2022 Sun Climate Symposium – Poster Session

2022 Sun Climate Symposium – Poster Session

Improved Climate-Record Reconstructions from Solar Variability and Earth System Observations

May 18, 2022 4:00 - 6:00 pm


  1. Isaac AshLind, Lowell Observatory, Arizona Space Grant Consortium, Northern Arizona University
    The Missing S in EXPRES: Stellar Activity Index Derived Using the EXtreme PREcision Spectrometer
  2. Stéphane Béland, LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder
    Exploring New Instrument deGradiation Models and Analysis (ENIGMA)
  3. Stéphane Béland, LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder
    Absolute Scale Comparison and Stability Estimate
  4. Shreya Bhattacharya, Royal Observatory of Belgium, WDC-SILSO,Bruxelles, BelgiumScale Transfer of Sunspot Number Series in 1849: Heinrich Schwabe to Rudolf Wolf
  5. Luke Charbonneau, LASP, University of Colorado – Boulder
    Advancing the Solar Spectral Irradiance (SSI) Record: The Latest TSIS-SIM SSI Data
  6. Angela Cookson, San Fernando Observatory, California State University, Northridge
    Using ground-based data with SDO space-based images to further our understanding of solar irradiance variation
  7. Serena Criscuoli, National Solar Observatory, Boulder, CO
    Historical reconstruction and forecast of solar magnetic activity and irradiance based on the use Empirical Mode Decomposition
  8. Michael Foster, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Improving Cloud and Solar Insolation Products Using VIIRS and ABI High-Resolution Channels
  9. Margit Haberreiter, PMOD/WRC, Davos, Switzerland, University of Oslo, Norway
    Total Solar Irradiance and Outgoing Longwave Radiation as measured with CLARA onboard NorSat-1
  10. Margit Haberreiter, PMOD/WRC, Davos, Switzerland Solar reference spectrum combining SSI observations with high-resolution spectral synthesis
  11. Jeffrey Hall, Lowell Observatory, Northern Arizona University
    Morphology of Stellar Activity Cycles: Comparing Select Stars in the SSS and Mount Wilson Datasets
  12. Hunter Leise, LASP, University of Colorado – Boulder
    LISIRD v4: The New LASP Interactive Solar Irradiance Datacenter
  13. Joe Llama, Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ
    Observing the Sun with EXPRES and the Lowell Observatory Solar Telescope
  14. Steven Penton, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), Boulder, COGHOTI: GOES High-Cadence Operational Total Irradiance (Using the SPS on GOES-R+EXIS as a High-Cadence TSI Proxy)
  15. Cornelius Csar Jude Salinas, Department of Space Science and Engineering, National Central University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
    Using Artificial Neural Networks to Estimate the Solar Cycle Response of Low Latitude Stratospheric Temperatures
  16. Lin Tan, University of California, Riverside, CA
    Impacts of Solar Cycle and QBO: from the polar area to mid-latitude
  17. Robert Weber, Robert Weber
    Beyond Terminators, Sun-Ocean Warming Threshold is Climate Change Tipping Point through Holocene
  18. Dong Wu, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
    A method to correct and determine irradiance variations in SDO/HMI continuum instensity during the 2012 Venus transit