102 07:26 High Vlotage ON

5/6/98 98/126 X2 flare and TM upset
NO TM from ~08:15 to ~13:00
and magnetometer problems

5/11/98 98/131 Lost data gap of 13.4 minutues
5/22/98 98/142 ~02:20 ~02:23 Current level zero code
can NOT read this data interval (8/98)

6/12/98 98/163 Lost data gap of 2 minutes
6/13/98 98/164 Lost data gap of 5 minutes
6/20/98 98/171 Lost data gap of 2 minutes
6/30/98 98/181 Lost data gap of 4 minutes
7/16/98 98/197 Lost data gap of 16 minutes TGC problem

From the Polar Operations weekly report dated 7/26/98:
Sun angle reached the maximum of 154 degrees and has begun to decrease.
During a two-week period around the highest sun angle, the spacecraft power
margin is at minimum. Consequently, operations such as the PSI bakeout
which demand high power are carefully monitored, and the spacecraft
load-shed thresholds are set to eclipse levels to avoid inadvertent load

9/30/98 98/273 14:00-15:50 TM HIT
At approx. 14:00 UT yesterday (Sep 30, 1998, Day 273), an anomaly occurred
in the POLAR GTM (GGS Telemetry Module).The symptoms were similar to those observed in
an earlier anomaly of this module on May 6. The spacecraft and affected
instruments were restored to full operation by 16:00, with loss of
approximately 1 hr. 50 min. of data. The anomaly occurred while the
spacecraft was out of contact at approximately 14:00, a time that coincides
with a solar proton and x-ray event reported by NOAA’s Space Environment
Center. In both instances, the spacecraft was in eclipse.

Fall 1998 Flip
10/10/98 283/07:45 TIMAS HV off from Stored cmds.
10/13/98 286/00:07 Spin Lock established and
spin rate verified
10/13/98 286/00:20 TIMAS HV on

10/22/98 98/295 ~21:30 ~01:30(296) TM HIT

An anomaly occurred in the spacecraft Telemetry Module (GTM). The symptoms
were similar to those observed in an earlier anomaly of this module on
September 29. The incident occurred while the spacecraft was out of contact
during an eclipse period. The GTM was restored to full operation by 01:30
on October 23, with loss of approximately 3.0 hours of data. In conjunction
with the GTM anomaly, the magnetometer (MFE) suffered an ADC reset, and was
returned to full operation following recovery of the GTM.

The 1998 Leonid shower operations
11/17/98 98321 13:05 TIMAS HV off (stored cmds)
19:15 Leonids peak
11/19/98 98323 02:30 TIMAS HV on

12/8/98 98342 22:56 High Voltage/High Energy discharge event.
Begin interval of anomalous TIMAS
operations (no valid science data)

12/9/98 98343 13:18 Power off
12/9/98 98343 17:03 Power on for first test
12/9/98 98343 17:45 Power off
12/9/98 98343 19:45 Power on, HV is off

12/9/98 98343 22:30 Reload active ICP tables


1999 Leap Second adjustment
365/ 21:18:00 GMDMNVR F: -6.5
21:25:00 DSP to rate mode
21:26:00 Begin retarding clock; 10
increments of 100 msec, at
10 min. intervals.
23:03:00 End clock adjustment
23:05:00 DSP to normal mode
23:40:00 GMDMNVR F: -4.3

Date DOY Time (UT) Event

1/13/99 99013 17:19-19:00 HV checkout procedure run.

1/15/99 99015 21:17 to 1/16/99 ~ 15:00 HV checkout

and sensitivity monitoring.

1/21/99 99021 00:40 HV on Pulse height sensitivity step #3
Begin period of on orbit re-calibration
Data are not calibrated

1/25/99 99025 17:09 Pulse height sensitivity step #2 (higher than 3)
1/26/99 99026 14:14 Pulse height sensitivity step #3

1/31/99 99031 19:20 —– Upload of modes 16,17,18,19,
and 20. These modes
and mode 15, will be used to systematically acquire
mass spectra over the full range of energy steps
for instrumental re-calibration.
2/1/99 99032 21:04 HVOFF to go into engineering mode to
verify sweep voltage values.

2/5/99 99036 00:41 HVON
01:47 HVOFF Completion of engineering mode

2/10/99 99041 01:54 HVON Begin acquisition of MS/MS_CAL
data with nominal sweep volages.

