FILE_USAGE_NCDF.TXT The SNOE data files have passed through five steps of processing in order to reach their final state. Levels 3 and 4 are being made available to the science community through this dataset. The contents and layout of those files are described in this document. ______________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT: Nitric Oxide Volume Density (molecules/cm^3) Level Three Data DESCRIPTION: Orbit average files containing latitude, altitude, and longitude resolution. The file is named 'SNOE_l3_t.ncdf', where 't' is the type of the file, either 'geo' or 'mag' depending on the coordinate system used to bin the data. RESOLUTION: 5 degrees latitude, 3.3 km altitude, 24 degrees longitude FILE CONTENTS: The NCDF file contains the following variables and attributes: YYYYDDD LONG Array[935] LATITUDE INT Array[37] LONGITUDE INT Array[37, 15, 935] ALTITUDE FLOAT Array[17] ORBIT LONG Array[15, 935] UTC LONG Array[37, 15, 935] NO FLOAT Array[37, 17, 15, 935] YYYYDDD: type = long integer array of 935 elements content = date in year-day-of-year format units = none latitude: type = integer array of 37 elements content = latitude center of each lat bin (Geographic) units = degrees longitude: type = integer array of 37*15*935 elements content = average longitude for latitude bin units = degrees no_data = -999 altitude: type = float array of 17 elements content = Altitude scale for latitude bin profile units = Kilometers orbit: type = long integer array of 15*935 elements content = orbit number of mission units = none UTC: type = long integer array of 37*15*935 elements content = UTC seconds into day units = seconds no_data = -999 NO: type = float array of 37*17*15*935 elements content = volume density of nitric oxide units = molecules per cubic centimeter no_data = 0 ______________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT: Daily Averages of Nitric Oxide Density (molecules/cm^3) Level Four Data DESCRIPTION: Daily average files containing latitude and altitude binned data. The file is named 'SNOE_l4_t.ncdf, where 't' is the type of the file, either 'geo' or 'mag' depending on the coordinate system used to bin the data. RESOLUTION: 5 degrees latitude, 3.3 km altitude. FILE CONTENTS: The NCDF file contains the following variables and attributes: YYYYDDD LONG Array[935] LATITUDE INT Array[37] ALTITUDE FLOAT Array[17] NO FLOAT Array[37, 17, 935] YYYYDDD: type = long integer array of 935 elements content = date in year-day-of-year format units = none latitude: type = integer array of 37 elements content = latitude center of each lat bin (Geographic) units = degrees altitude: type = float array of 17 elements content = Altitude scale for latitude bin profile units = Kilometers NO: type = float array of 37*17*935 elements content = volume density of nitric oxide units = molecules per cubic centimeter no_data = 0