The Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA) is a part of the Particles and Fields (P & F) Package and measures the solar wind and ionospheric electrons.
- Deduce magneto-plasma topology in and above the Martian ionosphere based on electron spectra and pitch angle distributions
- Measure atmospheric electron impact ionization effects
- Measure energy and angle distributions of electrons in the Mars environment
- Determine magnetic topology from pitch angle distributions
- Measure solar wind, sheath and primary ionospheric photoelectron spectrum
- Determine electron impact ionization rates
- Measure auroral electron populations
- Evaluate plasma environment
Technical details and heritage:
- Hemispherical Electrostatic Analyzer with deflectors
- Electrons with energies from 5 eV to 4.6 keV
- FOV 360o x 120o (Azimuth x Elevation)
- Angular resolution 22.5o in azimuth x 20o in elevation
- Energy fluxes 103 to 109 eV/cm2-s-ster-eV
- Energy resolution: ΔE/E = 17%, FWHM (capability for 9% below 50 eV)
- Time resolution: 2 sec
- Mounted at end of 1.5-meter boom
- Heritage from STEREO SWEA

Instrument publications: (sorted by most recent at top)
- Martian low-altitude magnetic topology deduced from MAVEN/SWEA observations
(Journal of Geophysical Research—Space Physics article—published online January 2017)—Download PDF (6 MB) - The MAVEN Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (Space Science Reviews article—published online February 2016)—Download PDF (5 MB)
- Deep nightside photoelectron observations by MAVEN SWEA: Implications for Martian northern-hemispheric magnetic topology and nightside ionosphere source
(Geophysical Research Letters research letter—published online August 2016)—Download PDF (3 MB)
The SWEA instrument lead is David L. Mitchell (SSL). For more about Mitchell, visit:
MAVEN Science Community Workshop Presentation
(Dec. 2, 2012)
(2.4 MB PDF)