Test of new Energy look up table(s)
2/15/99 99046 17:28 HVOFF for upload and test
of TIME005.mic a new master energy look up
table. Tested with HV off in engineering
mode. and then
18:46 HVON

3/17/99 99076 12:00 Switch to Maneuver mode for
propellant adjust
15:00 Switch back to Science mode

3/18/99 99077 20:15:20 /CMD I_TIM_MIN ICP_SELECT 2 0 1 0 sent
20:18:54 mode change completed
Turn fec/pec correction OFF at this time
Intial test shows that fec/pec should remain off
and dead time correction made on the ground.

4/6/99 99096 Data Gap: 07:13 – 08:10

Spring 1999 Flip
4/4/99 99094 18:45 HV off for spring flip


4/7/99 99097 00:20 EXEC TIMDUMP_1.ACT
Automatic readout into telemetry of all TIMAS onboard memory
~04:18 Unexpected Reboot of TIMAS instrument occurred
between nrt contacts. Actually it was a series of three reboots
as documented in the housekeeping file
~09:39 Second series unexpected Reboots
Both sets occurred after the 23rd command
of the memory dump sequence when the instrument was
commanded to dump the contents starting at hex address
60000 of the second memory partition. Also the tlm_queue
error flag was set after the 32nd command of both
memory dump sequences.

4/8/99 99098 16:46 -17:47 Reload of ICP tables, MLUT tables, and TIME0005
ELUT, dump of MLUT in real time session

4/9/99 99099 13:18 Reload mlut/icp tables, attempted
to load time0006, failed, reload
time0005, had to reset disc adj,
reduced, etc because of reboot.
Performed mlut dump, turn on HV,

15:04 mcpcal only–test to verify its ok to use

4/12/99 99102 Spin Period verified at 6.015 seconds
9.976 rpm within the TIMAS specification

4/13/99 99103 16:10 Second Failed attempt to upload TIME0006

4/16/99 99106 00:40-01:17 upload and activation of TIME0006

A new energy look up table designed to
increase sensitivity at low energies.
This table has decreased energy resolution
at the lowest energies. Deatils of the
various energy look up tables are on line

Schecule for days 131-134

There are four realtime command sessions this week in addition
to the stored commands. Each of three sessions consists of a
single command to slightly change the Det1 voltage (B2 -> B1,
B1 -> B0, and B0 -> B2). The fourth session will load special mass
lookup tables (994X) in STIM ENA mode, run mcpcals, then reload
current mass tables.

5/11/99 99131 tim131.rtc Det1 adj to B1 excuted at 18:33:09
B2-B1 Adjust detector voltage down one notch, increases
voltage between detector and anode. Dianostic to
see if sensitivity improves.
MCP_CALs taken on day 132 07:00, 07:30 and 08:00

5/12/99 99132 tim132.rtc Det1 adj to B0 excuted at 20:56:12 UT
B1-B0 Adjust detector voltage one more notch
MCP_CAL’s taken on day 133 at 03:00, 03:30 and 04:00

5/13/99 99133 tim133.rtc Det1 adj to B2 excuted at 15:11:09 UT
Set voltage back to original settings
MCP_CAL’s taken at 16:00, 16:30 and 17:00

5/14/99 99134 tim134.rtc started at ~19:05
19:05+ Load mlut 994X, stim, MCPCAL, reload 995X
Accumulation of pulse height distributions from
the stim pulses, using a special mass look up
table. Data to be used to monitor stability of
detector electronics.

5/31/99 99151 06:00 DET1_ADJ X:B3
MCP CAL 14:30, 14:30 and 15:00
No or slight improvement in count rate
shown in ms and cts plots as expected

6/1/99 99152 01:00 DET1_ADJ X:B4
MCPCAL 08:30, 09:00 and 09:00
predicted by Tony Magoncelli

17:00 DET1_ADJ X:B5 LAST of three steps up
in voltage. SIGNIFICANT reduction in
count rate.

6/2/99 99153 MCP CAL 5:00, 5:30, and 06:00

11:00 DET1_ADJ X:B2 Return to beginning
operations level. Return of normal count rate.
21:00, 21:30, and 22:00 MCP CAL for reference.

