GIGI-NEXT – Meeting Archive

GIGI-NEXT – Meeting Archive

2024 GIGI-Next Meeting Participants

GIGI-Next Workshop – Overview
– Harvey

Nonlinear Interactions and Complexity in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System as Viewed by Concurrent Satellite Observations
– Federico Gasperini

Opening Remarks
– Lynn Harvey

Impacts of Assimilating GOLD disk O/N2 Observations on the T-I System
– Fazlul I. Laskar1, N. M. Pedatella2, M. V. Codrescu3*, J. Anderson4, R. W. Eastes1, and other Collaborators

Opening Remarks
– Lynn Harvey

Multi-scale simulation of I-T system & GDC mission
– Yue Deng

From newcomer to networker: Creating a collaborative community
– L.V.Goodwin

– Larry J. Paxton

GOLD-ICON Guest Investigator Program
– John McCormack

Ionosphere-thermosphere variability induced by tides, gravity waves, and magnetospheric forcing
– Xian Lu, Jens Oberheide, Ben Martinez, Prakash Poudel, Haonan Wu

EPBs and Meridional Winds: Coincident GOLD and ICON Observations
– Vincent James Adkins

Les Trois Mousquetaires (The three Musketeers of Space Weather)
– Lin

WACCM-X Status, Capabilities and Outlook
– Hanli Liu

How to Build a Network
– David Brain

Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of the Thermosphere- Ionosphere System by the GOLD Mission, the First Five Years
– Richard Eastes, Wenbin Wang, Bill McClintock, et. al.

Investigating different ionospheric perturbations at midlatitudes over the American sector
– Carlos Martinis, Rezy Pradipta, Uma Ashrani, Joei Wroten, Jeffrey Baumgardner

Wind-driven variability in the prereversal enhancement
– Brian Harding, Mateo Cardona Serrano, L. Claire Gasque, Yen-Jung, Joanne Wu, Astrid Maute, Thomas Immel

Towards Twin OSSEs and OSEs in the Enhanced Resolution Whole Atmosphere-Ionosphere Models for ITM Domain
– Valery A. Yudin, Catholic University of America and NASA/GSFC

Next generation science: GDC+DYNAMIC, and the ITM Great Observatory – Larry Kepko

Transforming the understanding and predictability of Space Weather
– Slava Merkin

Positive team dynamics and DEIA in collaborative work
– Allison N. Jaynes

ICON Phase F activity and Final Data Products
– Thomas Immel

Penetrating electric study using ICON observations & MAGE simulations
– Qian Wu, Wenbin Wang, Dong Lin, Liying Qian, Yongliang Zhang

NSF Funding Opportunities to Build and Nurture Researcher Collaborations
– Mangala Sharma

Community strategic plans and GIGI: Harmonizing the next steps
– Phil Erickson and Lara Waldrop

Day-to-Day variability of EPBs
– Anthea Coster

Our Future Leaders
– Jeff Thayer

Thermospheric Seasonal Variations and Equinox Transitions as Observed by NASA’s GOLD and ICON Missions
– Quan Gan, Liying Qian, Nicholas Pedatella, Richard Eastes, and the GOLD team

Creating Opportunities for the Next Generation – To Learn How to Build, Calibrate & Test Instruments
-Larry J. Paxton

Are equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) observed by GOLD triggered by multi-step vertical coupling (MSVC) over Europe?-
Erich Becker, Joe Huba, Sharon Vadas

ICON/MIGHTI as a Nightglow Probe
– Konstantinos Kalogerakis, Daniel Matsiev, Stefan Noll

Large-scale, higher-order gravity waves from the polar vortex jet and orographic forcing using the HIAMCM, and comparison with ICON/MIGHTI large-scale gravity waves
– Sharon Vadas

Neutral wind shear and its impact on electrodynamics and mesoscale plasma structures Goal: provide a climatology of E-region neutral wind shears and uncover the important connections between the E-region neutral dynamics and F-region plasma structures at mesoscales.
– Yue Deng, Brian Harding, Gang Lu, Qingyu Zhu, Joe Huba, Minjing Li, Pranathi Kolla

Watching the thermosphere respond to disturbances: tracking large-scale thermospheric gravity waves with GOLD
– Scott England

Regional Simulations of Equatorial Spread F driven by ICON Satellite Measurements
– Aaron Kirchman

Observation of Vertical Coupling During a Major SSW by ICON and GOLD
– Erdal Yiit, Ayden L. S. Gann1, Alexander S. Medvedev, Federico Gasperini, Md Nazmus Sakib, Qian Wu

