
Girls Go to Mars

Girls Go to Mars built upon existing Girl Scout science, math, and technology projects by focusing on the theme of Mars exploration and MAVEN science. (Courtesy SETI Institute)
Girls Go to Mars built upon existing Girl Scout science, math, and technology projects by focusing on the theme of Mars exploration and MAVEN science. (Courtesy SETI Institute)

Girls Go to Mars targeted an underrepresented audience in science—especially in the physical sciences: girls. The project built upon existing Girl Scout science, math, and technology projects by focusing on the theme of Mars exploration and the science of MAVEN. This addition to the Girl Scouts arsenal was designed to increase girls’ and adults’ understanding of and interest in solar system exploration in general, and Mars specifically. The project also provided opportunities for girls to discover diverse career options.

The Girls Go to Mars project includes an activity kit that teaches Girl Scouts about MAVEN-related Mars science. The activities can be downloaded below. When Girl Scouts finish the kit activities and requirements, they will have fulfilled the requirements for a new Technical Badge. The project also included training for troop leaders via workshops and webinars.

Troop leaders: After completing at least 4 of the activities below, please visit the Girl Scouts of Northern California online store to order GGTM Patches for your Cadettes.

Girls Go To Mars Kit Activities

Activity name Leader information Cadette activity
Girls Go To Mars Overview—A Tale of Two Planets: Earth and Mars PDF (203 KB)
The Goldilocks Question: Just Right, Too Cold, or Too Hot? Scale Model of the Inner Solar System PDF (103 KB)
It’s All About the Atmosphere PDF (162 KB) PDF (175 KB)
Women in STEM PDF (100 KB)
How Do Atmospheres Change Over Time? The Role of Magnetosphere and Solar Wind PDF (504 KB) PDF (475 KB)
Evidence for an Atmosphere on Mars Over Time: Water Surface Features PDF (881 KB) PDF (807 KB)
How Do Atmospheres Change Over Time? The Greenhouse Effect PDF (539 KB) PDF (426 KB)
Steps Along the Journey: Global Warming PDF (484 KB)
Additional Resources PDF (143 KB) Videos and Presentations
The Girls Go to Mars badge was designed by participants in the first program workshop. Program participants earn the badge by completing kits activities, which teach Girl Scouts about MAVEN-related Mars science. (Courtesy LASP)
The Girls Go to Mars badge was designed by participants in the first program workshop. Program participants earn the badge by completing kit activities, which teach Girl Scouts about MAVEN-related Mars science. (Courtesy LASP)