Upload of new mass look up tables and modes tim154.rtc
06/03/99 990603 20:58 Load 4 mlut tables: timm9938-9-A-B all OK
21:09 Load 4 ICP tables: 22,24,25,26
MODE 22 failed as noted below
table 21 checksum error no load
table 23 load error, restore 17
21:16 Switch to icp table 26 to activate
new mass lookup tables

6/6/99 Noted in near real time monitoring Mode 16 appeared in the
data stream where mode 22 was expected. Investigation
showed that mode 16 (which uses slot 1) was active
when mode 22 and the others were being uploaded.
Since mode 22 uses slot 1, it was not accepted by the
instrument. You can not load a new ICP table to
an active slot.

06/08/99 99159 17:29 Load ICP table 22 when another mode is
operating… Verified by activating mode 22
at 17:34

07/02/99 990702 Verification of new ICP tables 21 and 23…
We had trouble getting them up the first time.
15:13 UT Load ICP table 21
15:15 UT Load ICP table 23
15:20 UT Switch to icp table 21
15:30 UT Switch to icp table 23
15:43 UT Switch to icp table 22

07/23/99 990723 18:54-19:40 Cycle DET1 voltage
To get info to calculate fec/pec contribution
from Detector 2……
NO significant counts…. this
procedure will have to be run
out of command memory.
18:54:06 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
18:56:38 DET1_ADJ to X’7F’
18:57:18 DET1_ADJ to X’7E’
18:58:25 DET1_ADJ to X’7D’

19:07:16 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
19:07:40 DET1_ADJ to X’B2′

19:13:27 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
19:13:44 DET1_ADJ to X’7D’

19:19:40 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
19:20:16 DET1_ADJ to X’B2′

19:27:03 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
19:27:18 DET1_ADJ to X’7D’ >>>Voltage on Detector 2.

19:32:14 DET1_ADJ to X’97’ >>>Intermdiate step
19:32:27 DET1_ADJ to X’B2′ >>>>Normal Det1 Voltage

(The above will be modified and packaged into a routine called
timdet1cycle.act which will be available from command

07/29/99 99210 First upload and test of TIMI0276 Mode (14 instead
of 7 step mrdf data products for O+
12:22 Load ICP table 27
12:30 Switch to ICP table 27
12:31 MCPCAL
Cockpit problems in generating the mode… came
out exactly like TIMI0221…. We’ll try again

08/02/99 99214 20:26 Spacecraft computer reboot TM unavailable until
99215 07:36 Details from John Wainwright
START of period of questionable magnetic
field measurements.
Contact magnetometer team at UCLA

POLAR operational events

08/03/99 99215 16:11 CLR_ERRFLG
Found a TIMAS command that did NOT get
executed from spacecraft memory…Relating
to the loss of spacecraft memory above.

08/04/99 99216 CYCLE VOLTAGES ON DETECTOR 1 for fec/pec check
This time it looks like we got counts.
12:31:16 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
12:33:11 DET1_ADJ to X’7D’

12:43:22 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
12:43:58 DET1_ADJ to X’B2′

12:50:03 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
12:50:33 DET1_ADJ to X’7D’

12:55:16 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
12:55:48 DET1_ADJ to X’B2′

13:00:07 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
13:00:28 DET1_ADJ to X’7D’

13:06:06 DET1_ADJ to X’97’
13:06:24 DET1_ADJ to X’B2′

13:13:04 MCPCAL

08/05/99 99217 Spacecraft operation for recovery:
15:42:42 POCC switch to Maneuver mode
18:00:00 POCC switch to Science mode

08/09/99 99221 ~00:30 CYCLE VOLTAGES ON DETECTOR 1 for fec/pec check
identical to procedure on 8/4/99. Results shows
no counts from detector 2, but “leakage” from Detector 1.

END of period of questionable magnetic
field measurements.
Contact magnetometer team at UCLA

8/21/99 99233 10:15:00 CYLE STIM pulse ON
10:20:00 STIM pulse OFF

9/1/99 99244 ??:?? UT Scan Platform anomaly.
On September 1, the despun platform experienced an anomaly that
caused the platform to transition from the normal to the off mode.
The anomaly occurred while out of contact. The cause of the anomaly
was traced to a transient in one of the horizon sensors that
govern the pointing of the platform. The platform subsystems
reacted to the anomaly as designed. The platform was restored
to normal operation on September 2.