Response of the Topside Ionosphere to Wave Driving of Tropospheric Origin in the Low-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere
– Sovit Khadka and Federico Gasperini

Short-term to Inter-annual Variability of DE3 in Lower Thermosphere and Its Ionospheric Impacts
– Manbharat Dhadly, McArthur Jones, John Emmert, Douglas Drob, Scott Budzien, Kate Zawdie

Novel Observations of Nightside Ionospheric Activity by GOLD During the May 2024 Super Geomagnetic Storm
– Deepak Kumar Karan, Carlos R. Martinis, Robert E. Daniell, Richard W. Eastes, Wenbin Wang, William E. McClintock, Robert G. Michell, and Scott England

Strong polar vortex impacts on the longitudinal structure of thermospheric composition at midlatitudes
– K. R. Greer1, L. P. Goncharenko2,3, V. L. Harvey1, and N. Pedatella

Strong polar vortex impacts on the longitudinal structure of thermospheric composition at midlatitudes
– K. R. Greer, L. P. Goncharenko, V. L. Harvey, and N. Pedatella

Zonal Wind Effects on EPB Shape & GOLD EPB Shapes
– Huba

Concurrent GOLD and SABER Observation of Thermosphere Composition and Temperature Responses to the April 23-24, 2023 Geomagnetic Storm
– Xuguang Cai, Wenbin Wang, Richard Eastes, Liying Qian, Martin Mclenzak, Ningchao Wang

Analysis of Thermospheric Temperature Variations During Geomagnetic Storms Using GOLD Measurements
– Cheng Sheng, Shreejan Khanal, Yue Deng, Quan Gan

Whole Atmosphere Satellite Data Assimilation
– Tomoko Matsuo, Brandon DiLorenzo, and Clayton Cantrall

EPBs and Meridional Winds: Coincident GOLD and ICON Observations
– Vincent James Adkins

Watching the thermosphere respond to disturbances: tracking large-scale thermospheric gravity waves with GOLD
– Scott England

Does Interhemispheric Couplings (IHC) behave differently in the early-winter SSWs compared to the late winters?
– Zishun Qiao , N. M. Pedatella, Alan Z. Liu, Han-Li Liu, Joe Mclnerney

Statistical Properties of Super Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
– Alanah Cardenas-O’Toole and Shasha Zou

Monochromatic Waves in the Polar Middle Atmosphere
– Satyaki Das, Richard L. Collins, Jintai Li

Evening Solar Terminator Waves in Earth’s Thermosphere: Neutral Wind Signatures Observed by ICON/MIGHTI
– L. Claire Gasque, Brian J. Harding, Thomas J. Immel, Yen-Jung J. Wu, Colin C. Triplett, Sharon L. Vadas, Erich Becker, Astrid Maute

Regional Simulations of Equatorial Spread F Driven with, and an Analysis of WAM-IPE Electric Fields
– Aaron Kirchman, David Hysell, Tzu-Wei Fang

Seasonal Variability of the DE3 and DE2 Non-Migrating Tides in Middle Thermospheric Temperature and Composition during October 2018–August 2021 as Revealed by GOLD
– Christopher S. Krier, Guiping Liu, & Scott. L. England

A cross-validation analysis of thermospheric O/N2 data from the GOLD, ICON/FUV and TIMED/GUVI instruments
-Jerry D. Lumpe, J. Scott Evans, John Correira, Richard Eastes, Scott England, Robert R. Meier and Yongliang Zhang

Impact of the Polar Vortex on Sub-Seasonal O/N2 Variability in the Lower Thermosphere Using GOLD and WACCM-X
– Ben Martinez, Xian Lu, Nick Pedatella, Haonan Wu, Jens Oberheide

E-region strong neutral wind shear and its effect on F-region plasma bubbles
-Minjing LI, Yue Deng, Joseph D Huba, Brian Harding

Non-migrating structures in the northern midlatitude thermosphere during December solstice using ICON/MIGHTI and FPI observations
– Navarro, L. A., Makela, J. J., Forbes, J. M., Harding, B. J., Englert, C. R., Harlander, J. M., Marr, K. D., Kerr, R., Noto, J., Wu, Q., Benkhaldoun, Z., Kaab, M., Immel, T. J.

