MinXSS-3 (AKA INSPIRESat-1) launch upcoming: 2022-02-14 00:29 UTC
INSPIRESat-1 is scheduled to launch later this week from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India. It will be an early morning launch at 05:59 local time (2022-02-14 00:29 UTC or 2022-02-13 17:29 MT).
INSPIRESat-1 contains two scientific instruments onboard, the Compact Ionosphere Probe (CIP) and the Dual-zone Aperture X-ray Solar Spectrometer (DAXSS). DAXSS is the next generation instrument that MinXSS-1 and -2 carried, with enhanced spectral resolution and dynamic range. The team has already flown DAXSS on sounding rockets and seen the dramatic improvements to modeling and science return that will be possible with the improved spectral resolution. We’re very excited to start collecting these data on orbit.
INSPIRESat-1 was integrated on the launch vehicle in the last week (see photos). After a final comprehensive performance test to ensure that all spacecraft systems were continuing to operate nominally, the team removed all red tag covers and verified that the spacecraft was free and clear of adjacent electronics boxes in the rocket fairing. INSPIRESat-1 is ready for launch!
For more details about the overall mission, check out its webpage and for more about the upgraded MinXSS measurements we will soon be collecting, keep an eye here and on @minxsscubesat.