9/19/99 99262 partial TM loss 13:54:53-19:00:01 Station/JPL problem

Fall 1999 Flip maneuver, October 04-06
10/4/99 99277 Eclipse 0:06:20 – 01:34:17 (01:27:57)
03:30 TIM HV off (stored cmds)
04:30 Segment 1 D16/03:20 – 08:30
Eclipse 18:03:43 – 19:34:04 (01:30:21)

10/4/99 99278 02:00 Segment 2 D16/01:00 – 06:00
D24/01:30 – 07:00
Eclipse 12:03:24 – 13:35:50 (01:32:26)
10/5/99 99279 Eclipse 06:04:19 – 07:38:19 (01:34:00)

10/6/99 99279 1924 UT SPIN_LOCK command completed
10/6/99 99279 1931 UT High voltage turn on commands completed

10/6/99 99280 Eclipse 00:05:23 – 01:40:34 (01:35:11)
Eclipse 18:06:35 – 19:42:35 (01:36:00)
10/7/99 99281 Eclipse 12:07:58 -13:44:21 (01:36:23)
10/8/99 99282 Eclipse 06:09:30 – 07:45:51 (01:36:21)
10/9/99 99283 Eclipse 00:11:13 – 01:47:05 (01:35:52)
Eclipse 18:13:09 – 19:48:00 (01:34:51)

10/29/99 99302 ~13:39 HV off by controllers in response to anomalous
current and voltage readings during a real time contact.
Subseqeunt analysis shows that this was a symptom of a
problem in the transfer of TM to the spacecraft.
A time-line documenting the intervals of valid and invalid TIMAS TM is available

10/29/99 99302 13:53:01-18:00:20 DATA GAP Station problems,

11/3/99 99307 00:19:48-00:55:23 DATA BAPS Station problems,
01:41:59-03:27:01 DR# N65962, G05460

11/3/99 99307 19:42:42 reboot command /CMD STIM_RST during
period of invalid TM. No noticable change in TM
19:44:09 Power off command /CMD STIM_OFF
19:55:40 Power on command /CMD STIM_ON
Power use changes noted at POC
20:25:48 Turn Stim pulse on /CMD I_TIM_MAJ STIM_ENA
To put counts in data products when valid
TM returns

Lunar eclipse of POLAR as follows:
11/8/99 99312/ 00:08:58 Enter penumbra
01:08:34 Exit penumbra
The maximum darkness is approx 50%.
There will also be lunar occultations of
POLAR on Dec 8, Jan 7, and Feb 5.

11/08/99 99312 TM available during a NRT pass….
17:11:03 ;Repeat cycle main power: /CMD STIM_OFF
17:12:45 power on /CMD STIM_ON
TM data not recovered! Proceed without verifications
; Set Discriminator adjust to 2
17:18:14 /CMD I_TIM_MIN DISC_ADJ 2
; Switch to STANDARD voltage mode
17:23:44 /CMD I_TIM_MAJ HV_STD
; Switch to REDUCED voltage mode
; Reload TIMAS ICP and MLUT tables
; Command cts increments 68 + 8×191 = 1596 mod 256 = 60
17:31:30 S PITIMRELOAD_2 (Start)
; Load new energy lookup table TIME0006.MIC into RAM
17:36:50 /LOAD TIME0006.MIC LOAD
; Switch to RAM source for elut TIME0006
; Switch to ENGRG mode (this will invoke elut RAM mode)
17:39:32 /CMD I_TIM_MAJ M_ENG
; Switch to icp table mode 0221.
;Causes return to science mode
17:46:33 /CMD I_TIM_MIN ICP_SELECT 1 0 0 0
;Do NOT turn on TIMAS High Voltage when the
telmetry is not availabe to verify sucess

11/11/99 99315 16:42:35 /CMD I_TIM_MAJ SPIN_FREE an attempt to
see if the zero’s were related to spin free
They are not.

11/15/99 99319 19:37:09 Spin_lock cmd sent during period of
invalid TM

11/25/99 99329 03:35:12 – 05:59: DATA GAP Station problem

11/29/99 99333 ~ 21 hours of valid TM encountered
HV still off. Intervals of valid and invalid
tm are documented in the on-line file.
Intervals of invalid TM (all TM words zero) are
directly correlated with spacecraft and instrument
temperature…and solar angle!

12/06/99 99340 19:31 Temperature related TM dropout has receded
Turn on HV: PROC HVON_2 27 timas cmds

19:48 Wainwright called: starting attempt to re-ignite PSI
No effect noted

12/20/99 99354 17:47:18 STIM_enable comand sent
17:54:07 STIM_disable…. expected MS spectra found.


