2025 Sun-Climate Symposium – Call for Abstracts

2025 Sun-Climate Symposium – Call for Abstracts

Exploring the Sun's Role in a Changing Cryosphere

March 31 - April 4, 2025

Fairbanks, Alaska

Call for Abstracts

Abstract Title *
(300 characters or less)
Author(s) *
(300 characters or less)
Author Affiliation(s) *
(300 characters or less)
Abstract *
Session Preference *
Oral presentation or poster preferred? *
Primary contact email *
Please list an email address in case we have questions about your form submission.

Travel Grant Info

We are working on getting a small travel grant to help support travel costs for students, early-career scientists, international scientists, and retirees. If successful, we anticipate that need-based partial support could help offset some of the travel costs for selected applicants.

Do you want to be considered for a travel award? *
Position *
If 'Yes' for travel award, please select your position
PhD Graduation Date (or predicted date) *
Please list your PHD graduation date or estimated date.
Other Category *
Please write in a category if you selected 'Other...' above.
Qualifications *
If 'YES' for travel award, please describe your qualifications such as your PhD dissertation title, date, and university
Travel Needs *
If Yes for travel award, please describe your travel needs