A Quantitative Assessment of Vertical Wave Energy Flux Due to Upward Propagating Tides from ICON and TIMED observations
– Mukta Neogi, Jens Oberheide

Variability of thermospheric neutral densities from satellite observations
– A. Peck, I. Molina, L. Scherliess

Enhancing Atmospheric Gravity Wave Studies through Advanced Cloud Classification and Segmentation in Satellite Infrared Imagery: A Contribution to the AWE Mission
– Anh Phan, Dallin Tucker, P., Dominique Pautet, Yucheng Zhao, Ludger Scherliess, Mike J. Taylor

Vincent Adkins, GOLD
Phil Anderson, UT Dallas
Saurav Aryal, LASP
Scott Bailey, VT
Erich Becker, NWRA
Asti Bhatt, SRI International
Rebecca Bishop, The Aerospace Corporation
Dave Brain, LASP
Xuguang Cai, Laborotary of Atmospheric and Space Physics
Clayton Cantrall, JHUAPL
Alanah Cardenas-O’Toole, University of Michigan
Iurii Cherniak, COSMIC Program Office, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Hayley Clevenger, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Ian Cohen, JHU/APL
Anthea Coster, MIT Haystack Observatory
Chihoko Cullens, CU Boulder/LASP
SATYAKI DAS, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Yue Deng, University of Texas at Arlington
Jason Derr, United States Military Academy
Manbharat Dhadly, NRL
Brandon diLorenzo, University of Colorado – Boulder
Richard Eastes, LASP
Ana Elias, FACET, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman & INFINOA (CONICET-UNT)
Scott England, VT
Scott Evans, CPI
Tzu-Wei Fang, NOAA SWPC
Agri Faturahman, National Research and Innovation Agency of Republic Indonesia (BRIN)
Susanna Finn, NASA HQ
Bruce Fritz, NRL
Quan Gan, LASP/CU Boulder
Federico Gasperini, Orion Space Solutions
Claire Gasque, Space Sciences Lab/UC Berkeley
Larisa Goncharenko, MIT Haystack Observatory
Lindsay Goodwin, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Katelynn Greer, LASP
Bryce Halter, AFRL
Brian Harding, UC Berkeley SSL
Lynn Harvey, CU/LASP
Bilikis Hassan, Sheffield Hallam University
Chih-Ting Hsu, NCAR HAO
Joe Huba, Syntek Technologies
Omena Idolor, University of Lagos
Thomas Immel, UC Berkeley
Ahmed Issawi, UNB
Allison Jaynes, University of Iowa
McArthur Jones Jr, US Naval Research Laboratory
Sovit Khadka,
Konstantinos Kalogerakis, SRI International
Deepak Karan, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Aaron Kirchman, Cornell University
Janet Kozyra, NASA HQ
Christopher Krier, NASA Postdoctoral Program / Goddard Space Flight Center
Komal Kumari, NCAR HAO
Fazlul Laskar, LASP/CU
Minjing Li, University of Texas at Arlington
Ruth Lieberman, NASA
Charles Lin, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Taylor Lindley, Auburn University
Guiping Liu, NASA/GSFC
Hanli Liu, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Gang Lu, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Xian Lu, Clemson University
Jerry Lumpe, Computational Physics Inc. Boulder
Ben Martinez, Clemson University
Carlos Martinis, Center for Space Physics-Boston University
Tomoko Matsuo, University of Colorado Boulder
Astrid Maute, University of Colorado Boulder
John McCormack, NASA
Aimee Merkel, LASP
Slava Merkin, JHU/APL
Mark Moldwin, University of Michigan
Luis Navarro, SWx-TREC, CU Boulder
Mukta Neogi, Clemson University
Larry Paxton, JHU/APL
Agustina Peck, Utah State University
Nick Pedatella, High Altitude Observatory, NSF NCAR
Anh Phan, Utah State University
Prakash Poudel, Clemson University
Rezy Pradipta, Boston College
Arunima Prakash, CU Boulder
Zishun Qiao, NSF NCAR High Altitude Observatory
Shikha Raizada, NSF
Cora Randall, LASP
Fabiano Rodrigues, UT Dallas
Douglas Rowland, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Diego Sanchez, The University of Scranton
Mangala Sharma, NSF
Cheng Sheng, UT Arlington
Andrew Stephan, NRL
Jeff Thayer, University of Colorado
Sharon Vadas, NorthWest Research Associates
Wenbin Wang, HAO/NCAR
Michael Wiltberger, NSF NCAR/HAO
Qian Wu, NCAR
Yen-Jung Wu, UC Berkeley
Erdal Yiğit, George Mason University
Valery Yudin, Catholic University of America
Irina Zakharenkova, UCAR
Simin Zhang, CU Boulder
Jiarong Zhang, Utah State University