Date DOY Time (UT) Event

1/7/00 00007 A Penumbra only lunar eclipse of approximately 59 minutes
duration with a maximum penumbra of 71.8 % will occur on
January 7 at ?? (from the POLAR weekly report of 12/28/99.

1/7/00 00007 Reload tables; Stim pulse using timm994x tables
Sensitivity check for electronics
17:04 Turn off high voltage
17:09 Switch to icp mode 13
17:15 Reload TIMAS ICP and MLUT tables
17:21 Load elut 0006 into RAM
17:22 Switch to RAM source for elut TIME0006
17:24 Switch to ENGRG mode to invoke elut RAM mode
17:39 Switch to icp mode 22
17:45 Turn on TIMAS high voltage
17:52 Turn on stim pulse
17:54 Load 4 special timm994X stim tables
18:00 Switch to icp mode 24 with stim ena
18:06 Switch to MCP Cal only
18:16 Switch to MCP Cal only
18:22 Reload the current (timm993X) operating mlut’s
18:23 Switch back to icp mode 30 (stim dis)
to invoke mlut’s
18:31 Switch to MCP Cal only
18:39 Turn on stim pulse
18:40 Switch to MCP Cal only
18:49 Turn off stim pulse

1/14/00 00014 19:00 to 19:40 Monitor and adjust Detector 1 HV setting
changed default setting from B2 to B6
(~2460 to ~2520 V)
19:08 DET1 at hv B2: FEC CTS = 260
19:10 DET1_ADJ to X’B1′ FEC CTS = 110
19:12 DET1_ADJ to X’B0′ FEC CTS = 60
19:15 DET1_ADJ to X’B1′ FEC CTS = 130
19:16 DET1_ADJ to X’B2′ FEC CTS = 240
19:17 DET1_ADJ to X’B3′ FEC CTS = 450
19:19 DET1_ADJ to X’B4′ FEC CTS = 850
19:20 DET1_ADJ to X’B2′ FEC CTS = 240
19:21 DET1_ADJ to X’B5′ FEC CTS = 1350
19:23 DET1_ADJ to X’B6′ FEC CTS = 2050
19:24 DET1_ADJ to X’B7′ FEC CTS = 2550
19:29 DET1_ADJ to X’B8′ FEC CTS = 200
19:30 DET1_ADJ to X’B7′ FEC CTS = 2050
19:33 DET1_ADJ to X’B6′ FEC CTS = 1375

1/16/00 00016 00:19:43 – 00:27: 95.35 DATA GAPS Reason unknown
00:28:36 – 01:25:39

01/25/2000 2000/025 Data Gap 083225-104702 89.14% recovery Reason unknown.

01/25/2000 2000/025 2025 tune DET1 High voltage (Initially at B6)
17:12 Switch to MCP Cal only
17:23 DET1_ADJ X’B5′ FEC CTS = down
17:26 DET1_ADJ X’B4′ FEC CTS = down
17:28 DET1_ADJ X’B5′ FEC CTS = up
17:29 DET1_ADJ X’B6′ FEC CTS = up
17:31 DET1_ADJ X’B7′ FEC CTS = up
17:36 DET1_ADJ X’B8′ FEC CTS = dn
17:39 DET1_ADJ X’B7′ FEC CTS = up peak
17:42 DET1_ADJ X’B6′ FEC CTS = dn one step off peak
No change
17:45 Switch to MCP Cal only

1/26/2000 2000-026 load new icp tables
19:32 TIMI0130 ICP_SELECT 0 0 0 0 switch to
safe slot before loading
Switch to each new icp mode for at least
one complete superspin
19:47 TIMI0321 ICP_SELECT 1 0 0 0
19:66 TIMI0343 ICP_SELECT 3 0 0 0
20:03 TIMI0365 ICP_SELECT 5 0 0 0
20:09 TIMI0317 ICP_SELECT 7 0 1 0 mscal
20:15 TIMI0332 ICP_SELECT 2 0 1 0 mscal
20:21 TIMI0354 ICP_SELECT 4 0 1 0 mscal

1/29/2000 2000/029 ~20:20 Loss of TIMAS TM stream again.
As in November, 1999, the problem appears related
to increasing temperatures. HV was left on and
some TM with the HV on was acquired on 1/30/00
After two consecutuve nrt sessions with no TIMAS
TM the high voltage was turned off as noted below.

