The Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) is a part of the Remote Sensing (RS) Package and measures global characteristics of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere via remote sensing.
- Provides global-scale measurements of major molecules, atoms, ions and isotopes in the Mars atmosphere & corona, while deriving key properties such as exobase and ionosphere altitudes
- IUVS provides major constraints on escape processes and measures the lower atmosphere
- Vertical profiles to characterize composition & structure
- Global images to characterize spatial distribution & variability
- Coronal Scans for “Hot Oxygen” and D/H ratio determination
- Stellar occultations for vertical CO2 profiles to characterize the underlying lower altitude atmosphere
Technical details and heritage:
- Imaging spectroscopy from 110–340 nm, with resolution of 0.5–1.0 nm.
- Vertical resolution of 6 km on limb, horizontal resolution of 200km
- Detectors: Image-intensified 2-D active pixel sensors
- Most recent heritage from AIM CIPS
Instrument publications: (sorted by most recent at top)
- Discovery of a proton aurora at Mars
(Nature Astronomy article—published online July 2018)—Download PDF (1 MB) - Mars H Escape Rates Derived from MAVEN/IUVS Lyman Alpha Brightness Measurements and their Dependence on Model Assumptions
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Planets article—published online July 2018)—Download PDF (3 MB) - Global Aurora on Mars during the September 2017 Space Weather Event
(Geophysical Research Letters research letter—published online May 2018)—Download PDF (1 MB) - MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultation Measurements of Mars Atmospheric Structure and Composition
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Planets article—published online May 2018)—Download PDF (6 MB) - Martian Thermospheric Response to an X8.2 Solar Flare on September 10, 2017 as seen by MAVEN/IUVS
(Geophysical Research Letters research letter—published online May 2018)—Download PDF (792 KB) - Significant Space Weather Impact on the Escape of Hydrogen from Mars
(Geophysical Research Letters research letter—published online May 2018)—Download PDF (514 KB) - Meteoric Metal Chemistry in the Martian Atmosphere
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Planets article—published online February 2018)—Download PDF (2 MB) - On the Origins of Mars’ Exospheric Non-Thermal Oxygen Component as observed by MAVEN and modeled by HELIOSARES
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Planets article—published online November 2017)—Download PDF (6 MB) - Seasonal Changes In Hydrogen Escape From Mars through Analysis of HST Observations of the Martian Exosphere Near Perihelion
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Space Physics article—published online November 2017)—Download PDF (1 MB) - The Variability of Atmospheric Deuterium Brightness at Mars: Evidence for Seasonal Dependence
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Space Physics article—published online October 2017)—Download PDF (556 KB) - Detection of a persistent meteoric metal layer in the Martian atmosphere
(Nature Geoscience article—published online May 2017)—Download PDF (938 KB) - Martian Mesospheric Cloud Observations by IUVS on MAVEN: Thermal Tides Coupled to the Upper Atmosphere
(Geophysical Research Letters research letter—published online May 2017)—Download PDF (755 KB) - Nitric Oxide Nightglow and Martian Mesospheric Circulation from MAVEN/IUVS Observations and LMD-MGCM Predictions
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Space Physics article—published online March 2017)—Download PDF (2 MB) - Variability of D and H in the Martian Upper Atmosphere Observed with the MAVEN IUVS Echelle Channel
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Space Physics article—published online January 2017)—Download PDF (680 KB) - IUVS Echelle-Mode Observations of Interplanetary Hydrogen: Standard for Calibration and Reference for Cavity Variations between Earth and Mars during MAVEN Cruise
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Space Physics article—published online January 2017)—Download PDF (1 MB) - The structure and variability of Mars dayside thermosphere from MAVEN NGIMS and IUVS measurements: Seasonal and solar activity trends in scale heights and temperatures
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Space Physics article—published online December 2016)—Download PDF (3 MB) - Comparison of the Martian thermospheric density and temperature from IUVS/MAVEN data and general circulation modeling
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online April 2016)—Download PDF (909 KB) - MAVEN observations of the response of Mars to an interplanetary coronal mass ejection
(Science article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (3 MB) - Discovery of diffuse aurora on Mars
(Science article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (2 MB) - Ultraviolet observations of the hydrogen coma of comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) by MAVEN/IUVS
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (477 KB) - Three-dimensional structure in the Mars H corona revealed by IUVS on MAVEN
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (553 KB) - MAVEN IUVS Observation of the Hot Oxygen Corona at Mars
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (341 KB) - A Comparison of 3D Model Predictions of Mars’ Oxygen Corona with Early MAVEN IUVS Observations
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (864 KB) - The Structure and Variability of Mars upper atmosphere as seen in MAVEN/IUVS dayglow observations
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (732 KB) - Study of the Martian cold oxygen corona from the O I 130.4 nm by IUVS/MAVEN
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (643 KB) - Retrieval of CO2 and N2 in the Martian thermosphere using dayglow observations by IUVS on MAVEN
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (329 KB) - New Observations of Molecular Nitrogen in the Martian Upper Atmosphere by IUVS on MAVEN
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (553 KB) - Non-Migrating Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (726 KB) - Probing the Martian Atmosphere with MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online November 2015)—Download PDF (1 MB) - MAVEN IUVS observations of the aftermath of the Comet Siding Spring meteor shower on Mars
(Geophysical Research Letters article—published online June 2015)—Download PDF (726 KB) - The Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) for the MAVEN Mission
(Space Science Reviews article—published online September 2014)—Download PDF (7MB)
Nick Schneider (LASP) is the instrument lead for the IUVS. For more about Schneider, visit:
[VIDEO] MAVEN’s Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph
MAVEN Science Community Workshop Presentation
(Dec. 2, 2012)
(4.9 MB PDF)