1/30/2000 2000/030 ~20:50 HV off

2/4/2000 2000/035 Data gap 204044-231640 89.13% recovery
unknown problem at station DR# G05760

2/5/2000 2000/036 09:52 A partial lunar eclipse occurred at 09:59:42,
duration of 19 min. 30 sec. Percent darkness was about 52%.
Spacecraft performance was nominal. No significant TIMAS
temperature decrease.

Febraury, 2000 We looked for effects of dumping excess power by PSI during
bakeouts at level 2 and level 3 on the TIMAS temperature
because the PSI unit is on the opposite side of the spacecraft.
No significant effect was found. A log of TIMAS of PSI
bakeout operations times is here.

March/April Eclipse Season 2000
The annual Spring Eclipse Season begins on February 26. The
season extends through May 15 and includes 106 shadows.
Maximum eclipse duration will be about 30 minutes on March 27.

03/13/2000 2000/073 Recycle TIMAS main power
18:20 TIMAS input current ~200ma +5V ~4.98
18:22 OFF current ~50 +5V ~0.43
18:32 ON current ~200ma +5V ~4.98
similar values seen on (11/03/99)

03/14/2000 2000/074 Recycle TIMAS main power
18:30 TIMAS input current ~200ma +5V ~4.98
18:37 OFF current ~65 +5V ~0.43
19:40 ON current ~200ma +5V ~4.95
The timas temperature remained steady during the entire process

03/20/2000 2000/080 19:11 Sent TIMAS reset command.
no effect observed, no TM recovery.

03/27/2000 2000/087 Recycle TIMAS main power
16:50 TIMAS input current ~200ma +5V ~4.98
16:54 STIM_OFF main power off current ~50 +5V~0.43
16:57 STIM_ON main power on current ~200ma +5V~4.98

Spring 2000 Flip
POLAR flip maneuver. March 30-April 1, 2000
TIMAS 22:40 (stored cmds. ???)
090/ Segment 1 01:00 – 04:44 D16/00:00 – 05:35
D27/19:10 – 05:00
090/ Eclipse 09:38:44 – 10:08:41
090/ Segment 2 19:00 – 22:48 D27/17:55 – 01:00
091/ Eclipse 03:38:55 – 04:08:50
091/ Trims 17:00 – 17:31 D66/16:20 – 21:00
S/C reconfig. 17:35 – 18:10 D16/13:50 – 20:35
091/ SCI tlm. 18:30

03/31/2000 2000/091 20:41 Sent TIMAS reset command: no effect observed,
no TM recovery.

04/05/2000 2000-096 130950-140045 Data Gap
144940-154851 Data Gap too

04/07/2000 2000-098 Recycle TIMAS main power
13:52 TIMAS input current ~250ma +5V ~4.98
13:55 STIM_OFF main power off current ~50 +5V ~0.50
13:59 STIM_ON main power on current ~250ma +5V ~4.98

04/14/2000 2000-105 15:20:12, STIM_RST, TIMAS reset, no change
15:21:32, STIM_RST no change

4/19/2000 2000-110 090950-121645 DATA GAP, partial recovery

4/21/2000 2000-112 Recycle TIMAS main power, no change
13:44 STIM_OFF main power off current ~50 +5V ~0.50
13:49 STIM_ON main power on current ~230ma +5V ~4.98

4/25/2000 2000-116 120943-123642 91.68 Problem at the station
134533-151705 91.68 DR# L04219. DATA GAPS

04/28/2000 2000-119 16:13 STIM_RST Reset TIMAS no change

05/05/2000 2000-126 Recycle TIMAS main power
19:35 TIMAS input current ~250ma +5V ~4.95
19:38 STIM_OFF main power off current ~50 +5V ~0.45
19:41 STIM_ON main power on current ~240ma +5V ~4.95
TIMAS telemetry remained silent during the recycle session….

05/12/2000 2000-133 19:07 STIM_RST Reset TIMAS no recovery

05/09/2000 2000-130 01:59:15-02:55:32 DATA GAP Reason is unknown

5/16/2000 2000-137 15:40:29-17:15:06 DATA GAP Antenna problem

05/19/2000 2000-140 Recycle TIMAS main power no change
13:15 STIM_OFF input current ~250 +5V ~4.95
13:17 STIM_OFF main power off current ~50 +5V ~0.45
13:20 STIM_ON main power on current ~220ma +5V ~4.98

05/19/2000 2000-140 19:30:02-22:28:49 GAP 87.52% recovery Unknown reason,

5/25/2000 2000-146 03:58:34-04:24:47 data gaps Procedural problem at
04:25:42-04:34:45 station, DR# L04349

05/31/2000 2000-152 16:27 STIM_RST Reset TIMAS no recovery

06/02/2000 2000-154 Recycle TIMAS main power No change
21:15 input current ~250ma +5V ~4.98
21:17 STIM_OFF main power off current ~50ma +5V ~0.45
21:20 STIM_ON main power on current ~250ma +5V ~4.98

06/06/2000 2000-158 20:20 input current ~250 +5V ~4.98
20:21 I_TIM_MAJ M_MCP_CAL input current ~250-280 +5V ~4.98
20:34 STIM_OFF main power off current ~50 +5V ~0.45
The effect of mcpcal on voltage level was not
noticable. The current level fluctuated in its
normal manner, no currents above the normal
range were detected. .

06/13/2000 2000-165 TIMAS main power on after one week off
16:00 main power is offinput current ~65 +5V ~0.45
16:04 STIM_ON turn main power on
16:05 current ~250ma +5V ~4.98
There was no immediate TM recovery.

~17:30 There was a short (~min) burst of valid TM
06/14/2000 2000-166 ~11:30 to 12:30 valid TM….

06/18/2000 2000-170 Mostly valid TM this day but some intervals of invalid TM

06/19/2000 2000-171 Load ICP’s set registers get ready for normal ops
21:44-22:16 (no problems)

06/22/2000 2000-174 20:14 HV on (RTC)
20:24 Tuned to voltage B7
20:30 MCP CALL
Successfully ran the RTC to turn on and tune
TIMAS HV today at about 20:00 UT.
Good count rates (FEC total ~1100)
ms spectrograms look nominal!

From the NASA activity report for June 26, 2000
1.0 Summary of Significant Activities for the Week

POLAR spacecraft and instrument operations are nominal, with the exception
of the TIMAS telemetry anomaly.

The TIMAS instrument began to show signs of life on June 17 with periods of
intermittent valid telemetry. Valid telemetry was observed on all realtime
contacts starting on June 20. On June 22, the detector high voltages were
turned on and preliminary tests completed. Valid telemetry has been
observed on subsequent realtime contacts. Temperatures are
approximately 23 deg C in the vicinity of the instrument, approximately
10 degrees lower than the point at which the instrument began to show
valid telemetry in December, 1999.

7/10/2000 2000-192 ~19:30 TM lost for a few minutes at the
end of a nrt session… near the temperature
that we had when the TM reappeared.

7/13/2000 2000-195 19:56 HV off Criteria of two sucessive
nrt passes with no valid TM met. The temperature
today is about what it was in mid June when
TM was re-acquired.
7/14/2000 2000-196 19:49 HV on
Det1 adjusted to B7
Background High, Major Geomagnetic storm in progress

7/17/2000 2000-199 19:41 HV off

07/20/2000 2000-202 13:06 STIM_RST Reset TIMAS no recovery.

07/27/2000 2000-209 13:59 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off
tim209.rtc power off for the weekend

08/01/2000 2000-214 12:54 STIM_ON TIMAS main power on after 5 days off
No TM recovery

08/03/2000 2000-216 19:59 STIM_RST Reset TIMAS no TM recovery.

8/7/00 2000-220 20:09:50-23:17:22 Non-recoverable data gap

08/10/2000 2000-223 15:14 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off
power off for the weekend per schedule

08/15/2000 2000-228 22:18 STIM_ON TIMAS main power on after 5 days off
No TM recovery

08/17/2000 2000-230 21:33 STIM_RST Reset TIMAS no TM recovery.

08/24/2000 2000-237 20:24 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off
power off for the weekend per schedule

08/29/2000 2000-242 21:49 STIM_ON TIMAS main power on after 5 days off
No TM recovery

09/01/2000 2000-245 01:35 STIM_RST Reset TIMAS no TM recovery.

09/07/2000 2000-251 16:13 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off
power off for the weekend per schedule

09/12/2000 2000-256 17:47 STIM_ON TIMAS main power on after 5 days off
No TM recovery

09/14/2000 2000-258 19:31 STIM_RST Reset TIMAS no TM recovery.

09/18/2000 2000-262 18:58 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off
This is part of the scheduled TIMAS main power cycle exercise
and is the last one before the instrument temperature goes below
that on 7/14/00, the last time we had valid TM.

09/19/2000 2000-263 21:28 STIM_ON TIMAS main power on after 1 day off
No TM recovery

09/22/2000 2000-266 01:25
>On Day 266 at 01:25:11 UT, the POLAR GTM was upset.
> The timeline :
> Entry into penumbra 01:19:33 UT
> GTM anomaly 01:25:11
> Ascending node 01:56:21
> Exit from penumbra 02:04:30
> DSN Contact 04:30. Anomaly noted at AOS.
> GTM soft reset
> Return to SCI tlm. 06:45
> HYDRA, MFE, TIDE and SEPS were upset.
> HYDRA was partially restored during the contact at 12:10-13:20;
> reconfiguration will be completed during the contact at 22:30-00:00.
> MFE will be restored during this contact, and the
> SEPs reconfiguration started. TIDE high voltage reconfiguration
> awaits word from instrumenter.
> John Wainwright
> Data GAP in lz tim
> 9/22/00 2000-266 01:25:17-06:41:22 Spacecraft anomaly

Fall 2000 Flip
> POLAR flip maneuver. Sep-29 to Oct – 01, 2000
> Original schedule modified because of
> low power conditions……
> Revised post-maneuver schedule
> 279/ UVI 21:00 D66/20:50 – 23:40 Open window
> 282/ PSI 14:15 D46/14:10 – 17:00 (power > on; close
> valve; power off).
> 282/ TIMAS 14:25 D46/14:10 – 17:00 (power on;
HV ramp
> up if tlm valid)
> 282/ PIXIE 15:30 D46/14:10 – 17:00 (earlier > start if
> TIMAS tlm invalid)
> 282/ SEPS 15:35 D46/14:10 – 17:00 (earlier > start if
> TIMAS tlm invalid)
> 282/ Eclipse 17:17:15 – 18:33:05 (Duration 01:15:48)
> 282/ HYDRA 20:30 D66/20:20 – 23:20
> 283/ Eclipse 11:41:40 – 12:36:20 (Duration 00:54:40)
> 283/ VIS loads/door 18:00 D66/17:50 – 22:10
> 284/ TIDE 22:10 D66/22:00 – 00:50
> 285/ CAMMICE 19:30 D66/19:20 – 03:10
> 286/ VIS Earth cam. 18:00 D66/17:50 – 22:50
> 287/ VIS low res. 23:00 D66/22:50 – 00:00

09/29/2000 2000-273 Stored commands executed in preparation
for spin flip maneuver
01:10:00 EXEC TIMHVOFF_2.ACT Turn HV off
The timhvoff cmd was redundant because
the high voltage was already off

09/29/2000 2000-273 13:52:22-16:23:15 DATA GAP (station problem)

09/30/2000 2000-274 19:47 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off
POCC turned off TIMAS main power to conserve battery power
during flip maneuvers.

10/08/2000 2000-282 post-flip realtime command session (No TM recovery)
14:39 CMD STIM_ON TIMAS main power on
14:44 CMD SPIN_LOCK switch to spin_lock mode

POCC check on POLAR: spin rate = 9.981 rpm spin period = 6.011 sec
(Satisfies TIMAS requirement spin period > 6.000 sec).

10/23/2000 2000-297 20:17 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.

10/30/2000 2000-304 18:24 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.

11/06/2000 2000-311 18:41 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.

11/13/2000 2000-318 16:56 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off
Scheduled TIMAS main power cycle exercise.

11/15/2000 2000-320 19:52 STIM_ON TIMAS main power on after 2 days off
Scheduled TIMAS main power cycle exercise.
No TM recovery

11/20/2000 2000-325 20:33 UT STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.

11/27/2000 2000-332 17:35 UT STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.

12/04/2000 2000-339 17:45 UT STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.

12/11/2000 2000-346 19:19 STIM_OFF TIMAS main power off
Scheduled TIMAS main power cycle exercise.

12/13/2000 2000-348 17:38 STIM_ON TIMAS main power on after 2 days off
No TM recovery

12/18/2000 2000-353 15:29 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.
Scheduled TIMAS computer reboot exercise.

12/28/2000 2000-362 12:51 STIM_RST Reboot TIMAS no TM recovery.
Executed scheduled TIMAS computer reboot exercise.

View the next page of operational events